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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Colts just did a nice job to force a FG when a TD looked likely.
  2. The games are not won and lost based on fan reaction or emotion. The players play and either win or lose. I would hope they try their best in all games, regardless if they just won or just lost. Idiotic post.
  3. I have remained pleasantly detached from the entire playoff discussion. Haven't checked the playoff calculators, assume we will not make playoffs, and I'm OK with it. If the smoke clears in Week 17 and we are in, that will be great.
  4. Aren't they trying to do that already? The Gronk situation calls for a hell of a lot more than that. I would like to see it as I think that is a better form of retribution than actually going after Gronk. It's probably easier to accomplish too, especially if you're willing to hit him late.
  5. I think it is quite possible the Bills game will be moved to the later slot. The NFL does not want games to be played where 1 team knows they can rest players and don't need to win b/c of a result that occurred earlier in the day. They are trying to ensure equal competitiveness from all teams in all games. This is a very common thing in international soccer tournaments, where all the games at the same stage of the tournament are played at the same time so no one benefits from knowing the outcome of another game.
  6. In the linked piece, Incognito suggested it would be just the opposite. Refs likely to be lenient b/c they know Gronk has it coming to him. I was really encouraged by Incognito's comments here; maybe someone will try to get a little retribution after all. If this game is out of reach at some point prior to the finish (likely) someone better make good. Not that. We're losing the game anyway. Take the 15 yard penalty. It's OK.
  7. I'll see your 15 yard penalty, and raise you a $100,000 fine and 2 game suspension. There is almost no penalty too great to nullify the shear joy I would feel if we ended Brady's season, particularly if on a cheap shot that is a public display of obvious vengeful retribution.
  8. Wow, nine pages and nearly 3 years of discussion regarding whether or not Tiger Woods is finished? I guess the "How to bring peace to the Middle East" thread would need a few thousand pages and a century of posts!
  9. ^ Voted too stable and loving to snap and kill 187 fellow Texans with an assault rifle in a large outdoor venue.
  10. I have 2 nephews who were born in Buffalo (right in the city), grew up in Buffalo, and still live in Buffalo with their parents. They are now 17 and 15. They don't tune into the Bills or Sabres at all. They adore international soccer and the English Premiership in particular. They would never want or wear a Bills jersey, but have a few from their favorite Premiership soccer clubs.
  11. Voice of Irv Weinstein: "Topping tonight's Eyewitness News: A pack of poteen packing punks pile on the pressure on perturbed police. Details at Eleven."
  12. If we were still a perennial Superbowl contender, Tyrod would be a RB who is used a couple times a year on a trick play where he throws the ball, and then the announcer would say "He used to play QB at VA Tech". That's if Tyrod was on the team at all. As it is, we use him as our starting QB. And so yes, we are boring, indeed.
  13. I associate his voice with the Bills Superbowl teams, calling a typical regular season game of ours, as much as anyone. Back then the AFC was on NBC and he was the No.1 guy on that network. The Bills were so good we often got the No.1 broadcasting team, so we heard Dick Enberg a lot in those days. RIP
  14. Regarding Josh Allen: Do we know how smart this kid is? It's more than obvious he has the physical attributes to get the job done. The question for me is whether or not he is smart enough to mold into the NFL game. Brees, Rodgers, and Brady all have one thing in common: by the standards of NFL players, they are bright guys who fit into normal society as just another average intelligence guy. That means they are geniuses at the NFL level. You can't be all brains (Fitz) and you can't be all brawn (EJ; Tyrod); you need both...but the NFL focuses on the guys with the body and not the brains. Need both.
  15. OK, Adolf CBAfan. Your friend Heinrich Himmler would approve!
  16. Chick's 29 years old and married but is having an ongoing sexual relationship with a 15 year old kid. She probably is wild in bed, but she's probably insane as well. That **** gets old after the first...oh...couple hundred shaggings. I want to commend you for your talent in finding these articles. It's safe to say that teacher/student relationships/sex is a fairly common human behavioral trait, and the age of the kid doesn't seem to matter too much. Kind of interesting.
  17. Apparently no one has specifically mentioned whether or not he can walk at this time. https://deadspin.com/reports-legendary-broadcaster-dick-enberg-dead-at-82-1821522209
  18. Anyone who keeps animals like this around their home is freaking insane. Just like the people I see sometimes walking a dog that is the size of them. Oh look, there's a small horse rubbing his soiled ass on your sofa! How nice! This emerging "internet speak" is going to shove a nation of low attention span, poorly educated idiots over the edge. The cell phone is going to be the end of civilization as we know it.
  19. Housley's role in all this remains a mystery in my opinion. The failures this season don't necessarily fall on his shoulders...moreso on GMTM's shoulders. The guy botched the crap out of the rebuild at a critical time.
  20. She was hot as hell at one point in time. For some reason I get the impression the majority of Bills fans would hate her guts for political reasons. We seem to attract that sort of demographic.
  21. This is one of the most predictable developments of the entire NFL season. He had plenty of time to make it happen and he never could.
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