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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Looks like she's about to die from cerebral hemorrhage. By the way, she is only 4'11" !!! Quite short.
  2. You indicated your real estate closing should be over by now, and that you'd tell us the location after the closing. So where is the stadium going to be?
  3. What game was it? Toward the end of the season. Dennison during his post-game comments... He really threw Tyrod under the bus emphasizing that they told him on a given play to go out and take a chance, go for it, that type of thing...he ended up dumping off for a 2 yard pass or something. Dennison was super obviously PO'd and saying something like it's just not in Tyrod to do what they TOLD him to do...THROW THE BALL. TAKE A SHOT DOWN FIELD. You could hear the pain in his voice after that game! Poor guy knew his neck was chained to Tyrod all season long and if he couldn't find a way to make Tyrod better, it would be chopped. He knew it all along. He was right!
  4. This is right on point with my thoughts too. This organization has been very poorly run for the duration of the drought and it didn't take too long to figure that out with each new regime. A few years ago we had a GM telling us EJ was a good QB and had the look of a champion in his eyes. He then stuck with him to cover his own ass and neglected other options as a result. That crap is over now! This is as solid of an organization as we've had in a very long time. The crew at OBD seems competent enough, they have a plan, and they are enacting it in a systematic, organized, forward looking manner. I can't remember when it looked this good. What the hell are you talking about? They can't draft a QB until draft day, and it's obvious to anyone paying attention that this is what they are going to do. Listen to Beane's comments at the end of season presser....couldn't have emphasized enough that we want to do what it takes to get what we want/need. Study their body of work so far and project forward. If you think they are sticking with Tyrod you're out of your mind. If he does remain, it will be part of a planned, short term stay while the real QB is prepared. His days are numbered one way or the other.
  5. This is as good as things have looked around OBD in a long time. McD has his faults, but he is young and still learning. He clearly passes the "basic competence" test of a HC. He ended the drought. He was smart enough to see the OC wasn't getting the job done, nor Tyrod, and one is now gone and the other will be gone soon. We are about to find a competent QB one way or the other (I believe) and anyone not on board the success train has been shipped out of town. When was the last time it looked this good at OBD? During the Superbowl run? This era we are in now feels like the mid to late '80s when the Superbowl teams were being constructed, learning, and growing.
  6. Young, innovative, forward thinking, outside the box, intelligent enough to understand basic statistics theory and rely on it as a part of his play design and calling. Run away from anyone who is "seasoned old school football guy." Their time in this league is expiring.
  7. That would be an immediate huge upgrade for the Bills, which is why the Bengals would never do that deal.
  8. Congrats to the @ 53% of Bills fans here who correctly predicted he would get the ax.
  9. Or a little less flat out bat-**** crazy.
  10. Great to hear this news, but make no mistake, his playing days are over.
  11. She's weird looking and seems to look different every time I see her. German skier Maria Riesch:
  12. There is something devilish about her appearance. I wonder if her biting habit has held her back in life.
  13. Most Hated: Patriots, Cowboys, Miami Favorite non-Bills team: Green Bay
  14. I think they should call him "MR." or "DR." but only if applicable. How would you address the QB?
  15. Statistical bull **** like this has no meaning on a team where Tyrod Taylor is the QB. LMFAO
  16. Nonsense! The team with more points is the team that should win, and it did. Outrageous to suggest we "should have won" when we put up 3 points in 60 minutes of football. Actually, when you only score 3 points in 60 minutes of football, you should LOSE, and we did. Would have been a lot of fun to win, but heading off to lose our heads in Foxboro ain't all that great anyway. We'll be back and with a better QB. I think the future is bright.
  17. 2 excellent selections, right on topic. Another excellent selection. Add Katarina Witt to the list too.
  18. I don't agree with the thesis going around that Dennison couldn't get a fair shot at showing what he is capable of b/c Tyrod is so bad. On the contrary, having an obvious handicap at QB was a golden opportunity for Dennison to show what he can do as an OC. There was ZERO inventiveness in play design, nor did he capitalize on the one thing Tyrod can do well: run/be mobile. I think Dennison is a dud hire and hope he is fired soon.
  19. You want to go with a promotional hiring and a first time OC? I'd rather go with experience I think.
  20. Look harder; that first video is a good example of prematurely abandoning the pocket before his #1 receiver even made his break...the guy who did break and instantly became 2 steps open. Smith never passed it to him, though, b/c he was too busy escaping the pocket. Brady stands tall in there, resists the heat, and throws for a completion. I like Alex Smith and would consider him an upgrade over Tyrod, but he certainly has his limitations, which is all the OP is trying to say I think.
  21. What he can get as a replacement is going to diminish the longer he waits! Must act reasonably fast.
  22. I said more or less the same thing a week or so ago in another thread. His playing days are over, but I think he would make a heck of a coach or QB advisor type. Especially b/c he is relatively young and still closely connected to his playing days, I think it would be really interesting to pay him to hang around the team, attend practices, and sort of be the "big brother" of the QB we draft...the big brother who happens to be a pretty good, ex-NFL QB. It wouldn't be the same thing as a "QB coach" or an OC, etc... Could be more of a personal even private relationship with the QB...an extra set of eyes and head to help get through things as the QB struggles to put it all together. You can tell he would be a fantastic teacher.
  23. Anyone interested in buying some rifles? I have a bunch of French rifles from WWII. Never fired and only dropped once.
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