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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Comfortably Numb, Guitar Solo 2 is one of the best pieces of guitar music I've ever heard. The live version David Gilmour did on tour in Gdansk is phenomenal. I have the DVD/CD set of that concert and the CDs live in my car, so I've listened to that version of the solo about 10,000 times now.
  2. What do the people who live in San Fran call it? So can't call it San Fran or Frisco. What, I have to call it "San Francisco" every time? Too many syllables. LOL. Thanks for the invite. This all relates to a job my girlfriend may not even apply for; if she does, she would have to be offered a job and decide to accept it. So it's not necessarily going to happen. I thought, looking at a map, that this area would be not nice and like a bad suburb of Oakland. So I'm glad I asked, as it is obviously a lot nicer than I thought.
  3. I guess they are measuring hand flat on its palm, and then they measure from tip of thumb to tip of pinky. I just did that and came up with 9.5". I'm 5'11" and can't grab a football really well. I know there are guys with hands way bigger. If my hands are 9.5", I would want like 10.5" or more if I was going to throw footballs for a living. PS: Tom Brady is a tall, lanky guy who stands 6'4" right? Just looking at his hand on the football in a game, I can tell you his hand is way bigger than mine. It has to be. Either there is no way he is 9.34" or I am somehow measuring my hand wrong.
  4. Rotten Tomatoes is good if you look at 4 or 5 top critics' comments and see what they say. There will usually be a consensus reached one way or the other in terms of the movie being good or bad. Avoid people you have never heard of from media outlets you have never heard of. Some of their comments for movies I am very familiar with are crazy and often wildly inaccurate. Top film critics from the best newspapers in the country tend to be a reliable source of information.
  5. Thanks for the updates; I ask about Pleasanton b/c my significant other is entertaining doing a job interview for a huge international corporation that has a facility in Pleasanton. I work at home and can move wherever with her, so I was wondering what this particular part of the Bay area might be like. I'm used to DC housing prices so the housing costs don't scare me, but they still piss me off! As long as my girlfriend could get to work in Pleasanton without too much trouble or a hellish commute, we could live wherever. I will nose around on some real estate sites.
  6. That's a wicked groove he gets into on his Strat at :27 after a slow intro section. I like this a lot. If you like the Hendrix song, you'll probably like this, which is one of my favorite videos on all of Youtube.
  7. That's going to be a long, tough series. Bears in 7 games.
  8. The correct answer is Maximus Decimus Meridius. You don't end up being Commander of the Armies of the North and General of the Felix Legions b/c you are some Greek guy's B word. Maximus would have him in chains being paraded naked through downtown Rome faster than you can say "Vercingetorix."
  9. Thanks! I was just wondering if it is generally a nice area or a not nice area. You've answered that. Is housing as bad as I fear it would be, or are you far enough away from the sweet spot in San Fran to be somewhat affordable? Like can you buy a decent single family home for $650,000? Or is that dreaming?
  10. Somewhere within the greater metropolitan Dallas, TX area, /GoBillsInDallas\ has a large warehouse filled with the latest in high powered computer servers, all networked and programmed to monitor the internet, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for any articles or references to teacher/student sex. When asked why he does it, his response was simple: "It's who I am; it's what I do." It is rare indeed in today's society to find a man with such humility and quiet dedication to a singular vision. GoBillsinDallas, I applaud you.
  11. ^ Dedicated his life to the pursuit of making free on-line porn available to all, starting in @ 1973.
  12. Has anyone lived in the greater San Francisco Bay area? Specifically, I'm interested in Pleasanton, California, sort of SE from Oakland, on the inland side of southern San Fran Bay. Not too far from Hayward or Freemont. What's this area like? How difficult to get to good spot of San Francisco from there with traffic etc.? Any info. would be welcome. Thanks!
  13. Funny, I vote to save California but throw North Carolina into the Atlantic Ocean!
  14. Anything that might make any top QB candidate slip a little has to be a good thing for us, right? We aren't picking #1 overall.
  15. Humans are scary mother f-ers. I try to avoid them these days.
  16. Drove out to Attica with a buddy of mine when we were in high school, just to check out the prison. It was definitely as ominous in reality as it was in our imaginations. Creepy place. Glad I'm not there.
  17. How about the younger daughter of the late Prince Rainier of Monaco? She was always a little rough around the edges and had sort of a masculine look, but was kind of hot from a distance. Ah yes...Princess Stephanie. Not aging well I see.
  18. Best 60 minute effort from the team in a long time, maybe all year. Now they are talking as if they just won the Cup. I expect a let down in Edmonton; let's see if they string 2 strong games together.
  19. Marrone is actually a pretty good HC in a league full of bad ones. He'll forever be mocked in Bills fan circles, however, b/c of the way he quit on the organization, and by extension, the WNY community.
  20. I still say Romo would be a heck of a QB whisperer as "special advisor" to the team. Not sure he has any interest in that whatsoever though.
  21. We played the Jags in their stadium fairly evenly, and we did that while playing without a QB or any semblance of a passing attack. Continued improvement, added talent through FA and the draft, and acquiring a real QB who can throw the ball downfield with a strong vertical passing attack are what we need to catch up to New England. It helps that as we catch up to them over the next couple of years, they will be slowing down, or at least Brady will be...or at least you would think. The guy can't play forever. It's possible we could arrive just as Brady is on the way out. That would be great timing.
  22. Would anyone care to guess how long it will take for the first "made for TV docudrama" of this story to air? I bet we see one within 12 months.
  23. Is the OP aware that the Eagle's starting QB will not be playing in the Superbowl?
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