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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Keep in mind during this time, with that collection of crap at the QB position, New England drafted more QBs than we did! With Tom Brady as their starter! This is what I mean when I have been saying this is as good as the franchise has looked in a long time. The usual foul stench of incompetence is slowly drifting out of OBD.
  2. Am I the only one here who finds wings to be kind of gross, at least later in life? I used to love them and pound them in my youth, but man, that stuff is greasy, fatty, and they are little heart attacks on a bone. I'm not sure I've had a wing in 15 years.
  3. I'm skipping W-J b/c I don't think there is a word. Moving on to W-K... WALK. Used in a sentence: I saw a woman WALK down the sidewalk.
  4. From the glorious 7-1 match from a few years ago.
  5. Don't be surprised to find out "the authorities" were extra thorough with the cleanup on that one. Somehow I'm thinking not every one of those unbroken bottles remains in the possession of the rightful owner. If was the driver, I'd grab the best bottle of scotch I can find and throw back right at road side.
  6. Well you know, you make a good point. Kane would have played a role in any shenanigans in the re-match, but he will be gone for sure, as will some others. I'm very eager to see just how much slashing and cutting Botterill does, and how quickly.
  7. Somewhere in football land, Doug Whaley read your comment and thought "Hey, that's not a bad idea!"
  8. Watched the first 3 minutes of the video. There is not a single throw where he is not staring down and throwing to his primary receiver. Never once did he look around and throw to a second or third choice. So who knows if he has that skill, at least from this video. On the plus side, he was very consistently leading his receivers so they could catch in stride and keep going; he didn't under throw a single big pass. Like many QBs, he seems to have more natural feel for the passing game than Tyrod! On a lot of those long throws, it looks like he is throwing the ball as far as he can, which isn't good. Arm strength a definite question mark.
  9. I feel like the foundation is in pace, or getting in place, to allow us to be competitive year in and year out. So don't be negative for now. If we F this draft up and emerge with no QB, I'll want to burn the place to the ground. But that hasn't happened yet, so let's enjoy it. And look on the bright side: Brady is playing later today. You never know; this might be the day he gets both of knees blown out on a "freak play." There is always something to think positively about!
  10. If either one retires, it will be like Christmas for Bills fans. If both retire, it will be like 10 Christmases all at once. Would be the biggest development in Bills Land in years. The division would instantly become winnable overnight.
  11. Are you into American motorcycles? You have the Harley Davidson HQ and museum there.
  12. To answer the question posed in the thread title: My money is on DC Tom.
  13. Anyone else notice that OBD is getting a pretty thorough toilet flushing these days? The organization has been rinsed clean, save Russ Brandon. If only Pegula had gotten on it with Operation House Clean the moment he got control of the team....would have saved us years on the rebuild.
  14. And it didn't involve a trip to the beauty salon. (Rim shot).
  15. OJ has his detractors these days, but the man flat out assaulted defenses like very few I've ever seen. He used to give opposing defensive coordinators nightmares b/c it was murder trying to prepare for him. Back in those days on the field, OJ acquitted himself very well.
  16. I just heard from a very reliable source that Brady has been catching all week with no pitching whatsoever. Wants to save his stamina for the big game tomorrow. Anyone hear other game preparation rumors?
  17. You can lead a Tyrod to the football field, but you cannot make him throw. Auf wiedersehen mein Freund!
  18. The third period last night was actually some of the most entertaining hockey the team has played all season. Mark your calendars for Friday, March 2nd at Florida. 7:30pm game start. Should be a good game.
  19. Damn! Almost makes me wish the USSR was still around!
  20. I was hoping it was going to be a Fokker DR.1 but it turned out to be a Junkers D.1. Damnit!
  21. Is it possible that they, this board, and everyone else in Bills nation is all focusing on pretty much the same stuff at the same point in time?
  22. Good for Sully! Sounds like he gave Gronk a harder time about the hit than the Bills players themselves! They seemed quite OK with the whole thing as I recall.
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