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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Wish we were wearing black on black! But that's not our colors. Can't beat black for style. Our uniforms will be better than the all white look which I never liked even when we wore that all the time in the Superbowl era.
  2. Uh, the legislative process doesn't work like that. Kind of funny, I guess, until you realize the core of it is a bunch of meathead WNYers perpetuating the myth around the country that all WNYers are meatheads and that WNY is nothing more than a rustbelt burnout of a town filled with mutants. That's not really funny at all.
  3. I've heard Bortles really knows how to take care of his offensive line. I guess he services them all very well, if you see my meaning.
  4. I'm down in Palm Beach County. We are going to get hit with a cold snap (already are but it will get worse). Having said that, my weather source for my address is saying it will be 71 on Sunday. Might well be colder up in Jacksonville. The worst is supposed to be this Thursday and Friday, when highs for the day will be in the upper 50s for West Palm. That's like 20 degrees colder than it should be. Currently 67 degrees and a very rainy day at 10:03pm.
  5. This. I genuinely get excited rooting for whoever is playing NE. I hate most teams in the NFL...almost all of them. And there there is Green Bay, a team for some reason I like, cheer for, and consider my "second team." Everyone else can F off.
  6. Your theory may hold true. The last time I listened to him was years ago when he was still on the air on WGR-550. I swear to God, the number of references he made to F-ing Urban Meyer was bizarre. He mentioned the guy by name multiple times per day, not as part of news but just as part of his Schtick. The guy can F-off as far as I'm concerned; I find him highly annoying and a bit of a punk. He reminds me of Jim Rome in certain ways...another guy I refuse to listen to.
  7. Beyond gator wrestling and marrying your cousin, I'm told there isn't much to do in that town.
  8. Boy DC Tom really has a hard on for Tom Jackson; maybe b/c he was named after him or some similar bull ****? He's way overrated, but Americans tend to over dramatize anything American, like our Civil War which, in its entirety, wouldn't have ranked in the top 10 bad events of the war on the Ostfront, 1941-1945. Gettysburg? Antietam? Pick your poison; these are hailed in American circles as events of epic bloodshed. These are minor skirmishes compared to, say, the first day of the Battle of the Somme in 1916 when the British army alone took nearly 60,000 casualties including 20,000 dead. By the Spring of 1943, with the bulk of the worst fighting yet to come, von Mannstein estimated the German army had killed or captured 6 million Soviet troops. When the smoke cleared, new estimates put Soviet deaths around 15,000,000....with at least another 10 million civilian deaths. These are deaths, not casualties. 8 in 10 German casualties in WWII stemmed from fighting on the Ostfront fighting the Soviet Union. Nevermind D-Day! June of 1944 saw the start of Operation Bagration, when the Russians nearly annihilated the entirety of Heeresgruppe Mitte. Something like 350,000 German soldiers killed or captured in about 3 weeks of horrific fighting...opening up the door the Russians would march through to get to Berlin, nearly a year later. Americans don't even know what the hell I'm talking about. But America "won the war" on June 6, 1944, when about 4,500 Americans died.
  9. Just listening to WGR-550; a WNYer Bills fan now living in Jacksonville area called in mentioning that Bortles nickname on the Jaguars team is "Chortles" b/c he has some kind of weird laugh he does every time Marrone slaps him on his ass. Figures.
  10. I'm not surprise by any of this at all. Apparently half the campus at CFU knows Bortles is the most self-centered, egotistical prick of all time. I think I heard someone on the radio mention something about this too, but I'm not sure.
  11. No one is suggesting that Shady is a kitty or not tough enough to try and grind it out through some pain. That's not the issue at all. The issue is whether or not he is injured to the point where he simply can't be Shady, even if he has all the courage in the world. That's what we are waiting on, and what no one really knows at this time.
  12. Ritchie directly commented on this being his first P/O appearance in his Sal C. interview post-game, which was and is posted at GR-55 for anyone who wants to listen to it. Ritchie was asking the reporters (right after the game) if they knew who they would play and when...kind of a funny clip.
  13. This. I'm not sure why people don't get that this group at OBD has already told you that they don't like Tyrod. They started a 5th round draft pick with zero NFL experience over him in a regular season game when we were still in the hunt for the playoffs! They don't like him! He's leaving! Get over it!
  14. Wait! Are you suggesting Earl Thomas, Jason Pierre-Paul, or Mike Iupati would have been better long term picks for this team? They all went a few picks after we took CJ. We could have had any of them. A bit down from there went Jerry Hughes. Could have had him. We then took Torrel Troup with our 2nd pick just ahead of some Polish guy named Gronkowski. I can only imagine some of the Kool Aid Drinking Lifers around here who defend all things "Bills"....supporting those draft picks at the time and playing the role of "nearly qualified NFL GM" from their keyboard.
  15. All along we have read here at OBD that the drought is not on the current team/coaching staff as none of them were here for its entirety. Now the drought is on them and b/c it's over they have nothing to lose? Also, are you assuming (OP) that the Jaguars have something to lose? Why are the stakes any different for them? They've been a horrible team in recent years...they are probably just glad to be in the playoffs like the Bills. I agree that we likely do have a feeling of "nothing to lose" but I don't think it's an advantage relative to Jacksonville, or that the Drought really factors into it at all, except maybe in the minds of a few players on the Bills who have been here a long time. A guy like Kyle Williams or Eric Wood might put tons of extra pressure on himself in this game b/c it's finally the playoff game they have dreamed of for so long. Who knows. Anyway, I think we have a shot at winning, assuming McCoy is healthy and plays. The rest isn't that important.
  16. A buddy of mine from high school was one of the trainers on the football team at Central Florida when Bortles was playing. He told me Bortles suffers from a scorching case of genital herpes and controlling the disease was a major headache for the team doctors. He nearly missed a bunch of games due to untimely flair-ups. The rumor floating around the school at that time was that Blake caught it from a long standing but not well publicized relationship he had with a Brazilian ladyboy named Viga. I guess university financial donors were paying for private jet flights back and forth to Sao Paolo and everything.
  17. Only people enjoying this game now are Alabama supporters. I'm sure they love it.
  18. 1:00am is about 12:20am Canadian. Anyone still up and/or watching? Clemson does not have it tonight.
  19. Simply shows how attached Bills fans get to their own players and how much they over-estimate their value. It's the same with most fan bases I'm sure.
  20. Won't it be wonderful when Tyrod is sent packing this offseason and all these Tyrod fights around here will hopefully go away. Then again, the EJ **** talk lasted a while after he departed as well. Funny to think there were people around here who supported him too!
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