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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Our path would quickly lead us to a game in Foxboro. NE would kill us in their stadium in a playoff game. We would be annihilated.
  2. The highlighted has been said about upcoming NE at BUF match ups many times. It usually amounts to nothing, as NE quickly dominates and takes our crowd completely out of the game. Any suggestion that events this year have transpired pursuant to a master plan to set up the Patriots is just absurd. Here is what we know: the Patriots will come in and play their game, and play it well. The only question is if we can somehow shut down their O while scoring TDs ourselves. I don't give us much chance, but this is why they play the games on Sunday. The game is also going to be on TV in my market, so I'm excited! I would love to see us find a way to win...but...
  3. Yeah, I seem to recall us all knowing the details of his conversation with Pegula that led to his firing. Rex kind of drew a line in the sand and said "I won't bench Tyrod; I told him he is my guy and I keep my word" or something like that. I think it is entirely possible Pegula told McD to bench Tyrod this year, and that part of the deal was that McD always suggest it was his idea entirely, and that it would never be a blemish on McD's record with Pegula if it ended in disaster. It was either that or McD has judgment that, with handset, is THAT BAD. I don't think a lot of Pegula and am willing to give McD the benefit of the doubt so for now, I'll go with the "Pegula told him to sit Tyrod" theory. It doesn't really matter in the end. We need a new QB.
  4. If Coleman's role is this important (single handedly fixing our inability to stop the run, particularly straight up the middle) then why the hell has this organization released him TWICE and why has he been on, off, on, off the practice squad!? Seems like he slipped through the cracks and perhaps should have been given more of a look all along.
  5. Tom Brady completely owns this franchise. I highly doubt he remembers much of any of our games, as he probably would rather eliminate his visits to WNY from his memory.
  6. It's late and I'm too tired to read the whole original post, but of course our offensive strategy would change with a different QB! Our strategy is what it is b/c it is built around Tyrod's limitations, of which he has many. Do not assume we would take the same offensive approach to games with a different QB with different strengths. I honestly hope they give this crew at least 3 years. We need some consistency and they have already done enough interesting/unusual things to warrant some faith that they are competent and will turn things around in time. Yes, I should add to my post above that I would not mind changing out the OC; I want to keep the GM/HC team and see what they can do. Positions coaches/coordinators are different. I don't mind moves there if it improves the team. I think the OC position could be improved.
  7. Pull a Patriots and make sure their radios/headsets do not work. As I understand it, that means we have to take ours off as well. That's fine. Both sidelines operating without radios is a win for the Bills b/c Belichick probably does a lot more with his than we do. Take chances; assume we MUST score TDs and not FGs right from the beginning of the game and take any relevant decision with that thinking in mind. 3rd and goal from the 5 yard line and we throw an incomplete pass? Go for the TD on 4th down; do not trot out the FG team. Roll the dice and hope we can get it in the end zone from 5 yards out. Playing the way we normally would play is a guaranteed loss.
  8. All joking aside, how about sending a couple blitzers at Brady every time he drops back to pass, with the express orders to make as much helmet to helmet contact as they possibly can, regardless of when Brady throws the ball. A concussion would put Brady out of the game. I'll happily eat 3 or 4 15 yard penalties until we put him out of the game. If someone gets ejected, who cares. Any defensive player lost for the game along with Brady is a Bills-win-scenario. Do it early to maximize the benefit.
  9. Yes, getting him in our natural draft slot without trading up would be about as perfect as we are going to get. That would make me happy. Then pray to God he has "it" at the NFL level and we finally solve our F-ing QB situation for a while.
  10. Yeah, other than beating Brady and Belichick TWICE in the Superbowl, he's done nothing.
  11. Eli Manning, if we could get him. He gets zero respect but would be a huge improvement over what we have now. A new start and change of scenery might do him some good, along with getting out of the NYC pressure cooker. Edit: PS: I woud not want him over drafting our own QB
  12. Historically, I would say this is correct. However, in this season more than ever before, I have seen Brady get hit a ton. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, I think we will lose the game badly.
  13. He was definitely a Rex guy; so far it is fair to say he has been a disappointment. When the new regime are done molding the team in their image and have had a few drafts/years to modify personnel (they've already done a ton of changing) I think Shaq will not be retained in the mix.
  14. I just finished watching. What a crap game. Is there anyway we can qualify for the playoffs AND play Houston or Baltimore in the first playoff game? I think that is a playoff game we could win! Both of those teams are terrible.
  15. Just saw the INT from Savage. This game is progressing in the wrong direction!
  16. I'm watching on tape delay to avoid commercials; just got to the fake punt by Baltimore...and now they have scored a TD to tie the game at 7. Crap! PS: Joe Flacco looks freaking atrocious out there.
  17. The relatively high IQ of the show is provided by Mike Schopp and his general approach to the show. On days when he is off and it's just Bulldog, I usually don't listen. It's not just a lack of wit on the part of Bulldog; he is just a nice guy by nature who doesn't enjoy confrontation so he rarely disagreed with Schopp. Schopp definitely treats some callers poorly, but in his defense many of their callers are complete idiots and in general, that aspect of the show doesn't bother me. When they try to be funny or dedicate time to non-sports content, like holding the meat draft, I find the show unlistenable. Neither is funny or clever enough to sustain an entertaining banter when they try to go off topic. I've listened to this type of talk radio in a bunch of markets; I think it's pretty average for that sort of thing. Overall I listen b/c it keeps me connected to WNY. Yes, of course bashing these guys is a routine thing here; I think that was precisely the OP's point...to make it a dedicated thread that keeps expanding over time without having to create new ones from time to time. Not only is an X and O type show not listenable, it appeals to a very small group of people. Ironically, this is the crux of much criticism thrown at Schopp & Bulldog. If they actually did that type of a show and had the football IQ to do it, all of the Sabres/hockey people in the audience would be gone, any neutral casual listener would be gone, and even most Bills/football fans would be gone, other than maybe 100 or so people who are so into the topic, they live on a football chat forum 24/7. The radio station is not trying to appeal to those 100 individuals. They are trying to reach a large audience. I can't recall the last time he said something like that; he hasn't really dwelled on the Cleveland Browns in many months. I'm guessing you don't regularly listen to the show.
  18. I've commented on this before, but it is getting to the point where it is really hard for me to listen to Bulldog. He stammers, hesitates, and generally misspeaks constantly as part of his general speech pattern. If you start focusing on it, it's all you can hear and you can't un-hear it. It's really distracting. That's kind of funny, as he is paid to speak for a living in a purely audio medium. The other weird habit of his is to deliver a particularly long passage, and forget to breathe while speaking, such that he is literally out of breath by the end of his sentence and struggling to speak b/c he doesn't have enough air left in his lungs to produce words at normal volume without fluttering. That one is really annoying too, as it cause me to feel out of breath myself!
  19. I would nominate the thread that basically said "Robert Woods is F-ing Crazy" with no other explanation or context surrounding the statement, but that was last year, right? I can't remember and I can't find it in a search. That one was pretty good though.
  20. Voted for Week 1, 2009, as did almost everyone else. That gut punch was a little worse than all the others! While reading over the poll options, I saw the Week 2, 2015 option, and the mention of Brady throwing for FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SIX yards in Orchard park and I literally burst out with a loud laugh. I might rank that one #2.
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