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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Good eye! Yeah, no chance it's a Brad may sweater, but I was still holding out hope. Would have been great. Would be shocked if White knows who Brad May is.
  2. I think there is enough evidence with both Sabres and Bills now to suggest that they have been bad sports franchise owners so far. However, they are learning as they go and I think/hope they get better as time rolls forward. Not sure it's fair to suggest they will never be good owners. As a caveat, I would suggest that Terry Pegula is the "wrong" kind of sports fan to become a good owner. He seems like a very low information sports fan, kind of naive. Loves cheering for his teams but doesn't really get the finer points of what makes winning organizations tick. Doesn't mean he can't learn though and improve as time goes forward. If you're suggesting the Bills' problems over the last 19 years stem from having NE in our division, your'e wrong. That hasn't helped, of course, but our issues have run a hell of a lot deeper than who is in our division.
  3. It's now working for me too, about 1/2 hour after I first discovered the problem. Maybe it's fixed now.
  4. Anyone else seeing this? This server is experiencing technical problems. Please try again in a few moments. Thanks for your continued patience, and we're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Error 503 Backend fetch failed Backend fetch failed XID: 579207260
  5. Why do you say that? A lot of fans here say this all the time. I think they look nice, but the best in the league? Is it the red, white, and blue that gets you?
  6. Yeah but seriously, the entire top end of that organization needs to be replaced, including GM. So these are moves in the right direction. BTW: Hue Jackson's favorite pastime was reminding people he is the head coach. What is he going to do now!? He'll never be HC in this league again.
  7. I just came back here to edit my post, having caught on that he was fired as well! That is hilarious. I didn't think he had much time left, but I thought he had more than none!
  8. I realize the CW around here says we are going to get humiliated tonight--totally outclassed. But consider that this message board is usually wrong and 1 game late in its predictions. If we had a great, impressive game last time out, many would say we are going to rise to the challenge and beat NE tonight...which means we would get killed. But if everyone is saying we will get killed, it tells me tonight might be the flukey night where we have a big turnover advantage and keep it close. Then again, maybe we'll just get killed. Because of these thoughts, the game will be interesting for me, at least until it is no longer a game.
  9. Hue Jackson is running out of cards to play. The next shoe to drop will be him being fired at year's end, if he makes it that far. Cleveland needs a really thorough house cleaning, including GM. EDIT: Hue didn't make it that far!
  10. Several veterans including one of the top RBs in the league. Why? B/c this season is lost, we are in the midst of a partial-tank lost season, and the team is being rebuilt pretty comprehensively.
  11. It's not from the right era, but if that #27 Sabres sweater says "MAY" on the back of it, I'm going to find this guy and hug him.
  12. Yes, but the ineptitude of San Diego sports franchises doesn't make the Bills better.
  13. I think we all remember it like it was yesterday. That game, in particular, hurt.
  14. ...but that beard! And the sense of humor!
  15. We would be just as bad but we'd all feel better about the team, not really knowing why.
  16. Love the rationalization from the Bills apologists. It's truly pathetic.
  17. Mahomes is just not a process guy. But have you seen Nate Peterman? Oh my, he's fabulous!
  18. At first you start laughing at the suggestion. Then you realize Fitz would be, by far, the best QB on this team this year. And that's when the tears start to flow.
  19. 4 comments below the article that I found interesting; no idea how accurate any of it is: 1) The players are Ronnie Harrison, DJ Hayden and Gerard Wilson! 2) Four Jacksonville Jaguars players — safety Barry Church, cornerback D.J. Hayden, safety Ronnie Harrison and safety Jarrod Wilson 3) Rapaport reported that bottles of expensive liquor and champagne were sent to their table, which the players assumed were comped. I’ve heard stories from friends like this, the management smilingly sends over bottles you didn’t order, you say wow thanks how nice, and then they show up on your bill. So there was a dispute over the amount of the bill; it wasn’t the players just trying to duck out. 4) They did spend the entire night in a cell. If the reports are true they didn’t get released until 1 pm. I’m sure they are going to be in great shape for the game and ready to turn the Jags’ season around.
  20. Does this mean Bill Belichick is actually a good coach? Conventional wisdom at this board says anyone could win multiple championships with Tom Brady as your QB and folks love to talk about BB's record prior to having Brady as his QB. If that's true, where are Green Bay's pile of championships? Rodgers is arguably better than Brady. Next season 2019 will be his last here. He won't survive the Allen project going south.
  21. Not with the current administration running things. It couldn't happen; too much politics in the way of that.
  22. I binge watched most of BB and have seen every episode of the show. But that was a while ago now, and your post reminds me that I have no recollection, whatsoever, about Mike's death! And he is probably my favorite character from either show! I'm sure there is a lot of other stuff I don't remember too! This is a good thing. Especially with a better understanding of that world as a result of watching BCS, I can go back and re-watch BB at some point and probably enjoy it even more.
  23. I watched game 3 on "tape delay" having recorded it on the DVR. I have Comcast cable which gives me the option of extending live recorded content by up to 2 hours. So I recorded the full time slot for the game, added a full 2 hours, and then recorded like the next FIVE time slots going into the early morning hours thinking "that'll cover anything weird in terms of extra innings." Then I start watching, the game starts going nuts with the extra innings, and I simply ran out of recorded content somewhere in the top of the 14th inning. WTF!? Enter last night's game! I wasn't going to be f'ed over again and recorded content on Fox until like 7:30am Sunday morning! And we had yet another long one. I suppose the purists will hate this, but how about switching to a 7 inning game? Do we really need to routinely invest 4 hours and more into finding out which is the better team on a given night? Can't we wrap that up in 2 or 2.5 hours max, please? I have a life to live. The longer football games get and with 4 hour baseball games being nothing unusual, I have grown to love my soccer games. Most are wrapped up very efficiently in 90 minutes of play plus a reasonable halftime. With no commercials or slow downs during the game. Well, not that many at least. The game keeps on moving and it's over in a reasonable amount of time. I like that.
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