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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. There is a lesson to be learned here. When you find yourself reaching for your toolbox and studying wiring schematics in preparation for electrocuting your wife, it might be a good time to stop, take a deep breath, and call a divorce lawyer instead.
  2. ^ Exhibits wonderful taste and excellent judgment.
  3. ^^^ Promises to give Sweats free slices of his award winning Cran-apple Tart in exchange for tips on better porn viewing.
  4. ^ Was voted most likable person at last month's Cult of the Hypnotoad meeting.
  5. ^ Has resolved to do something about his porn addiction, starting by reducing his consumption to 8 hours per day.
  6. You almost have to define the position more clearly and made distinctions among eras in the game. For what they did, when the played, and style of game, Chamberlain, Bird, Michael, Magic, all stand out as almost beyond superstar status.
  7. No offense, but who cares? Something like this is so Billsy, going back to the OJ days. "Hey, we haven't made the playoffs in 18 years but b/c of our totally 1 dimensional offense with no passing attack, our #1 rusher ran more than anyone else in the league!" Not something to really get excited about.
  8. That's not really funny. I think the same can be said of most wins in Buffalo by Brady! People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I'm sure to average NFL fan across the nation, there is no discernible difference between the Cleveland Browns and the Buffalo Bills.
  9. I haven't noticed such a correlation, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't exist if I paid closer attention. I suspect we will win our game in Miami, and the Bengals will have Baltimore on the ropes the entire game, an upset in the making...only to have Baltimore find a way to win it in the dying seconds, just when we all think the drought is finally going to be over. Anything less painful is inconceivable to me.
  10. The weird thing is that his detractors keep consuming what he writes, and commenting on it, over and over again! I guess most folks around here have an abundance of free time.
  11. I'm sure it's all first class. These things are gutted and reconfigured so everyone sits in style with comfort and personal space. A 747 would have been luxurious and state of the art in the '70s. Now you can do a lot better.
  12. So the guy was smart enough to rig up this contraption but not smart enough to pull it off. I hate when that happens. It's not a FL thing, it's a northern FL thing. You start in Miami and head north. At a certain point, you leave "normal" and end up in scary-as-hell land, and the Daytona Beach area (where this happened) is most definitely a part of that. The pan handle is the scariest. Jacksonville is close behind. Anything inland is kind of scary, including Orlando. My area is filled with wealthy, educated people from other parts of the country, including tons of transplanted New Yorkers.
  13. Does anyone know the owner's 40 time? Or his standing broad jump distance? NFL may have a roster spot for him.
  14. ^^^ Has resolved to give up abusing meth, crack, and smack....in the same day.
  15. Hey, if I was driving around in North Tonawanda in 10 degree temperatures on an early morning in December, I'd be drinking my ass off too. That **** is depressing.
  16. Reminds me of very similar graffiti in Pompeii. Humans: bipedal monkeys impressed by shiny rocks and painting penises on things, for at least 2,000 years and running!
  17. Wow, what a poorly written piece. Let's hope the Bengals are fired up to win one for the Gipper on Sunday. Baltimore looked lousy last week; no sure why many think a loss at home to the Bengals is impossible....Ravens are a very average team and Flacco is playing very poorly right now.
  18. Scroll down for video of the uniforms. https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2017/11/27/16706058/army-navy-2017-blue-angels-uniforms I think these are pretty cool.
  19. Hmm. So then FA QB play can work, but only to a degree. At least the Chiefs' record supports that assertion.
  20. In fairness, it was more like 6 or 7. That is where the money in Vegas was. 4 or 5 wins is low.
  21. You mean at least 2 different days or 24 hour periods of time in which you got between 65" and 80" of snow during that time period? Is that even possible?! Had to be Watertown! Snow capital of the universe.
  22. I'm in SE FL. Just took out the garbage wearing bathing shorts and no shirt. LOL. It's 75 right now, no humidity. Lovely evening outside. Should be nice weather for the game.
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