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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Without a QB of Brady's caliber, NE doesn't win this game. No way. Having a stud QB is EVERYTHING in this league.
  2. !@#$ !@#$ !@#$ !@#$ Jacksonville had a hell of a game going and did everything but win the mother !@#$er. I hate NE and Tom Brady so much I can taste it. At least Gronk got a little closer to CTE setting in. I just hope Minnesota or Philly can give Brady some real trouble.
  3. (Watching behind real time on DVR; first half almost over) GRONK just got his head taken off! Walking into the dressing room in concussion protocol! I freaking love this Jag defense! NEXT TAKE OUT BRADY! And there NE gets their first TD...game still going well and it looks like Gronk won't be playing again today! Loving this game!
  4. Watching behind real time; Brady just completed pass to Amendola on their opening drive... Some of the throws Brady has made on this drive have been ridiculous. The guy is so damned good. Anyway, let's hope someone rips his legs off at the knees.
  5. Have DVR ready to go; going for walk at beach and will jump into the game around the 1 hour mark so I can avoid commercials.... This Jacksonville D has the ability to give Brady real problems; they are one of the few Ds around the league that I think can have success against Brady. I am hoping for a Jacksonville win and a serious injury to Brady, the sort that pushes him into retirement a bit sooner than he wanted. That could coincide nicely with the Bills emergence as a competitive team. Will join you guys in due course if I catch up to real time. Go Jags! 3 cheers for whoever puts Brady out of the game!
  6. It's a function of energy delivery to the brain. Small amounts of energy, no matter how they are delivered or reduced, will take more instances to achieve the same damage than larger amounts. Larger energy doses will require fewer repetitions, presumably. It's not hard to figure out. And yes, it's a very simple calculation to figure out how many times jumping off an 18" step ladder will cause CTE, if some value for causing CTE is known. The number of repetitions might be huge, and therefore impractical to cause CTE, but presumably there is some threshold number that could be reached. Also, playing football in the NFL is not like jumping off an 18" step ladder. The energy involved is much greater. Mass x acceleration = force. 240 lb. guy running 15 MPH hits 240 lb. guy running 15 MPH; both stop suddenly in their tracks....lots of force being delivered to both bodies.
  7. The game is going to have to change substantially if it is to survive long term.
  8. If you think that's bad, you should see what else they have to do with Crisco in Philly!
  9. ^ Loves to move around. Finds space and distance to be comforting and freeing, yet isolating.
  10. I wish these articles would go deeper into the psyche behind this sort of thing, which is obviously a very widespread and common phenomenon. This chick is more than twice the age of the student and married. She is a teacher with students. She ends up sucking the rooster of a 14 year old kid. Why? What is behind that exactly? Lastly, where were these female teachers when I was a student?
  11. Bylsma is a terrible coach and were always going to have to get rid of him eventually anyway. We are better off with him gone. But the problem definitely was not only Bylsma. We have a team makeup that is very similar to the one we initially started breaking up when Darcy traded away Paul Gaustad for a first round pick. Too many floaters, no competitiveness, no work ethic, very fragile psyche within games, etc. The whole thing needs to go and we have to start over.
  12. Yep! I was going to go with "Persistent very real and alive pain" but it just seemed too wordy. ^ Went with Buffalo 716 as a user name to secretly hide the nature of his true identity and area code, which is definitely not 716. Buffalo716 is a master of deceit and manipulation, mystery, and many secrets.
  13. Did anyone see the recent UFC fight where the guy threw a flying knee kick into the other guy's head and put a big dent in it? Fractured skull. Pretty gruesome to see and hear.
  14. One thing I took away from the show was just how stupid Hernandez was. I don't mean "stupid" as in he made obviously poor judgments and threw away what could have been a great life with fame and lots of money... I mean the guy was highly unintelligent. He clearly had a very low IQ that was probably just above being clinically labeled as "mildly retarded". 80 maybe? That is the foundation upon which his troubles were built. In addition, he seems to have had a screw loose where he didn't know how to deal with anger and didn't have that little voice inside his head saying "that's enough" when it came to revenge or retribution. So on one hand he is easily influenced and hanging around with the wrong crowd, and on the other, he's a bit of a psychopath by nature. He reminds me of a Richard "Iceman" Kuklinski type. Watch those documentaries on HBO if you have not seen them already. Riveting viewing. It's actually not that shocking that this "NFL star" ended up the way he did once you get to see what the guy was really like. If he had not been born with a great physique and a huge amount of natural athletic talent, he would have just been the idiot who killed someone after a bar altercation and went to prison for life, like lots of others. No one would have known his story, and no one would have cared.
  15. Curious: why do you expect to receive content which costs money to produce for free? Do you also go into a convenience store, ignore the items on the shelves with price tags, and then ask the clerk where the free stuff is located?
  16. Whenever you have something moving quickly, like a football player and his brain inside his skull, and then it suddenly decelerates when the player hits something, the brain will continue to stay in motion until it slams into the inside of the skull. It does not matter which player is the tackler and which player is being tackled. I could hit you shoulder to chest, with both of us having a perfectly stabilized head inside a helmet, relative to the rest of our bodies. Doesn't matter. Both of our brains are going to stay in motion inside our skulls until they hit our skulls. The guy getting hit usually gets the worst of it, but the guy doing the hitting jostles his brain too. Sometimes both guys get knocked senseless; sometimes only the tackler (!) is woozy... Some CTE research has shown that CTE is not related to one or two big hits/concussions, but rather, many small impacts to the brain sustained in large numbers over a longer period of time. For this reason, some research has suggested the players most at risk are offensive and defensive linemen, who are banging their heads around on every single play as they engage players on the opposite side of the line. A WR, in contrast, might get lit up with the most eye-catching hit now and again, but on a lot of plays he is not hitting anything, or getting hit. As someone mentioned, you are not going to eliminate CTE or brain trauma or concussions with helmet technology... This neck collar mentioned upstream that is effectively increasing internal pressure inside your skull so there is less "wiggle room" inside your skull is a more interesting idea; in theory that could help with brain impacts to the skull. Whether or not it actually does remains to be seen. I would imagine you can't increase internal pressure within the skull significantly enough to truly protect the brain without causing other problems arising from artificially boosting internal pressure inside your skull! Jesus. At what point is it easier to tell your kid to take up baseball? Hence the problems facing the future of football.
  17. I enjoyed it! He would have been more funny, I think, if he could have gone a little more off-color in his humor, but this is TBS.
  18. I haven't really watched much of that, but that's interesting if the fights devolve into kickboxing affairs. I thought they almost all devolved into "jiujitsu" type stuff with both guys on the ground and one guy in a submission type hold. A lot of people seem to suggest that real hand to hand violence will almost always quickly result in both guys on the ground, at which point one guy is dead meat if he doesn't know how to get out of a hold, and the other guy knows how to get you in a hold. Hence the value of learning jiujitsu or judo or even traditional wrestling as opposed to other types of martial arts, which don't really "work" in real life....such as karate or aikido and lots of others.
  19. Sounds like you are describing the HANS device as used in motor racing. At least sort of. Doesn't do anything about the brain hitting the inside of your skull within that helmet, which is where the problem lies. You can't do anything about inertia.
  20. Just watched the piece at the link I posted above. Fairly well done, 3 out of 5 stars. Worth the time if you are interested in Hernandez and his story. Thanks to the OP for posting this; I wouldn't have known it existed if I hadn't seen it here.
  21. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/48-hours-special-all-american-murder-the-rise-and-fall-of-aaron-hernandez/
  22. I totally disagree with his QB treatment as well. Not sure many would agree with this guy that Darnold is the first QB taken; I think most would take Rosen first or even Baker Mayfield. Not sure many agree with that one. Kid has lots of question marks surrounding his game at the NFL level.
  23. How about "There's no 'I' in 'team'." Sums up what McD is preaching in a nutshell. Albeit a trite nutshell.
  24. Eichel's own performance has been up and down; he likes to disappear for periods of time. He's also shown a fragile psyche who gets easily frustrated. He's not above the **** show. He's a part of it.
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