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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I have been saying for a while that the Bills should lobby for a change of the playoff structure to more of a seeded conference type setup, b/c the way it works now, we are only going to make the playoffs if we are a wildcard, and that is a hard road to hoe. Life will be different for Bills fans when Brady retires.
  2. It takes about 3 plays watching Peterman to see that he processes the game significantly quicker than Tyrod does, and he is not afraid to the throw the ball. He anticipates open receivers before they are open and will throw into very small windows. Tyrod doen't do any of that sort of thing; Peterman operates on a much higher level. Of course Peterman is still a rookie with zero experience, so that dulls some of his strengths, at least for now. I think if Peterman played every quarter of our remaining games, we would all agree he improved tremendously from now to the end of the year. That's just my hunch.
  3. 6-6 in the NFL nowadays is not decent. The league is filled with parity and roughly .500 ball is right where almost the whole league is. There are always a few terrible teams with 0-3 wins, let's say, and a few really goods ones that go 13-3, 14-2, maybe 12-4. Then there is almost the whole league around .500. It's not decent. You need to be better than that to make the playoffs, usually, in most divisions.
  4. I've watched the play a whole bunch of times. Gronk really exploded into him with his shoulder as hard as he could have done. I mean he really snapped for a second. I am wondering what exactly pissed him off. I don't think it was just the interception; if it was, Gronk is a psycho and should be locked up. Seems like it was personal and possibly a payback for something from earlier. Not sure.
  5. I thought the OP was going to be about how McD is conservative and doesn't take chances in a football sense. All of that is true; he is very normal and very conservative as a HC. His challenge today was terrible too; Tony Romo had the whole thing calculated, correctly, in a few seconds as the play played out in real time. The basic point being that it was very clear no Bill was in the backfield to have made the contact with Brady, so he could not have been down by contact. Not really sure why that would have been challenged.
  6. Regarding the OP's second question about off-setting penalties... I believe the refs ruled it as though there were 2 distinct incidents, so all the penalties were not lumped together. They lumped everything together that flowed directly from the play or occurred as the play ended and off-set what could be off-set there. But then the Jerry Hughes thing was deemed a separate incident so that was dealt with separately.
  7. Greg Roman sucked too; after he got canned the offense immediately improved measurably.
  8. I can't stand this type of mentality. There is a heck of a lot more fighting/brawling in baseball than in hockey these days. They fight in baseball b/c they have a code of ethics that is enforced when it is broken. And that in turn impacts the games, like stopping pitchers from throwing at batters' heads. Someone needed to make it really clear to Gronk that he can't do what he did and he will have to pay for it then and if it happens again. Or anyone else in the league who might have the same idea. You do that by pulling his helmet off and punching him in the face. We just had a nice little scrum in football a few days ago; Bills should have reacted similarly. Gronk DID NOT PLAY in the game after that play. I have a feeling he was being protected against a revenge cheap shot. BB gets it, but you, Real McCoy, do not!
  9. My guess is that his injury is serious enough that he misses next week for sure. So the door will be opened for Peterman. Tryod probably doesn't play again this year, or ever again! At least for this team.
  10. Very entertaining; the kid who caught it seemed so happy.
  11. I think so; Tyrod seems screwed up so I doubt he can go next week. Will make the decision easy.
  13. AMEN to that! This game is over; some big tough mother-fer needs to f-up Gronk. Do it smartly in a pile or after a whistle...
  14. Don't like that play call on 4th from the 1 yard line. Too risky.
  15. LOVE that last throw, even though no catch in the end zone. It's an NFL-caiber throw. Tyrod i f-ing horrible.
  16. Watching peterman gun it with confidence reminds you just how f-ing awful Tyrod is.
  17. Romo: "Fans here are wanting a flag." No Tony, those are boos for Tyrod's pathetic ass. LOL
  18. He is definitely hurt; on that 3rd down run to the left sideline, he pulled up with an awkward gait at the end of the run and winced noticeably as if to say "OUCH THAT HURTS"
  19. Tyrod is hurt; he's not right. Injured right at start of game.
  20. Really strong play from Washington there! Shoved his man to the ground with a wicked left arm swipe and opened up his own lane straight to Brady!
  21. Hyde had good positioning on Gronk and made a nice tackle...still good for like 12 yards though!
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