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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. That would be relevant, seeing as the idea of Christmas and it's date on the calendar are entirely borrowed from preexisting Pagan rituals and traditions.
  2. Impossible to pick a single favorite bread. I do love a good ciabatta however.
  3. There is a lot of ignorance of the law in this 12 page discussion. Criminal conduct in a sporting contest is a sticky area of the law, with no clear bright line rule one way or the other. If you are interested in learning more about this aspect of the law, this article is a good primer. http://www.economist.com/news/international/21639527-courts-are-increasingly-being-asked-rule-injuries-inflicted-during-games-fair-game
  4. I would prefer much less video/replay involvement in football games, not more. I do see your point though; the technology would allow the officials to more fairly evaluate a big dust-up.
  5. AFC is as weak as I can remember it being! NE get a free pass straight to the big dance this year I'm afraid. Let's hope whoever is waiting for them from the NFC kills them.
  6. He made a tackle and lowered his head. contact directly onto the top of his head with his head down. It appeared as though he never moved his legs while they were working on him. It looks like he was paralyzed from the waist down; let's hope that is not correct. He never did the thumbs up thing when they carted him off. He immediately reached for the small of his back like he hurt his spine down low, then wiggled fingers/hand to see if he could move his hand...he flopped his body over, but never moved the legs.
  7. We've seen a couple good incidents in the last 12 months or so. Depends on the nature of the foul. If it's really cheap and dirty, NFL football players ABSOLUTELY WILL do something about it then and there, and brawls do erupt. Not very often, but it does happen. The Bills response was total bull **** and McD knows it. He's just trying to cover for his guys. Don't assume everything he ever says in a public venue is what he really thinks; in fact, probably little of what he says publicly is what he actually thinks.
  8. This strikes me as the sort of no story that gets put out there all the time now that dissemination of information is a 24/7 business. I'm sure the Bills are interested in Darnold, along with every other team in the NFL who needs a QB. There's a whole bunch of them we are interested in. It's just a question of how far up we are going to try to go and who we are going to take. We won't know the answer to that until Draft Day.
  9. Ugh, let's hope that wasn't his idea, b/c no aspect of intentional grounding is reviewable. After the referee ruled about not being down by contact, McD seemed surprised, and gestured the "intentional grounding" gesture as if to say "That's not what I wanted to review!" Of course, the grounding can't be revised and McD comes across, again, as some type of glorified gym teacher idiot.
  10. We would have benefitted to some degree simply by virtue of not changing regimes and acquiring, then getting rid of, then acquiring differing types of players to suit differing coaches' tastes. It's like constantly changing lanes at the grocery store. You never make it to the check out.
  11. And then he inadvertently kicked him in the head with his foot after the atomic elbow drop, just to add insult to injury. If there is no huge revenge made on Gronk, which should be big enough to become the talk of the league, I am going to be really pissed off. I love that we are playing them again so soon.
  12. McD: "Thank you for using generous amounts of lube, Mr. Belichick, and being somewhat gentle this time around. The whole team appreciates it." BB: "Yeah, whatever, Steve." McD: "It's Sean." BB: "Right."
  13. This whole mess can be made good if someone has the balls to take corrective action on Gronk in the next game. If that happens, none of this crap matters. If it does not happen, I hope it blossoms into a big thing, b/c this team cannot let Gronk's actions go unpunished. And I'm not talking about some freaking suspension issued by the league.
  14. The 1 game suspension is cute and all, but I still expect revenge when we play them on Christmas Eve. I want someone to wish him "Season's Greetings" with a flying elbow to his face. Wear a big pad before you do it, like Gronk does, and fill it with weights.
  15. You don't understand what "Tank" means or how it works.
  16. That play call was horrific. Empty backfield allows the Patriots to cheat against the pass; 4th down so there is no do-over possible if the play doesn't go according to plan, and yet they do that fade crap that is highly risky; often it is just not on and if it isn't, you don't score. Flooding the field with receivers on a TINY field that is 11 yards deep is just stupid anyway. Dennison should have a can't miss, go-to call in his pocket for that situation...where you have a really high probability of getting 1 freaking yard when you absolutely must get it. And he trots out that stinking pile @%)*$ !!!!! Fire the guy in the off-season and I'll call it good. The Bills will generously rid any such fan of this playoff-generated angst free of charge. They aren't making the playoffs! So what a fan wants is kind of irrelevant. It ain't happening. We need 10 wins to do it and that means beating New England and winning out. Won't happen.
  17. Tyrod will not be a hot commodity. I think his days here are done however. Someone up thread said he won't be able to play next week b/c we went off on a cart. I agree with that; his situation seems like he would be out multiple weeks. Once he is out, he ain't coming back in regardless of when he actually heals up.
  18. I would say Tyrod gone 100% certainty... Dennison gone 75% certainty. He was not the first choice and better options will present themselves in the off-season. Surprised if he comes back, especially if we draft a QB
  19. If Tyrod is hurt seriously enough to shelf him for the season and Peterman plays all the games, we may very well struggle to get another win. So it could be an accidental tank, but what the hell.
  20. Please try to stay on topic. The thread concerns personal decisions made by the regime. Thank you.
  21. The only thing I have a strong opinion about along these lines is QB. I do not want to see Tyrod play another snap for this team ever again. I hope he heals up on a personal level, but it would be convenient if his injury is serious enough to sit him the rest of the year without the need to decide the issue. Nothing is going to be gained by Bills wins at this point and nothing will be gained by playing Tyrod.
  22. Let's hope so! I have no problem with them getting even on their own terms, at a time they pick, and in a manner they choose. Just so long as it actually gets done. That game will be on Xmas Eve...could be one hell of a Christmas present! Brawl in Foxboro.
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