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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. In the 1940s or 1950s, ML baseball reigned supreme in this country as the #1 sport, and the NFL wasn't even in the conversation. Slowly, over time, things change. The NFL is now the undisputed champ of pro sports in America, undoubtedly, and baseball has receded out of the limelight for a whole host of reasons. Fast forward another 50 years and I think the NFL will be nothing like what it is now, if it even still exists. CTE research and lack of youth participation will slowly kill the game over time. A "pro football league" of some type may well exist, but it will be marginalized and nothing like what the NFL is now.
  2. The theory would be to use the DVR. Hit "pause" as the game starts on TV, and listen to the radio. After 5 minutes or whatever the delay is, Murph will mention the kickoff to start the game. Hit "Play" on DVR, and now you are in synch. I did this once and it didn't work. The rate of the differential between the TV and radio kept changing; hard to explain, but it did not stay "in synch" once I got it there. Try and see. Maybe something about it is different now. I concluded it was too much bother and just didn't work so I forgot about it.
  3. Not finding ways to utilize Tyrod's talent and legs and make defenses have to cheat against the threat of that has been a constant criticism of Rick Dennison all year long.
  4. Funny, but the OP mentioned "Butch from the East Side" which is a name I immediately recognized from his many calls to local sports talk radio shows over the years! The guy is something of a WNY legend.
  5. No doubt about that. Many years ago I always noted how the stadium is sitting down in the bottom of a ditch, basically. Field level is way below ground level outside the stadium. I thought he wrote it was NOT going downtown. Then again, I can't read gibberish very well. I may have that wrong.
  6. Cousins' wife is named Julie Hampton and she is from Atlanta, Georgia.
  7. Near as I can gather, the last similar game played in Buffalo occurred in 1969 at the Rockpile, against the Bengals.
  8. It means with the exception of Green Bay, we are not of the same quality as the other teams on the list. IN some cases, by a lot. It's because our record is artificially inflated. That is due to the crazy and unsustainable turnover differential in the first part of our season. That data says we are lucky to have the record we do.
  9. It would depend entirely on who the FA QB is going to be. He would have to be pretty darned good right now to make me give up on drafting our own QB, which is really the right way to go about doing it. Not sure Eli (at this point in his career) or Cousins are compelling enough to make me pull the trigger on either.
  10. Agree. I think people find it an interesting curiosity, especially if they didn't sit through the entirety of the actual game. I was surprised at how many Bills fans in the GDT were really opposed to having to play the game under those weather conditions. Not every football fan thought it was cool, for sure. Don't worry about your once in 5 years thing....in reality, that is like a once in 40 year game. I guess we played a very similar game against the Bengals in the Rockpile in 1969. That was the last one of these that actually impacted the Bills, at least in terms of ridiculous amounts of snow on the field, really bad visibility, etc.
  11. With the $$$ the NFL generates and the stature of the sport in American culture, it is inexcusable for the old school system of officiating to continue in the NFL, using amateur old men lawyers and what not to do the job. Should be a professional career like MLB has, with the guys cutting their teeth in smaller college divisions, then big time NCAA football maybe, then feed that into the NFL with guys who know what the hell they are doing. This is nothing new; the sport needed to shift to that type of system probably 25 years ago.
  12. Funny, but once it becomes socially acceptable to publicly call out creepy, scumbag, male sexual deviants, you find there are 2 or 3 under every rock. Who knew! I will guarantee it is the same with pedophiles; my theory is that it is super, super common behavior among humans...it's just not as easy to blow the whistle on that breed of scum so they remain under the rocks, mostly. I'm sure they are everywhere.
  13. I listend to her call of the game earlier in the season with Rex, and thought her voice was a funny sounding man's voice; was quite surprised to find out it was a woman. Al Michaels is starting to lose it with age; he is not what he used to be. Not sure who the best play by play football person is these days; they are all pretty bad. Romo is the best thing I've ever heard from a color guy. I'm so used to garbage broadcast teams for Bills game it doesn't really matter who is doing the job.
  14. We have to hope that the Miami team we saw tonight is nothing close to the team that will play us on Sunday. The weather will be a touch colder (LOL), short week for them, and they are wildly inconsistent. So if they looked this good tonight, you would hope they show up with a stinker against us! Let's hope so.
  15. Guys like Belichick achieve a lot of success in a very narrow little aspect of life, and then they make it their entire life...and they develop these huge egos. A guy like BB is a totally one-dimensional human being; he is never taken out of his comfort zone or sweet spot into pursuits where he is average or flat out bad...so nothing ever keeps his ego in check and it goes out of control over time. F-him.
  16. Cutler had a great game tonight; should have had another TD pass and a ton more yardage on that long bomb the WR dropped late in the game too!
  17. Just finished this one on the DVR; what a wonderful game! Probably as bad of a performance from Brady as I've seen. Miami got great pressure with good coverage all game; Cutler had a great game...can't remember the NE offense being that neutered....ever.
  18. I'm just having fun with the various rumors in this thread. I would prefer drafting our own QB than going for Cousins... But how in the hell do you know there are no more leaks or that this guy doesn't have some inside info? He very well may; he may very well be crazy. No way to know; give him some time and let's see if his predictions come true this week. He's on record as saying Tyrod starts, Peterman won't even dress b/c he is still dinged up. That is far from "obvious" at this point so let's see if it comes true.
  19. 4 pages of people bitching about WGR again, after having listened! "I hate it so much I listen every morning!"
  20. What sort of ties you talking about? He's from western Michigan and his wife is from Atlanta. Yeah, and it's not like we have been clearing out big player salaries or anything in order to open up cap space. Oh wait.
  21. You may think Schopp is a prick (most around here do) but he is on the correct side of the punting in OT issue, and the coach is on the wrong side. The fact that Schopp is a marginal radio broadcaster and McD is actually a HC in the NFL makes the whole thing either hilarious or really sad, depending on your perspective. Also, any suggestion that McD is bright enough to "troll" S&B is a joke. The dude is an idiot jock who loves him some Jesus, his military, and his pickup truck and who has been elevated way out of his IQ zone. I'm convinced of that now.
  22. The penalty on the 2 point conversion was a good example of the luck and help many declare the Bills never receive.
  23. Yes but note how he can avoid the "tough situation" by keeping the player he doesn't want to play uncleared. I have ZERO doubt in my mind that this team does not like Tyrod, they are ready to move on from Tyrod, and that McD personally feels that the 5 INT game is a crazy aberration and that Peterman remains "his guy" b/c Tyrod's game is so limited and he continually does not do what this staff is asking him to do. I.E., you must assume McD and staff are itching to get Peterman out there any way they can, from here on out. You avoid all sorts of trouble by declaring Tyrod "not ready yet" and so the decision is simpler, between Webb and Peterman only. Peterman no doubt got his bell rung but will be fine to play next week; he probably would have gone back into the game yesterday 25 years ago!
  24. I could be wrong, but I think the team will deliberately fix things so that both players are NOT cleared to play in the same week. They can manage the situation and sneak out "their guy" by keeping the other guy NOT cleared to play. I predict Peterman is cleared, and he plays; Webb is the backup. Tyrod is not cleared to play with "lingering issues with his knee."
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