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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Don't recall seeing you at this forum and have no opinion. But remember, happiness comes from internal fulfillment, not external validation. DC Tom has struggled with that one for decades.
  2. Carmine's Italian grocery down here in W.Palm Beach area. I'd be dead without it.
  3. I know! WTF? Chick looks like some sort of 2 legged grazing animal suckling a newborn. Gross! Keep that **** in private! Now if she had been hot....
  4. ^ Male prostitute, known for lowest fees in Round Hill, VA.
  5. Buffalo, where we have had more dildos thrown on the field and nude streakers disrupting play than playoff games in the last 17 years.
  6. Yeah, this whole thing is not going super well and it that was kind of obvious the moment the hit took place. If the guy can regain most of the use of his legs and get around OK, he will be very lucky. If he can't continue to play in the NFL, that's OK. Still hoping for full recovery for the guy, of course.
  7. Honestly I can't pin it down to a specific game! Would have been in the 1980s during the Joe Ferguson era, almost for sure. I do have a lasting memory in my head, though, of going through the "tunnel" out to the seats and the full size of the stadium emerging before me for the first time. My immediate reaction was "It's much smaller than it looks on TV" and I remember thinking things like an extra point or short field goals were a total joke for a professional, as an extra point (back then) was so freaking close; how could you miss? Another memory I have from long ago is being down in the front row and noticing the massive crown in the field. The field in that stadium is (or at least was) much, much higher in the middle than out toward the sidelines, for water drainage. When you are down there the curve of the field is very noticeable. That is totally lost on TV.
  8. Back when we were good, we played a December (I believe) home game against New Orleans. It was freaking cold in that stadium that day and it was snowing. During TV timeouts, machines were zipping around clearing snow off the 5 and 10 yard markers so you could see where the hell the field was under the snow. I will never forget that game! I froze my ass off, like I was ready to be hospitalized at halftime. I was there with my dad, and he saved my life by getting us into his employer's luxury suite, where we knew people, at halftime. We watched the 2nd half from the box where it was warm and I was wolfing down chicken fingers. LOL. I have no fond memories of that stadium in the cold (there is no where to go to warm up but for a luxury box) and would not hold a grudge against any Bills fan who says "Screw that, I'll watch on my TV." EDIT: Doing some research, the game I remember must have been December 10, 1989. Saints at Buffalo. We lost the game 22-19. Attendance was 70, 037. Mark my words, that was a freaking cold, snowy day. Pretty good crowd, but the team was good!
  9. Jesus. Sabre tickets are similar; you can't give them away apparently. I bet there are a lot of season ticket holders for both teams asking why they committed to lay out all that cash. Mike Schopp dedicated a segment to this not long ago, as he personally pays for a block of Sabres season tickets with some friends. He was resenting the fact that he, with a S.T. discount, still paid like $90 a ticket, while everyone around him in the building buying them online the day of the game was paying a small fraction of that. That stuff would make me mad! If in fact the OP is correct and there is a 40,000 or 50,000 crowd on Sunday for the Colts, I'd be really surprised, but maybe I shouldn't be. I have frozen my ass off plenty in that stadium over the years; that **** is not fun.
  10. Agree. Don't think his trade value is anything, so keep him while he is still cheap.
  11. To the OP: funny you make a thread on this topic; I was just thinking about this exact sort of concept about 24 hours ago, and I was thinking specifically of Kyle Williams. Guy has a nice long career with 1 team, gives it everything he has, and what will he have to show for it when it's all over? Nothing! Well, he will have a pile of money, but nothing lasting from a football accomplishment perspective.
  12. Been a lot of talk about the Gronk incident. Proper retribution here is to hit him in a knee with an intent to injure, and actually injure him so he is out for the NE playoff run. That is a proper punishment. If I was BB, I would sit Gronk in the Bills game. Regarding the OP: I was hoping "the hood" meant guys all around the league; if it just means the Bills, that is disappointing.
  13. This news doesn't sound that great to me at all. It could be much worse right now, for sure, but he obviously still has really limited movement in his legs. Let's hope it gets better.
  14. Focus all resources on getting the QB first, b/c without him, the OL doesn't matter. Once you have a pretty good idea that you have the right QB, I would expend resources that directly help the QB. That means OL, WR, Gronk type huge TE if you can find one. I woud NOT expend resources, first, on something far removed from the QB position, like DT for example. The QB and the important pieces directly related to his performance are what counts! If you have that, you will remain in and win a lot of games.
  15. Let's hope this sort of thinking doesn't bleed into McD's head with regard to Gronk revenge. This team isn't going anywhere this year; Gronk needs to pay.
  16. The good old days will not return until we have a QB comparable to Jim Kelly. We are going to give it a heck of a good try in the upcoming draft. Stay tuned!
  17. JUJU said, after the game, that he did not even know it was Burfict at the time of the big hit. He also said he should have held back after seeing the replay, and that he screwed up. For what it is worth, at least 15 or 20 years ago, Gronk's actions would absolutely be avenged with a similar incident had this occurred in an NHL hockey game. I could see someone breaking their stick in half across the back of his head from behind, for example, or something that heinous. I just think the Gronk incident was really, really vicious and cheap. It's just another 15 yard UR foul. Gronk is a HUGE, strong, heavy man, and you could see that he was filled with rage and anger at the moment he decided to do what he did....and he gave it everything he had. With that kind of force being delivered to a human, he could have killed the poor guy, paralyzed him for life, broken his neck, who knows what. And it's worth noting Gronk, as if he needed it, was assisted by that huge frigging elbow pad/brace thing he wears, which only made the whole thing a lot worse. I will feel better if someone hits him helmet to knee, from the side, and ends his season.
  18. Your comments about hockey are about 15 years out of date. Much of the policing code has been removed from the game and all that slashing to the wrists, etc., you speak of has run out of control as a result, as has boarding from behind and other cheap shot offenses. I have heard many ex NHL hockey players say that the old code is simple: It is not fun to get beaten up by someone in a fist fight and it keeps you honest. You are not going to do certain things, or not nearly as often, if you know you are going to be punched in the face after you do it. The NFL would benefit from this type of thing too in my opinion, but for some reason, most NFL players, despite being huge and strong, do not have this type of toughness in them. They'll throw a huge hit (tackle) but no one seems to want to muck it up after a whistle, except for a few guys you might see once every blue moon. Far more common is this weird football thing where the 2 protagonists grab each other's face masks and pull them around. As to why no one just rips that helmet off quickly and easily and throws a few is beyond me, other than the obvious "You'll be ejected." But you are probably going to be ejected anyway if you really get into it with that stupid face mask dance. So at least get your money's worth and throw a few haymakers. Might even connect on one of them!
  19. In New York State, at least, the "assault" everyone talks about as being committed by Gronk is actually a battery. Carry on.
  20. I think it depends on a whole bunch of factors. First we need to know how the Bills rate the various QB prospects and if they truly put 1 or 2 of them way above others. No need to move way up to get something you can get in another form lower down. That was what we should have learned from the foolish Watkins move. If there are a couple of guys you deem much better, are they even available? You need a dance partner, and some high drafting teams are going to want those "super" QBs themselves! So it becomes a math game to see how high up you need to go to find the first available partner who is not interested in a QB, and is willing to trade down with you...and then you need to figure out if your list of "super" QBs will still be available. My gut tells me the Bills will not end up with the super big name guys, but will do what is necessary to get one of the 4 or 5 QBs everyone is talking about. Probably won't be Rosen or Darnold, but it will be maybe one of the guys from the state of Oklahoma.
  21. Just wanted to add I struggled making the headline for this thread and agree the hit itself is not what I would call a "cheap shot" per se. The cheapness came after in the taunting while Burfict was knocked senseless. That was kind of sickening to see as it unfolded in real time. You also have to remember, if you didn't watch this game, that a player was carted off earlier after a very long delay seemingly paralyzed from the waist down. I assumed a lot of people were not watching the game or fell asleep (LOL) by the time this incident unfolded so I thought I would make a thread calling it to your attention, as it is something I would want to know about and explore had I not watched the game.
  22. Nothing in this particular game that I recall, but these 2 teams have a pretty good rivalry going with a series of incidents over several games. A lot will say Burfict deserves everything he gets. I just didn't like the taunting thing with Juju standing over Burfict while he was knocked silly... And keep in mind this incident occurred in the same game after Shazier was carried off on a stretcher, seemingly unable to move his legs after a head-first tackle. This game just got kind of ugly.
  23. Hot on the heels of the Gronk incident came this block/taunt/ugly situation in the MNF game, Bengals vs. Steelers. Couldn't believe how LOUD the hit was in real time. They spent a lot of time talking about this during the game and after. Burfict was KO'd but apparently was able to walk off a stretcher into the locker room on his own power. Ugly look for the game.
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