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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Brady threw the 2nd down pass out of bounds!
  2. Is this the game thread? Where's the usual locked 1st half thread and all that?
  3. Doesn't everyone have their first kid when they're 13?
  4. Nate and Allen have played the same number of games: 5. Both have been terrible. Nate is very clearly horrible and should be cut from the team. Josh just needs more time to develop and is going to be a star.
  5. Bruce Smith's upper body frame is freaking enormous. The guy's a monster.
  6. So to review what the country thinks they know about Buffalo: 1) They eat chicken wings 2) It's cold and the weather is terrible 3) Niagara Falls is somewhere nearby Some things don't change.
  7. Yeah but they don't pay the same $$$ for pasting their name on the table cloth thing. There is almost no aspect of this game that isn't whored out in the name of money. Only thing left is sponsorship on the uniforms themselves.
  8. Definitely didn't look right. More like popcorn shrimp or something than a wing!
  9. This made me laugh out loud. Thank you! Good luck!
  10. I was thinking something with an equine theme would be appropriate to the night's proceedings. Nothing like having a reproduction horse ***** disrupting a football game.
  11. Are you working on boosting your vocabulary or something?
  12. Currently 45 degrees and cloudy in O.P. MNF crew dressed like they are in Siberia. In January. During the coldest recorded winter on record. That would be absolutely fantastic. I'd love to have something hit Booger while they are doing a shot of him in his "snotrocket".
  13. Jim Kelly and Thurman are on with Boomer on ESPN right now.
  14. That's silly. The Giants are a historically very well run organization, much better than the Bills. Over the long term we'd all be better if we could swap organizations with the Giants. Same for many teams on the list.
  15. defend verb de·fend | \di-ˈfend \ Definition of defend transitive verb 1a: to drive danger or attack away from defend the castle from invaders b(1): to maintain or support in the face of argument or hostile criticism defend a theorycouldn't defend their actions (2): to prove (something, such as a doctoral thesis or dissertation) valid by answering questions in an oral exam preparing to defend her thesis csports : to attempt to prevent an opponent from scoring at elects to defend the south goal 2archaic : PREVENT, FORBIDwhich God defend that I should wring from him— Shakespeare 3: to act as attorney for hired a lawyer to defend their son 4law : to deny or oppose the right of a plaintiff in regard to (a suit or a wrong charged) : CONTEST 5: to retain or seek to retain (something, such as a title or position) against a challenge in a contest they successfully defended their championship Definition 5; "to retain a title against a challenge." Any champion retains their title until a new one is crowned.
  16. Likewise. I think almost all sports fans do. Kind of a nonstarter IMO.
  17. If perception is reality, Nate Peterman is the worst player at the position in the history of the game. Wait, I think he actually is! If you look at stats, I mean.
  18. I don't think the short week matters; he's on the air right now but it doesn't really make sense. The whole idea is for the segment to be a post-game discussion.
  19. McD just said live on WGR-550 that McCoy is fully healthy, cleared protocol, and will be playing tonight. Maybe that's old news, not sure.
  20. Only five ex-football players standing around, cracking jokes, and offering little in the way of insightful analysis? Not enough! Get 10 of them out there.
  21. No, he's not. And what's funny is he is just a train wreck of a human destined for a big crash. Nothing's going to stop it either.
  22. I hope not. We all know our record in those.
  23. Who watched Hard Knocks? It will not take Hue Jackson a long time to clean out his office and leave the facility. His nice big desktop was always barren! Computer monitor on it but not much else. Maybe a pen. I always laugh when I see that; reminds me of GW Bush's desk (or Trump's) in the oval office.
  24. You wonder if ownership in Cleveland watched Hard Knocks. I don't know of a single person (including myself) who watched Hard Knocks who didn't immediately think that the entire crew in Cleveland was destined for failure and were basically bad hires. They wreaked of "the wrong guys for the job" on that show. I really wish the show would come to Buffalo; yes, it would be a distraction for the team and that's probably bad, but we'd get so much insight into what's really going on over there; would be a great learning experience.
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