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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Be careful! DC Tom knows more about everything than anyone on the planet! Weird thing is, he's still living in his mother's basement.
  2. If you catch re-runs of the men's downhill on the Hahnenkamm, do yourself a favor and watch it! Fantastic course this year and some unbelievable action. It'll be replayed on the Olympic channel a bunch.
  3. Wow! This Stars game stands out as a low point in this already horrible season. That was really ugly. That was "Fire the coach" ugly or something like that. I don't think Housley will be touched this season, but someone has to pay for this crap! These guaranteed player Ks have to go!
  4. Has anyone seen the commercial for this upcoming miniseries? Anyone planning to watch? Premieres Wed. Jan. 24th. http://www.paramountnetwork.com/shows/waco
  5. For everyone on the "You don't need a franchise QB" bandwagon.... Have a look at who is standing on top when the smoke clears in this playoff season, and note who the QB is. You might be surprised to see that he is one of only THREE QBS who represented the AFC in the Superbowl in 14 of the last 16 seasons. All three are certain HOFers, 2 of them are among the best to ever play the position. (Brady, Manning, Big Ben). The evidence suggesting you need an absolute beast of a franchise QB is overwhelming.
  6. Seems about right to me; it's always right around that number; we could easily end up with a worse record next year. Depends on how things play out, quality of our opponents next year, and what we do at the QB position of course.
  7. Not a fan of McCarron in terms of him playing for the Buffalo Bills. I'm much more a fan of his wife. What is she up to these days? Perhaps the organization could hire her as some type of on-screen TV personality publicizing the team, doing team interviews and what not? She's much better looking than John Murphy. In fact, can we replace "Murph" with Katherine Webb entirely? She can probably do his radio show just as well.
  8. Not a fan of this hire. Daboll's career trajectory doesn't look "right" for a good, successful coordinator. He's done too much one step forward, one step back, for too long.
  9. Cousins is a serviceable guy; a solid upgrade from Tyrod. Nothing too fantastic and certainly not worth the pay day he is going to get from someone. The pay structure in the league, especially with QBs, needs to be addressed.
  10. TIL That there is a thing called the "Tide Pod Challenge" and kids are eating (?) laundry detergent to impress their friends, or something like that. I then thought this is not good when you consider India and China are much larger countries, and their youth do things like work, study, do homework, and then work some more. I then thought this country is doomed. These latter two thoughts were not new nor did I learn them today.
  11. ^ Went with the screen name "Another Fan" but in reality is anything but just another fan.
  12. ^ Tremendous lover of ancient Roman poetry. Went with screen name "Virgil" because "Publius Vergilius Maro" seemed too complicated for a site dedicated to football. Wept uncontrollably at the elegant beauty of The Aeneid upon his first reading.
  13. Paul Bocuse = culinary god. RIP
  14. That's a good one; that is a very unpleasant noise.
  15. ^ Has a large collection of posters featuring muscular men with large afros.
  16. Best way to move up in the draft is to trade picks, assets, players with another team for their higher draft pick.
  17. I wonder if other teams' fan bases feel they are the best. Nah, probably not.
  18. You forgot about the part where Bill Belichick and Tom Brady both retire. I see that as a critical factor in our bid to win the AFC East in 2018.
  19. The loud, disparate clamor of too many people talking in a space with bad acoustics. Most high end restaurants in America seem to be like this nowadays. They call it "energy". I call it "f-ing annoying."
  20. ^ Cugalabanza got his username while doing a stint with the peace corps in northern Brazil where the indigenous Yanomami called him by this name, roughly translated as "little red haired devil."
  21. ^ Briefly flirted with the idea of dropping out of school to join the circus, then thought better of it.
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