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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I guess she has been a long sufferer of depression and tried to commit suicide a few years ago. I guess this time she was successful. Don't think that information has been released though.
  2. ^ A natural singing talent nurtured through years of participation in his church's choir.
  3. I never saw the "it" factor that made Tomlin a well respected HC. Apparently there is a faction in ownership that wants him gone. This all day long and twice on Sunday.
  4. NO! You don't trade up in the NFL draft! Not unless you are going hard for what you believe to be your franchise QB. Otherwise, pretend trading up is not allowed. TRADE DOWN! Get more picks!
  5. I hear Gugny celebrated by getting a whole bunch of his former classmates together for a naked swim party. Cheers!
  6. You wonder how a couple like this finds each other. They both seemed to be in on this and OK with it! This is like a Stephen King novel premise, only its' real, which makes it 100 times more fascinating...and scary.
  7. Holy ****! I can't believe that. Love the Cranberries. RIP Dolores!
  8. You are making the mistake of assuming perfect analysis/ranking by the teams. I.E., that the #1 rated QB is in fact the best QB in the draft, the #2 rated QB is actually the second best QB in the draft, etc. The 3 best QBs may well not be the top 3 ranked on draft day by most teams. In the 2000 draft, the highest drafted QB was Chad Penington (18th pick of Rd 1) who was probably also the highest ranked, hence his drafting at that spot. We know the Jets had him as the #1 QB on their board. Then came Giovanni Carmazzi with the 65th overall pick in Round 3, then Chris Redman with the 75th overall pick in Round 3. There's your 3 highest rated QBs... We still haven't gotten to Tom Brady who went in the 6th round, who I'm fairly sure was the best QB in that draft. In 1983, Kansas City took Todd Blackledge #7 overall, when Kelly, Marino, and even Ken O'Brien were all still available and yet to be drafted. Dan Marino was the SIXTH drafted QB in that draft class! He was the best of all of them, though you could argue Elway at #1 was better; I'd rather have Marino. At worst, Marino was the SECOND best QB in the draft; he was drafted SIXTH QB!
  9. He is an all-pro; he was the best player on our team on both sides of the ball, when he was in the mood to play. That was rare and overall, he did nothing to help his situation within the Bills organization. F him.
  10. That would work, especially if Minnesota is in the Superbowl; they are one of those rare franchises that has never really harmed the Bills and so I have no hatred for them. In fact, I kind of like them and would probably root for them, especially as they have never won the big one.
  11. He wasn't spineless when he went for it on 4th and goal from the 1 or 2 early in the game on Saturday. Really set a tone..."This is the playoffs, we are here to win." Loved that. Not sure McDummy would have done the same in same situation, especially early in the game; he probably would have kicked the FG.
  12. You sure it's that low? I thought it would be higher.
  13. They've decided to wait and combine it with his firing PC. I guess that's not going to be too long from now.
  14. This is no dilemma at all. I will be cheering mightily for Jacksonville. Who knows, maybe our man Marcel can dump Brady on his ass.
  15. Why do people follow this Twitter ****? Are you bored? Read a book!
  16. True enough! That is changing now with the advent of the super cable TV show doing things on an almost cinematic level...never used to be the case though.
  17. I would be wary of judging any 'Bama coach based on overall team success. That team enjoys such a massive talent advantage, even relative to other top college programs, that it kind of clouds the issue of just how good any one coach or player is. Will you be in town all week?
  18. I do not recall an NFL season, ever, where I was this unimpressed by virtually everyone in the playoffs. It seems wide open right now. I agree, a decent QB plus what the Bills have right now could very possibly have beaten any AFC playoff team, in any stadium, barring New England. I.E., give us a decent QB and get us in the playoffs, and then work the brackets so we don't have to play NE until the AFC Championship game...getting to that game has never looked easier than right now. Agreed; the Falcons/Eagles game was a case of both teams seemingly perfectly happy to LOSE...sloppy play, penalties, mistakes...neither put in a "playoff performance." I usually expect to watch playoff football being played a level or 2 beyond what the Bills are capable of; I don't see that this year so much. I think the Patriots remain a step beyond, but everyone else seems beatable and they just don't scare me.
  19. Guys who make it in the NFL rarely go back to college unless it's b/c that's the best you can do. Kind of like an actor in movies doesn't quit to go do television. Alabama and innovative QB play with a strong passing attack go together like pickles and pizza. Hope this guy surprises me; I'm not expecting much.
  20. Marrone would have likely been just as good as McDermott, and if he had stuck around, we would have gotten to the same place several years sooner. He'll always be the butt of jokes in Buffalo b/c of his curious departure and the way this is spun into him quitting on the city of Buffalo. But dude is not a bad HC and I loved how he went for it on 4th down from the 1 or 2 yard line early in the game against Pittsburgh. And watch! Jacksonville is going to give NE fits in terms of their D vs. Brady.
  21. Um, I will take a great franchise QB all day long and twice on Sunday, regardless of any conclusions one may draw about this particular playoff season.
  22. Jacksonville's D presents an interesting challenge to Brady and the Patriots. They might just be able to frustrate Brady and find a way to score enough to win.
  23. Oh for God's sake. Another Tyrod thread. Let it go people! Tyrod is done here. It's over. Move forward!
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