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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I think NE will win. How or by how much I don't know, but that stuff does't really matter anyway.
  2. They have had a massive effort problem the entire season. This entire group, for the most part, is going to be broken up.
  3. I generally don't enjoy Superbowls and so I probably have felt this "off" before. But I get the OP's point; my enthusiasm for the game is close to zero. I will watch however! I'll tune in to see the National Anthem and then watch the game for as long as it is interesting or competitive. If NE gets a big lead, I'll do other things.
  4. Yes, in that scenario I think proper groomsmanship would be considered best practice and common courtesy.
  5. I was amazed when they chopped the head off Sean Bean's character in GOT! I was new to the show and binge watching at that time and I couldn't believe they killed off the guy I perceived to be the star of the show. That was before I realized they were going to kill off EVERYONE eventually. LOL. ALSO: When Tony Soprano KILLED Christopher! That was totally unexpected and it kind of hit me hard! That was one of the absolute most dark moments in the show. If they threw that in there for shock value, it worked!
  6. The gaps between your rushing yardage % groups are too broad for this to be a meaningful analysis. Though if you are suggesting your data demonstrates that QBs who are not run-dominant in college do better in the NFL than those who are run dominant at the college level, well, we already knew that. The "athletic running type" of QB, of which there are many every year in college, having limited value in the NFL.
  7. Another thread discussing which flawed re-tread you prefer! It doesn't have to be that way, Bills fans! These guys better go out and get our own stud, and they better know which one to get. I'm fine with a FA hire if he is seen only as a place marker as we move on from Tyrod but need time for the stud draftee to develop.
  8. McD and Butler high school teammates, huh? The amount of nepotism in the NFL is ridiculous. Let's hope this is an improvement, and not just another friend scratching the back of a friend in the NFL.
  9. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2756508-tom-brady-cut-interview-after-alex-reimer-calls-daughter-annoying-little-pissant?utm_source=cnn.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=editorial
  10. Funny, your contempt for Apple is how I feel about Microsoft and their garbage operating system that has been shoved down the worlds' throat for so long. Microsoft is the next GM. What success they enjoy is from their size and control of the market, not based on the quality of their products. They are a company headed for extinction, just like GM. How many times has GM been spared from the scrap heap of history?
  11. I think your post sums the whole thing up well. It's just a technical thing in terms of timing and money hence the concern over labels like "voluntary retirement" or whatever language is relevant to the appropriate CBA sections. At the end of the day, that's really not very interesting. Then, as an aside, the Bills seem to have botched the whole thing and figured it out right at the last second, thus delaying the "statement" by a full hour and making Wood feel like a jerk, particularly as he had people flying in from out of town to attend. Urbik, Will Wolford, Fitz, and others... It's just another awkward mis-step in a long series of them from OBD; what makes it a little different is this one comes on Beane and McDermott's watch. The first major faux pas for them that I recall. I'm personally done with this story! It's not as interesting as it seems at first glance.
  12. There is obviously some type of legal technicality going on, revolving around money. Who is going to pay it? How much? That type of thing. None of this really impacts the average Bills fan. Wood's career is over and he's done. Some sort of CBA related technicality is holding things up for the moment, but it really doesn't matter. At least from a fan's perspective.
  13. Just listened to the statement. He very clearly said he learned of this within a few days of the Playoff game (meaning after), and 1 hour BEFORE the birth of his son. His point was simply that it was tough emotionally handling the high of finally making a playoff game followed so quickly by the low of finding out your career is over. As far as I know, Eric is scheduled to speak to Schopp and Bulldog as he always does on Mondays, probably for one last time today. He was scheduled as of last week. Not sure if something has change with that b/c of all the weirdness going on today. Could be the most interesting segment he's ever done with those two.
  14. Agree totally with your paragraph 3. Disagree with paragraph 4. I still think the decline in the NFL is simply cyclic. Everything in life has a cycle and things are either on their way up, or on their way down. Things usually don't hang around for long at any point on the cycle. The NFL has enjoyed a historic run "at the top" and that is not sustainable.
  15. What a crazy world we live in. It's getting to the point where you can't even get iced up on some crank with someone special, and enjoy a little man on man love in the back of a box truck without some crazy person trying to intrude. The next thing you know there's a bad car crash, the police are involved, and a hospital visit for an innocent victim. Just crazy!
  16. ^ Used to live in the South towns but couldn't take the snow. Has enjoyed the move to the Northtowns and has never looked back.
  17. I do remember it. We had a long hedge that went alongside our backyard and the sidewalk, sort of connecting our house to the garage. It was like shoulder/head height. Maybe 5 feet tall or even a bit taller, and probably 30 feet long. The entire thing disappeared after the blizzard. Snow drifts just buried it and it was gone. That's what I remember! I was 6 years old. I also remember my father being trapped at work and sleeping the night at his office desk; we have a photo of that somewhere at my mom's house.
  18. Mission Minneapolis quickly turned into the Minneapolis Massacre, unfortunately. I don't recall any other promo names for the Superbowls.
  19. I have shaved in the shower for years and couldn't imagine doing it in the sink. I have a tough beard and shaving is always the last thing I do in the shower, so my beard has lots of time to soften up. It also helps being a wet shaver, as the process of whipping up your own shaving soap with a brush and then brushing it all over your face can be kind of messy. In the shower it doesn't matter. Everything rinses quickly and easily. I'm a huge advocate of shaving in the shower. Also, if you haven't don't it yet, "map" your whisker growth all over your face and neck. It will be different place to place. I.E., figure out the "grain" of the growth and then always shave with the grain on a first shaving, against the grain on a second shaving, and maybe across the grain on a third for a super close shave. Yes, a lot of guys shave their face 3 times in a single shaving. You'd be amazed at the results if you have never done this. Not necessary every single day, but for a special occasion or time when you want to look your best, it's a great way to go.
  20. Razor, massive amounts of soap suds, plenty of hot water, and a steady hand!
  21. So I've been doing some math. If we can keep this winning streak going for another 30 games or so, we might be looking really good for a playoff push!
  22. Eventually even the dumb-dumbs in the NFL will get that "athletic QBs" the type of which are popular in Alabama will NEVER work in the NFL. One reason is way too much team speed on NFL defenses; another is superior coverage/CB play at the NFL level relative to college. I don't think people realize just how much of a crazy talent gap there is all over big time college football fields, even among top teams. The quality differential from position to position/team to team is HUGE at the NCAA level.
  23. It doesn't matter how many fall to us if we still don't have a QB in 2018. Agree on all counts. We need a QB, we should be prepared to do whatever it takes to finally get one, and the national press has NO IDEA what the real game plan of the Bills is! That is for sure.
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