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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Auf Wiedersehen, Triplette. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
  2. I don't get that impression at all. He won't go hungry and he'll have no trouble finding work, but I don't think his rep around the league warrants a big, monster contract.
  3. Gruden's Schtick on MNF became boring and tiresome. For such an acclaimed football genius, I didn't even find his commentary to be particularly insightful or informative. So let's hope the vacancy he creates is filled with someone better.
  4. Based on the frequency and tone of his comments about Sammy's strong hands, I think it is pretty obvious that Collinsworth has a reoccurring fantasy. It involves Collinsworth, Sammy, lavender scented massage oil and let's just say the fantasy has a happy ending.
  5. A common rule of thumb is to drink half of your weight in ounces each day. I try to do this myself. Brady is @ 225 lbs. Half of that is 112.5. Change the pounds to ounces = 112 ounces... That's not really that much for a man his size. For me it works out to about 5 and 1/2 Snapple iced tea bottles filled with water. That's not a ton of liquid for an entire day.
  6. Watkins is made of 20% hair, 20% muscle and sinew, and 60% unrealized potential.
  7. "Momentum" during a game is a thing that impacts the game based on who has it and who doesn't. It is not a thing. "Trap game" is a thing. It is also not a thing. There are many of these "sports-isms" that sort of sound about right, and seem to kind of make sense, but really have no basis in reality and in fact are false.
  8. And who can blame him!? I love these puritanical responses! Marcell is evil for pursuing pleasures of the flesh! I bet he even has sex for reasons other than procreation! He'll burn in hellfire for this!
  9. Funny. I felt it was more like Andy Dalton that led us to Jacksonville. But for his miracle heroics, we are cleaning out our lockers and setting up winter vacation plans.
  10. Past performance has no impact of any kind on future results. Go Bills.
  11. Watching KC vs. TEN on tape delay; 1:48 left in first half for me. Mariotta just got slammed by a blitzing LB and fumbled; referee says "Forward progress was stopped" so no fumble... KC got royally screwed; terrible call; KC guy picked the ball up and could have run for a TD; instead, no fumble and TEN kicks a FG....10 point swing right there. Talk about how easily the refs can control the outcome of a game. And as I type this, I see Travis Kelce literally stumbling around on the field with no legs, totally punch drunk. He's gonna be done for the day. Big loss for KC!
  12. Watching KC vs. Ten right now on tape delay... 14 - 0 KC right now, with about 2 minutes left in first half. The QB upgrade to Alex Smith would be noticeable on our team.
  13. Just started watching KC vs. TEN on "tape delay" so I can FF commercials; they showed the crowd at Arrowhead before the opening kickoff. A sea of red and everyone going nuts doing the Tomahawk Chop thing.. I got goose bumps thinking about the Bills game tomorrow! I can't wait!
  14. Not Bills or NFL related, but I love these: Joe Rogan podcasts. Dan Carlin "Hardcore History" podcasts. Malcolm Gladwell "Revisionist History" podcasts.
  15. By far the most positive impact would come from inserting the best QB in Bills history. That's Jim Kelly. No single other player would come close, including Bruce Smith, who is arguably the single best player in franchise history. Or even OJ in his prime, who is the other likely candidate for single best player in franchise history. Or Thurman Thomas, who remains, in my opinion, one of the most deadly offensive weapons in NFL history. If you need a guy to move the ball down the field, generate offense, and score TDs, Thurman is your guy. Holy cow, thanks for posting that. Don't have time for it now, but I will greatly enjoy sitting down and watching the entirety of that game! Saw it live of course, but that was a long time ago. Will be interesting to see how the reality of it (as seen now on video) compares to my memory if it!
  16. I was listening to a certain song and this idea popped into my head.
  17. Bills fans gathered in their masses,Just like witches at black massesCoaches plotting Jaguars' destruction,Sorcerers of victory's constructionOn the field the bodies falling,As the Bills machine keeps on ballingDefeat and pain to young and old alike,Poisoning Jaguars' weak fans' mindsOh Lord yeah!
  18. My immediate thought as well. This is a home playoff game! If the fans don't turn up now, when do they turn up?
  19. ^ Has resolved to finally move out of that Chevy van down by the river so he can change his username at OBD.
  20. I had a weird vibe that a safety could be scored in this game! I'll be watching out for it all game.
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