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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I recall reading 5-10 years ago that Amherst was the safest town in America in a given year, as determined by the fact that they had 3 reported incidents of "violent crime" in 1 year period of time.
  2. For all intensive purposes, the term "propaganda" means "proposition."
  3. The topic of Rivers making the HOF came up, briefly, recently when John Clayton did his weekly segment with Schopp & Bulldog. He seemed to suggest that Rivers is HOF material but b/c he has no Superbowl wins or appearances, he likely doesn't go in. For what that is worth; John is on the HOF voting committee so his opinion counts for something.
  4. Just another game Time marches on without fail Rivalries must fade But it's still the fish! Would love to see them slaughtered Hatred is ingrained
  5. Don't have a DVD of the game nor do I now how to produce one, but I do find it interesting how polarizing the game was. A bunch of fans here hated it, thought it was a joke, and called for a dome as our next stadium so it could never happen again. Others thought it was the greatest thing of all time and really cool. I loved it. To the OP: I'm sure someone will help you out.
  6. ^^^ Possesses a wide array of impressive pedicurist skills.
  7. The 2 stadiums are right on top of each other in NOLA. No need for it to be like that in Buffalo; there is a lot of room over in that triangle, and it could include some attempt at parking as well. However, a new football stadium in this area in Buffalo would definitely alter the nature of tailgating. Fans have to adapt and adjust, and I'm sure they will. It won't be quite the same, but then again, what in the hell is special about standing around in a giant parking lot in the middle of nowhere in Orchard Park? We can do better than that! EDIT: And it it eliminates a certain breed of fan who is ONLY at the game to get ****-faced drunk prior to kickoff in a giant outdoor party, well, I don't see that as a bad thing.
  8. Here is an aerial view of New Orleans; "hockey" arena next to a football stadium. Gives a sense of scale. Our new football stadium would be bigger than old Superdome, but gives you an idea of how a football stadium would fit in my "Hellhole Triangle" referenced above.
  9. Yep. I was just "driving" around that entire area on Google Maps with the "street view" or whatever they call it. Wow. Some of the nastiest real estate you will find. Some housing, some businesses, lots of empty space, parking lots, lots where trucks are parked... You could buy the whole thing for nothing. Over time, small businesses will flock to that area and the whole area will be transformed. There was a huge amount of "nothing" around Nationals Stadium in DC for their first few years. That area is totally transformed now with "stuff" all around. It would help if we were building a baseball stadium (games all the time in a long season) instead of a football stadium (busy 8 times a year) but what the hell. Take what you can get.
  10. Go down to Key Bank Center, and start heading south down Ohio St. along the water. The whole area quickly turns to abandoned ghost town pretty quickly, and is bordered by the current arena, the Buffalo River, and the NYS Thruway. Call it "Hellhole Triangle". That is where the stadium should be and probably will go. That type of zoning is very similar to where they put Nationals Stadium in DC for the same reason: large amounts of land available on the cheap and easily purchased. Pegula could buy that entire chunk of real estate for nothing and truly convert it into his Pegulaville. On a side note: this dude lucks out and finds his way from nothing to $3 billion and change...what does he do with it? Buy 2 sports teams in Buffalo, NY and turns into a small time real estate developer...in Buffalo, NY. I guess buying a small Greek Island for himself and parking a 180' yacht there while shagging hot chicks and building his collection of 1950s and 1960s Ferraris seemed like a bad idea.
  11. All in all, where we stand as of today is very fair IMO. We are a middling team that still has a solid shot at making the playoffs, if we can get it together and finish the season on a strong note. Want a coin flip chance of making it? Suck it up and beat Miami twice, and give NE a tough game, but lose! If that's too close for comfort, step up to the plate and do something remarkable--beat NE in NE and really help your odds by jumping up to 89% chance to qualify. Screw this all up and lose to NE and say 1 or 2 Dolphins games? A crap team like that has no business in the playoffs and probably would lose its first game in the playoffs badly. We have more control over our own destiny, this late in the season, than we have had in a long time. It's fair enough.
  12. Holds Texas state record for eating 7 pumpkin pies in 3 minutes.
  13. 1st member of his family not to marry a first cousin or someone of closer relation.
  14. Lucas is a tech-nerd who is interested in that end of film making and only that end of film making. He obviously has no use for things like good actors. I stand by my statement that the films are, for the most part, bad films. Acting is terrible, casting is worse, dialogue might be worse than that. The script is the life blood of any film; the script in all these movies "Rebel Scum!" is beyond bad. Lucas wanted to make old fashioned serials for kids and he succeeded. I love these movies, but I was 6 when the first one came out. Not sure I would have been hooked had I seen the first movie when I was an adult. Having said that, the special effects in the newest films are really quite good and the movies make nice eye candy if you enjoy watching things fly around, blow up, etc. But comparing any of these Star Wars films to any true classic like The Godfather, Apocalypse Now, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Dr. Strangelove, Citizen Kane (going down my personal top 10 here in no order)...is ridiculous. They aren't even in the same world as "work of art" films. If you are into sci-fi space films and want true ahead-of-its time special effects, go back and watch 2001 again. That movie was 1968 I believe; incredible how good that film looks; it completely holds up today.
  15. Although it is possible he lingers around beyond this season, I personally think our coach and GM can't wait to get rid of him and resent having to play him now as it is. That's my take.
  16. Don't put the pressure of expectation on the young man. Let's ask for 55 yards passing and be pleasantly surprised when he exceeds that.
  17. Phantom Menace was pretty lousy, but I did enjoy the 3-person light saber duel which was kind of unique at the time, and also how the bad guy with red face had a 2-ended light saber which was definitely a first. Their duel was fantastic and the choreography was really cool. The decision to give red face the long, flowing garment was great, b/c it would fly all over Kung-Fu style when he did flips and stuff and looked visually fantastic. The way his body slowly drifted into 2 pieces as he fell down the bottomless pit was also cool and artistic. BUT: that whole scene is beyond infuriating b/c Lucas, as always, felt the need to chop the duel up into about 8 separate scenes, with annoying disruptions interspersed throughout. Totally destroyed any presence or gravity the fight had, and is just annoying. There is actually a clip on youtube where someone editing out all the distractions, and just splice the fight sequences together; that is much, much better than what appeared in the actual film. My God I hate George Lucas' approach to film making. For a guy who invented the most popular movie franchise of all time and built a net worth of like $3.5 billion in the process, he sucks as a movie maker! LOL.
  18. In my opinion, older Star Wars fans gravitate to the original trilogy as "the best" simply b/c we were all little kids or at least young when those movies came out, and so they spoke to us in a way no movie is going to once you are an adult. They seemed better to us than they were. All of the original 3 movies, when simply viewed as films and judged by the standards of great films, are horrible movies. George Lucas was afraid they were going to be bombs that ruined his career, and he was the guy making them. He was right. Explaining their unbelievable popularity/appeal is difficult, but interesting. I think they stand up mostly for their excellent visual effects which were quite good for 1977 and later. Lucas also went with a "beaten up and used, real world" look to everything in his universe which was visually interesting and possibly unique at the time. I.E., these were "advanced" civilizations relative to the people watching the films in movie theaters, yet these advanced people still lived in a real world of mechanical failures, repairs, rust, and so on. The story lines are totally derivative, the acting is, for the most part, horrible, the writing is terrible, the casting is worse than the acting, for the most part.... And yet they remain really cool movies that are fun to watch. Their artistic direction/set design/visual effects/costume design...all that sort of thing.. are all A+. I think that is 100% what makes the movies.
  19. ^ ShadyBillsFan: greatly impressed his physician of 35 years experience by shaking a bad hepatitis C flare-up in record time.
  20. Darnold has not really progressed this year and I'm not sure he is even top 3 anymore on most NFL teams QB wish lists. He was the hot name last year; not this year. Still highly desired, don't get me wrong, if he comes out and enters draft. Rosen is clearly the #1 guy being talked about these days. Not Darnold. Darnold was expected to continue progressing with certain areas of his game and for the most part, it hasn't happened this season. Rosen has the rifle of an arm, the big tall stance the NFL teams adore, great throwing motion, etc. Rosen is the #1 most desired college QB on everyone's board right now, almost certainly. The Bills have no way of getting him. Teams which will pick before us, even if we find a trading partner to move way, way up, will need a QB too and they will take Rosen. So as I said in post #3, the OP's premise is not feasible; there is no way we can throw everything and the kitchen sink into a trade, move way up, and take #1 guy on our board. It ain't happening. A more interesting question is if we should throw a ton at moving way up and then be willing to take #2 or #3 on our board, assuming that guy is available. That makes the "draft vs. buy Kirk Cousins" argument more interesting in my opinion. The more you have to give up to draft a QB who is NOT your #1 choice makes the prospect of buying Kirk Cousins more desirable.
  21. Most of those Toronto games were forgettable. The whole concept of Bills games in Toronto is forgettable. Brought to you by the marketing genius of Russ Brandon.
  22. It's interesting, but "injury prone" is a real thing. Some guys can't stay healthy when subjected to the NFL grind. Weak bones? Bad genes? Not a big enough heavy duty frame to play football? Not sure what Glenn's problem is, but he is injury prone.
  23. By far, the single most important factor in the Bills long history of being not very good is Ralph Wilson. A documentary searching for objectivity would paint him as almost a tragic hero constantly being responsible for his own team's lack of success for decades. No way in hell that is the film WNED produced. I haven't seen it and likely won't.
  24. Great post and I agree entirely. Romo is the best color guy for football I think I have ever heard. Once you get familiar with him, it immediately becomes obvious what you are looking for in a color guy position... A really smart, good QB who has very recently left the game and is still very current in terms of what he knows and in his connections to the game and contacts around the league. The QB position is so important to football, you can talk about 1 team's QB or the other and what he is doing or thinking on every play and have it be relevant to what you are watching, and of course an ex-QB is probably going to understand more about tactical football than most players, b/c he has to. There are a lot of NFL QBs who would NOT make a good color guy; Tyrod Taylor is the poster child for that group. He is not smart enough, charismatic enough, and does not understand football enough, most likely to sound anything like Romo. But others would. And yes, he makes the way a traditional color guy sounds instantly obsolete, and that includes Gruden and Collinsworth. * * * * * * * * * * * Can't believe "Anthem Protests" scored over 30% in the poll. No way that is relevant; I realize some posters here hate the way those Americans are exercising their American right to voice their opinion, and wish we had more of a USSR or Nazi Germany approach to the whole thing, but no way in hell that has anything to do with declining viewership. The problem is way more macro than that. It's combination of the NFL being a little over-exposed right now, in a natural decline part of the cycle, too watered down, and not enough good QBs and good teams to go around. Most NFL games are third-party, neutral affairs for almost all fans. No way in hell someone is going to stay up to watch Crap team A play slightly less crappy team B on most nights, when neither team is the team you root for, and you have to get up the next morning.
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