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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. So last night I finally broke down and took the Tide Pod Challenge. I decided against Coral Blast and instead went with Ocean Mist, and let me tell you! I have never been whiter and brighter! I'm completely rejuvenated and utterly infused with a lush floral bouquet, hints of citrus, and refreshing sea air. I look as great as I smell!
  2. ^ Bakin is a few clowns short of a circus if you see my meaning. The wheel's spinning but the hamster is dead.
  3. That's a different sort of concept, but I like this a lot. I think that deserves it's own thread.
  4. It will be interesting to see what becomes of Tyrod. He is right on the edge of starting/backup QB at the NFL level. He may end up with a starting gig somewhere; he may well not.
  5. I have nothing against Dennison on a personal level, but it is funny how these guys get redistributed around the league, ad infinitum. They just move from one situation to another, and the same pack of guys often follow each other around due to loyalty and a common connection from early in their careers, rather than hiring guys based on merit. Rex comes to Buffalo, suddenly we are filled with "Jet" guys. McDermott comes here, we get Carolina guys or guys from McDermott's coaching past. Tim Murray becomes the GM of the Sabres, things start looking Ottawa-ish around here and the team starts acquiring players from the Ottawa system... I'm digressing; the NFL coaching pool is so inbred it is married to its sister.
  6. I "broke" that story at this forum (got a thread up announcing the news seconds after it was formally announced) and the immediate overall reaction here was "Is this a joke? This can't be true? Is this true? I hate this deal!"
  7. They will need to take everyone's top 5 complaints about NFL football and somehow address all of them in whatever they package together. Offer NFL football with lower quality play, but minus all the things most fans hate about the NFL. So for example, have no instant replay at all, or a completely different system that has to be fast, easily enforceable rules devoid of nuance and subjective reasoning, and few stoppages/commercial breaks, etc. So many seem opposed to unlimited penalty yardage on PI, maybe make that a 15 yard penalty like college, etc. There is a ton that you could improve upon relative to the NFL rather quickly.
  8. ^ boasts a particularly large collection of wife-beater t-shirts.
  9. Thanks for posting this video; I lived through it live at the time, but I probably haven't seen it since! I got goosebumps re-living that little piece of Bills history. For those here who are too young to remember that game, what you see in this clip defines that era for the Bills. As a fan, you had a belief, a knowledge, that the team could get it done no matter what the challenge was and excellence was to be expected! Listen to the crowd in that video. The place is buzzing at fever pitch the entire time! Great memories!
  10. Both the offensive and defensive lines had a lot more turnover than most people remember. The offensive line had guys like Jim Ritcher on it in its early phases; the defensive line had guys like Art Still! And absolutely: the build up years in the '80s to the Superbowl Run were definitely a big part of the process. Those were fun years too as there was so much anticipation of the team "arriving". Usually ending in playoff disappointment, but it was all a fun time as well no doubt.
  11. Players who played a playoff game aren't allowed on Drought Rushmore. That's the whole point, to honor the best players whose careers were thrown away spinning in circles on Bills' teams that never made it to the playoffs. A guy like Lee Evans would be suitable, as would Fred Jackson.
  12. How about: "Benched for a rookie drafted in the 5th round with no NFL experience while in the midst of a playoff race" ???? Doesn't really roll off the tongue, does it? Probably better to just go with "I suck"
  13. I've listened to Eric Wood's weekly Monday spots with Schopp and Bulldog for a long time. He is way above average intelligence for an NFL football player, excellent speaker, and a good man. He would be a no brainer choice for getting into broadcasting if he wants to go that direction. Probably not racist, but definitely predicted by SaviorPeterman's Twitter source last night! That thread is now locked I see.
  14. They will use their #1 pick as a pick, for sure. #4 may be available, may not be available. Should be a really interesting draft. PS: The entire structure of the draft is going to be dictated by what Cleveland does. Everything will slot in behind their decisions like dominoes.
  15. West Coast Shaving has a deal now, spend over $50 and get free shipping plus a free gift of some sort....got an email from them recently and I thought I'd pass on the info. They are a good source of high quality shaving supplies and I have bought from them several times.
  16. I notice the other thread is now locked regarding upcoming shocking Bills roster news or whatever... And then this news comes out of nowhere that Eric Wood is finished. I would say that qualifies as shocking Bills roster news. It just came a bit earlier than "next week".
  17. What very little I heard of those two was brutal. Now if they would only replace Murphy too and get a quality play by play guy...
  18. Shocking news. Sorry to see him go; I enjoyed his Monday afternoon chats with Schopp and Bulldog. BTW: Am I the only one noticing that this would most definitely qualify as the shocking roster news SaviorPeterman said was coming with his twitter reference last night? LOL
  19. Yes, pass, and it doesn't take long to reach that conclusion.
  20. I believe Vince McMahon would own all teams in the league and the league itself, himself.
  21. ^ Thought about starting a cult dedicated to the Hypnofrog, then canned the idea in favor of the Hypnotoad.
  22. The driver education system in America is appalling. We don't teach people how to drive cars, we teach sort of "basic traffic regulations." The whole thing needs to be rethought and that includes stricter standards for elderly people. This is one of my favorite pet peeves, but I doubt any of this will ever change. It's just one of those American things that ain't gonna change, because, America.
  23. This sort of thing represents the old Bills, the middling, crap organization that always half-assed it and achieved little in success for its history, save the glorious time around the Superbowl years. I genuinely believe all that stuff is finally behind us and we are now a much more professionally run organization, by people who get it. I still say things are looking up and, in fact, have not looked this good in a generation.
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