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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I forgot tonight was the big night until about an hour ago! Getting pumped up. I am just hoping for a great, close game.
  2. What's with all the millennial hate? The "Greatest Generation" was replaced with the Baby Boomers, who collectively are the most selfish, greedy generation of all time and who shaped the country into what it is right now and it ain't good.
  3. I randomly zoomed in on one side of the field and got close enough to easily see the clothing of the fans. Then panned along the entire length of the field. There were a TON of Bills blue jerseys all down the field, in the low section close to the field. I knew a lot of folks went down and you could hear them impact the game, but I was surprised to see so many Bills jerseys all down that sideline! Wander around in that chunk of the crowd. You don't have to look hard to find Bills fans all over the place!
  4. Godfather II and Goodfellas my favorites; After that: Taxi Driver.
  5. Darnold's stock has dropped this season as the expected progress just wasn't there. He'll still go super high though. Yes but this year is not going to be like Losman or EJ. EJ's QB draft class, in particular, was terrible and everyone knew it and said it. This year is not norma; there are a bunch of guys that look like they are going to be good NFL QBs. You never know for sure, of course, but you can't compare moving up in THIS draft to taking freaking EJ Manuel, who never, ever, at any point in his collegiate career, looked like he might be a good NFL QB.
  6. I don't like the deal outlined in the OP. However, I would bet a decent amount of money that we are going to draft a QB and I dot mean a 5th round project type. We are going to single out "our guy" and do what it takes to get him, keeping in mind that we will NOT have the pick of the litter. So "our guy" won't mean who we think is best in the draft; it will mean who we think is best in draft THAT THE BILLS CAN GET. Certain guys are going to flat out be unavailable and unobtainable. But there is a middle ground there we can still get a top name at a slightly lower spot by trading up to get him. I don't know how it will play out or exactly how the contenders will be ranked when the time comes, but the guy I continue to love is Mason Rudolph from Oklahoma State. No way that happens.
  7. Agreed. And who here does not hope he's OK? I wouldn't think that sentiment requires its own thread.
  8. NOTE: Yes, that is me, and I am proud of my unibrow. In my native Kyrgyzstan, it is known as the Eighth Wonder of the World.
  9. Sounds like I'm not the only to have had a few run-ins with "Beerball" nor the only who thought he was a worthless POS.
  10. Agree with your comments; I have a problem with Point #2 in the OP as well. McDummy has made flat out wrong calls on multiple occasions this season.
  11. Luckily you aren't making decisions regarding the direction of this franchise. Have a nice night.
  12. I think the OP's point is that it has the appearance of a season in which we made progress, but is, in reality, nothing we haven't done a few times in recent years. Whether that is true or not is a matter of debate, and each will reach their own conclusions. In some ways we made big strides, in others we indeed treaded water, or regressed.
  13. But he doesn't throw many interceptions! NE has drafted more QBs during the drought than the Bills have. NE! And they had Brady!
  14. Lighten up Dingus. Dennison sucks and played a role in our defeat today. I'll be greatly disappointed if he isn't upgraded in the offseason, especially if we sell out to draft a top rated QB. Dennison can have absolutely nothing to do with mentoring a new, young QB.
  15. Can't wait for Tyrod to be gone and a new #1 QB on the roster. It will be a like a giant enema flushing this place out.
  16. Post game comments from Shady. He basically said he's not into "building blocks" and he is about winning now. Listen to his comments at WGR-550 if you want.
  17. I agree. So much other stuff just doesn't matter if you don't have the QB. And then once you do have the QB, so much other stuff still doesn't matter! It's 90% QB. Fill in the gaps around that best you can.
  18. His interception today was purely a function of the ball simply not getting to the target fast enough. We've seen that before from him too. I question if he has enough raw arm strength to compete at the NFL level. Never mind all the other more intangible stuff.
  19. So we are averaging 1.1 wins PER SEASON against playoff caliber teams in that season. Over a 17 year period of time. That's not overly impressive.
  20. Hockey! Still have half a (disappointing) Sabres season left, then the glory of the NHL playoffs. Winter Olympics in February! F1 season starts again in March, and then we have MLB (big Red Sox fan). My perception of the passage of time is guided by sports seasons.
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