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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. As long as we draft a top QB prospect who is tagged as "THE GUY" and Smith is used as filler until THE GUY is ready to play, I'd be down with that. Smith is an improvement over Tyrod, though they are both cut from the same cloth. Not sure Alex Smith would be down on this plan. What term would he demand in a K? Would he sign for a year or 2?
  2. I love how his "friend" goes over and immediately grabs him by one elbow, and torques him over asymmetrically onto his back...basically doing his best to permanently disable the guy had he had a bad back/neck injury! The guy is a full grown male and he jumped off the roof of an RV. That's a fair amount of energy going into the collision with the ground. He could have easily seriously hurt himself. Probably had much more energy going into that impact than the worst NFL hit you've ever seen. The dude seems to have knocked himself silly, if not unconscious, and the first thing this guy does is go up and grab 1 arm and turn him over. People talk about the demise of the tailgating culture if we build a posh new stadium downtown with high ticket prices and nowhere to park. Frankly, if the the sort of "Bills fans" in this video (all of them standing around, not the guy who jumped) are eliminated from the calculus with such a stadium, I say start building that F-er tomorrow! Can't be built soon enough. Reflects much more on the area in general (people living in Buffalo or WNY) than the football franchise, in my opinion. It's not the team doing this crap; it's people living in WNY (presumably). I have to raise the BS flag on that. I saw so many drunks at that stadium ready to pass out...before the game ever started....during the Superbowl years! For some reason that stadium and those football games attract lots of mutants who are there to drink and party much more so than watching a football game. For a certain type of person, that is the only outlet they get from their miserable lives in a given week. Reminds me of a comment Ozzy Osbourne once said, talking about coming from Birmingham in England---a steel town **** hole; he said if you were born there, you were slotted into a life of being a factory worker and getting piss drunk at the pub on Friday night. It's what you do. Steel worker in Birmingham/Bills fan jumping on tables from Marilla, NY. Same sort of animal I guess.
  3. It's easy to type such posts at this forum. There have undoubtedly been hundreds of such posts here over the course of the drought. Actually beating the Patriots in a real football game? There's the rub.
  4. Genius? No. My take is that he is a highly intelligent individual, like millions of people. The difference is he is in a profession that tends to not attract highly intelligent people. Stick BB in a high powered law firm in a major city..he's just another guy on the floor. Put him in a position of power at a Wall Street investment bank and he's just another guy on the floor. Put him in a locker room coaching football going up against glorified gym teachers and guys like our coach, McDummy, and he's a "genius." NFL coaching doesn't exactly attract the same intellect as say, the MIT math department or Wall Street investment banks.
  5. You're missing what the data shows. The average margin of victory in the first game more than doubles from game 1 to game 2. What is the constant here? Brady, and Belichick. The obvious conclusion is that Belichick learns and applies more to the 2nd matchup than the Bills coach, given the benefit of seeing what the Bills try to do against the Patriots in game 1, in any given year, with any given Bills HC, with any given combination of players. If the Patriots cycled through coaching staffs and QBs like we have over the same time period, the data would be pretty meaningless, but not with Belichick at the helm over all these years. It is true that BB has not yet had the double matchup in a single season with McDummy, but given his track record over a fairly sustained period of time against a wide variety of coaches, one could conclude he will get the better of McIdiot in the second matchup as well. This doesn't mean, of course, that the Patriots will beat the Bills, or beat them by more than double the margin of victory in the first matchup. It just means the odds show we are likely to lose. The odds in a game of Blackjack don't favor the player either; doesn't mean you can win a single game in isolation.
  6. Just saw this. I have no idea how Sal C. from WGR can be named #1. He does not know how to separate his personal love for the team from an objective evaluation; his opinions are usually based on what he would like to believe as compared to "what is" and he is usually a day late and a dollar short in terms of really ever knowing anything within the organization. Like many similar "reporters" he functions as an extension of the Bills' PR department; they spoon feed him what they want to get out and Sal dutifully disseminates. Other than that, he's great. All professional reporters should be able to write about anything. That's how it works and what their training is in. The reporting comes first, the actual subject matter to be reported comes second. Today you are the crime beat guy, tomorrow, covering a football team. I think this is why many fans dislike "sports reporters"...they feel they are not "football experts" but should be. In reality, that is not their training or job description. Agree he is hard working; I also would guarantee he considers himself the luckiest man in the world, doing what he perceives to be a dream job. You can't take that away from him.
  7. Murph is a talentless sellout who, list most WNY broadcasters, would not and cannot find work outside of WNY. Just listened to the clip. No offense to the OP, but I didn't find it very interesting, and Murph's reaction was predictable. He is effectively the State Radio in Nazi Germany, but then people wonder why he doesn't criticize Hitler's policies or mention the fact that the war in Russia is not going very well? As to how anyone can listen to a show of that ilk, I have no idea.
  8. Funny how BB is considered a genius and best of all time at his profession, coaching in the NFL. Remove him out of that tiny little world and place him in a different environment and he might be the worst person on the planet. Like for example, anything requiring charisma or star power. Can you imagine people paying money to see him on a stage, doing anything? As just 1 example of an environment where he would be terrible. Lesson learned: Stick to what you are good at!
  9. Cadet is good at what he does, but he is a good example at how good RBs are easily found in the NFL and you never want to give up very much to get one, unless you are talking about a Top 3 in the league type of super talent. But there are a ton of very serviceable "no name" RBs to be found.
  10. That 2011 game... I think Brady threw for 1,748 yards in the second half of the game, or something like that. And for 6 touchdowns. Patriots seem susceptible to putting up a stinker or 2 AT HOME per season....where they may win, but in really ugly fashion and in a very close game. Who knows, maybe we can catch them looking forward to the playoffs. EDIT: Brady threw for 338 yds in that game; seems low to me; I think I am thinking of a different game.
  11. They're all weighted exactly the same. No loss is more special than any other, though some may stick in your craw more than others.
  12. Not serious contender to win Superbowl. Arguably, Marrone's "plan" insofar as he ever had one has worked out well. I.E., you can argue he is in better shape now than he would have been in Buffalo. I hear the weather is nicer in Jacksonville too.
  13. I agree Marino would have been an improvement over Kelly in those years, but QB was not the weakness of our team. If I could go back and change something, it would be to improve the Defense, which was always way over-rated in those years, despite having some big names on it and the magnificent Bruce Smith.
  14. I'm going on record now as predicting absolutely nothing will happen in the game which we can all point to and call "payback". I hope I'm wrong. Good luck with that. Got a plan "B" ???? I think the refs are dumb, will not be especially watching out for cheap shots, and in fact, may have no knowledge of Gronk's cheap shot in our first game with NE. Not sure why they would, unless the league made it a point to brief them on that, and I'm not sure the league has its act together that much.
  15. "Patriot love" known especially for its rhythmic slapping sounds.
  16. Are you kidding? In a heartbeat. If the injury is career ending, I'd donate $10,000 in Milano's name to a charity of his choosing. If the injury is permanently disabling, I'd name my first born son "Matthew".
  17. ^^^ Well known for his skillful ability to both pitch and catch equally well.
  18. ^ Not much to look at, but a hell of a good cook.
  19. He seems to have trouble catching the ball. I think that is reasonably important for someone who expects to be paid to catch a ball.
  20. I wonder how many people posting in this thread do not realize that John Murphy is a paid employee of the Buffalo Bills and functions as an extension of that organization's PR department. I suspect it is quite a few, despite the fact that it has been explicitly stated in this thread multiple times.
  21. I don't disagree with most of the thinking behind this thread at all. Having said that, let's be honest. We have as good a shot at making the playoffs as we've had in a long time, with meaningful, important games left to be played in the final 2 weeks of the season. That hasn't happened since the gut punch in Pittsburgh in the final game of that season. If you are that close, I say you have to go for it, especially if you haven't made the playoffs in 17 years. The AFC is horrible this year. I don't see how in the world we could beat Pittsburgh in a playoff game in Pittsburgh or NE in NE, but any other game in any other stadium is a winnable playoff game in this season. I say you gotta go for the playoffs and I'm not going to B word about a few dropped positions in the draft order; that shouldn't impact how our QB selection strategy plays out anyway, and that is the only thing that matters in next year's draft.
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