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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Tyrod is limping around. Lower left leg is not right.
  2. Interesting approach. A game when Tyrod does not run like a gazelle is a wasted opportunity. He has the ability to give opposing Defenses fits with his legs, yet most of the time this year he doesn't really run. I like your approach; shoot for 100 yards rushing!
  3. Yeah but look at the guy he's giving his orders to. Tyrod is not really an air attacking kind of guy. I just want someone on D to hit Brady really hard, regardless if he got rid of the ball or whatever. Just hit him really hard. See if he gets injured. That can't be that hard of an objective, is it? This is football! Hit him!
  4. This fleshes out in detail what Tyrod detractors have always said: Tyrod doesn't see the field well and his intangibles are pretty bad. He doesn't have a head for the position. He is a classic example of a guy who excels at lower levels due to his immense natural athletic talent, but when everyone on the field in the NFL is a collegiate superstar, he struggles b/c the fundamentals needed to raise his game to that level in the NFL are not there. Do scouts not see this stuff? It is not hard to see who sneaks by in college on raw talent or mismatches of talent. I would almost be wary of drafting guys like that with "too much" talent in a way, b/c it might be camouflaging what you see in a player at that level. You have to guard against the guy who sneaks by on talent b/c that disparity won't be there on an NFL field. What you want to see at the collegiate level is a guy with the raw transferrable skills to slot into an NFL system and excel, even if that player was hardly noticed at the collegiate level or was part of a losing program. How many draftees coming from Alabama these days are drafted b/c they are truly best suited to play at the NFL level, and how many are drafted simply b/c they were part of a dominant collegiate winning machine? I routinely see WRs in college, for example, rack up yardage and big catches not b/c they are exhibiting high transferable skills at the NFL level and beating a sound DB, but rather, they are succeeding simply b/c the DB is not very good and would have no hope of being drafted in the NFL. A guy who dominates against the wrong type of DBs is not necessarily as good as his stats say he is. HUGE talent disparities exist all over the world of collegiate football, even among big/good programs. I will never forget the national championship game from a few years ago, Alabama vs. Notre Dame. Notre Dame had no business being on the same field as the Alabama squad that year, despite being ranked #2 in the country at the time. They were just massively out-matched all over the field, on both sides of the ball. And that was Notre Dame! Not Podunk State U!
  5. BB is the best coach not because he gives the best halftime speeches or leads the best post-game pow-wow in the locker room....or any other BS NFL coach crap. He is the best of all time because he is the smartest. If you are going to beat him you are going to have to out-think him.
  6. Lousy GM. Lacked raw intelligence to perform job well and had no vision for how to build a cohesive team with proactive moves. Typical moves were passive, reactive, after the fact, fixes made on a temporary basis with no long term vision on display. His handling of the QB position alone was grounds for dismissal. He's lucky he survived as long as he did. The move up in the draft to get Watkins was another colossal failure. He was also bad enough at his job that he was often forced to choose between what was good for him and his personal career vs. what was good for the team. An example: EJ got way more of a shot than he ever should have, b/c Whaley's hide was on the line and admitting that EJ was a failure was synonymous with admitting Whaley was a failure; so EJ was promoted long after it was obvious he sucked. You can't have a top executive in any organization watching his own back at the expense of the organization and expect good things to flow from that dynamic. He will never work as a GM in the NFL again. Other than these observations, I loved him!
  7. To the OP: You're asking for references to bad Bills games with nightmarish results? It would probably be easier to reference the really great games with terrific results.
  8. Brady can be confused when the D stands around prior to the snap and doesn't show what they are trying to do. It takes away Brady's ability to read the D and adjust pre-snap, b/c there is "no D" to read. Rex did that to him at that one game in Buffalo and it frustrated and confused Brady in a way I haven't seen in years. We still lost!
  9. "Do you have a problem with that Mr. Lawrence!?" "No Sensei." LOL...good memories. I was hitting on this in the New England game prep thread. Send suicide blitzes after Brady with orders to hit him in the head even if he has gotten rid of the ball, with intent to give him a concussion. That is the single most effective strategy we can employ to try and win on Sunday.
  10. Maybe they have the wrong guy from the State of Oklahoma. What about Mason Rudolph at Oklahoma State? I seem to recall a guy named Thomas who played at OSU who turned into a fairly good Bill as well. Plus he's 6'5". I don't really care which guy of this ilk the Bills take, as long as they take a guy. We need to be taking a guy like this constantly until one sticks.
  11. If we are to accept the OP's premise that we need to get to 10-6 to make the playoffs, that means we must win 4 out of our last 5 games. How many times has this franchise won 4 of 5 in a 5 game stretch, in the second half of the season, in the last 20 years? We actually did it in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2004, and 2006. In 2006, we lost to the Chargers which broke up what would have been a 5 game winning streak including wins over Houston, Jacksonville, Jets, and Dolphins, from Week 11 to Week 15. That's our most recent late season run of 4 wins in 5 games. Maybe we can do it again this year!?
  12. Whatever he says isn't going to impact the game one way or the other.
  13. New rule: if you think wearing a cowboy hat is stylish or fashionable, you are prohibited from running for public office in the USA, or voting in the USA. That should help, at least some.
  14. The really sad and scary part of the whole thing is that the people who voted for Trump seem to support him more, the more he does this kind of stuff. He is immune within his own base from self implosion. There is no misstep he can make that would make his supporters turn their backs on him. That's how far things have declined in this country.
  15. Senf (German for "mustard") Sieg (German for "victory") Synth (Common abbreviation for "synthesizer")
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