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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Really? This is the last year the 3 of them remain together? Kraft owns the team; he's not going anywhere. So then Belichick, Brady, or both are gone next year? I'll take both, please.
  2. ^ Has received a number of medals, awards, and ribbons at the Texas State Fair over the years for her award winning rabbits, earning her the nickname: "The bunny honey."
  3. Totally agree; add in a couple of big plays from Tyrod in timely moment. Could be a big pass or a big scramble for a first down when we need it...but he's going to have to show up a few times with big plays. He's certainly capable of it and has made plays like that throughout the season.
  4. A caller called in to Schopp and Bulldog yesterday when Sal Capaccio was on. Anyway, a discussion about how good of a coach Marrone was ensued; the consensus by all involved was that he's actually a good coach. Of course, for reasons other than pure coaching ability, he is vilified in WNY. I agree he is probably a pretty good coach though. Had he stayed here, we well may have made the playoffs before now.
  5. I'm not expecting 57 yards passing, I'm fearing it! Not sure if your are goofing around or serious. Anyway, a game like that is the game we have a shot at winning. The road to victory in this game runs straight through Blake Bortles. He is by far the weakest link in the Jaguar chain.
  6. Not sure about that. That's not even a diaper they wear! It's like a super long "sash" that wraps around the crotch area. I believe DC Tom specialized in doing the wrappings for the professional sumo wrestling association when he lived in Japan; you could PM him for more details on that. I like the idea of parking a 450 lb. sumo guy as nose tackle, on run downs. Ask him to plug the middle and not be moved. If nothing else, that forces the offense to go around the center of the line. That alone could be useful for one of these guys. Could also be useful on goal line stands.
  7. Incognito might be the only good thing about the Rex Ryan hiring. Without Rex, Richie isn't on the team, and he's been very good for us. I guess you could say the same about Tyrod; he wouldn't be here but for Rex as well...and he has been better than a lot of other options might have been too.
  8. One reason for Miami's good attendance numbers likely relates to the fact that no matter who they play, a large contingent attends rooting for the away team! That kind of skews statistics and goes against the notion that Dolphins' fans are better than they get credit for. You can't rely on their home attendance numbers; you have to somehow distinguish how many of those people are actually cheering for the Dolphins if you are trying to assert Miami supports the Dolphins better than supposed. Regarding the somewhat surprisingly low Bills numbers...well, Bills are #1 in almost everything, according to this forum. LOL.
  9. The last time the Bills were in the playoffs, DC Tom was on his second date of all time with a woman. He was on his third last Sunday, right after the Dolphins game ended. Mere coincidence?!?!
  10. How are we going to get a lead forcing them to pass if Tyrod has another 57 or 112 yard passing game? They better be scheming up tons of new plays that rely on Tyrod's mobility, or we're dead ducks.
  11. I have often wondered why NFL teams don't go full Sumo Wrestler when it comes to interior linemen, maybe even on both sides of the ball. A lot of what those guys do is physics; if you way 560 lbs like the Japanese sumo champion usually does, it is going to be awfully hard for other guys to move you. Have to have some degree of stamina and athleticism/balance of course, but the best Sumo wrestlers do, even at that size. I realize a sumo wrestler doesn't have to run around much, but it's still an interesting idea. Like how long before the NFL sees its first 400 lb. lineman?
  12. I believe the Bills' team of lawyers are currently feverishly working on an interesting contractual loophole stemming from the employment contracts of the Ryan Brothers. Long story short, my sources tell me the Bills will be able to force Rob Ryan into employment for Sunday's game; they intend to dress him as a defensive tackle. The theory, according to my source, is that Rob will count as one big body; his stomach will count as a second big body. In this way we will skirt the rules by effectively having 12 players on defense even though only 11 are allowed. With Rob plugging the middle and likely drawing double or triple teams, other players like Kyle Wiliams will be freed up. Expect the Jaguars to have a very rough time in the ground game.
  13. ^ Well known throughout Saratoga County for his prize winning show pigs, one of BringBackFergy's pigs, Emma, (pictured below) recently took 3rd place at the NYS finals, held annually in nearby Albany, NY. Congrats Fergy!
  14. The risk is staying in school, getting a career ending injury, and never cashing in on your pay day.
  15. ^ Decorates one hell of an attractive Christmas table.
  16. I think I read somewhere that was stomach cramps followed by a fast trip to the men's room.
  17. Luke Skywalker also gives the teal beer a thumbs up.
  18. The crew of the Starship Enterprise doesn't have a problem with the teal beer.
  19. I think we should start calling them Dr. Poyer and Mr. Hyde.
  20. Funny, the computer says we should have won the 6 or 7 games most predicted, including me at 6 games. A perfect storm of factors came together this year to get us in that has not happened in recent years, despite having an arguably better team in those years. I get that people don't care and we are just happy to have the monkey off our back... But we still have a way's to go. For a first year effort from a new GM and coaching staff, you'd have to say things are going well.
  21. If Mccoy was normal and had never been injured in the last game, I would not "love" our odds in this game. I think we have a shot at it; will depend on an extra good effort from our D, winning the turnover battle, and Tyrod surprising with one of his better games instead of one of his lesser games. If that all lines up, we can win. Tyrod is going to have to find it within himself to come up with some big, big plays at key moments if we win. Doesn't have to be a perfectly thrown 65 yard bomb....but maybe evading a sack, scrambling, letting the D break down...throwing for 15 yards to Clay (?) and then getting 25 yards after the catch on a critical 3rd down. Tyrod can do stuff like that...he's going to have to do it in this game!
  22. People love the underdog and a rags to riches story, but as to how this newly acquired fan base would help us, I have no idea. If these games were being played at neutral sites, it might help a lot... As is, doesn't really matter who's saying what in front of their TV in neutral third party town X, Y, or Z.
  23. No, if Shady is out, or even if plays but can't be Shady due to his injury, we're screwed. End of story. This is like saying "What would you prefer to contract? Syphilis or Hepatitis C?"
  24. Well now you've been found out. This looks like a list of predictions, not a list of insider information. You think all of these decisions have been written down somewhere at OBD and you claim to have seen it in writing? NFL teams don't work that way.
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