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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Disagree with all, except #3 (cutting Clay) and even that I don't totally agree with. I will be STUNNED if we do not draft a top QB prospect who is expected to become our next franchise QB. If we don't, I'll officially start the "Fire McD and Beane" crusade.
  2. Did anyone post the model from the Fiat Abarth commercials yet?!
  3. This woman is one hell of a good French horn player. She's Swedish.
  4. Didn't realize that. That's a little more weird. I thought he simply thought over the offer, possibly even after acceptance, and had a change of heart. It's amateurish of him to let it get to the point where he was hiring staff and then back out, but I still understand it if he was given the same offer (HC when BB is gone) in Boston.
  5. I couldn't fathom driving 90 minutes to watch a Sabres game, and I am probably more of a hockey fan than football fan. The entertainment value of a common NHL regular season game is just not there anymore. The game has really become boring. On top of that, we are terrible.
  6. BB has a long standing policy of not suffering fools, and it's a big part of why New England is New England. Sounds like this guy is a fool (Butler) and BB didn't want to compromise his standards to accommodate the fool. Good for BB. I hope the Bills are run in the same manner.
  7. I would be on board with any and all of these cuts. Certainly Tyrod as must. If we are going to be a legitimate contender under McDermott, it is going to be with a young QB who is not even on the team yet. He will need time to develop. There is plenty of time to fill in the roster around the QB and none of these supporting cast guys are going to be difference makers on the Bills team that gets back to the Superbowl, should we actually do so. Jerry Hughes is not going to be a factor when the Bills are good again; if dumping him now allows us to form the team we want, go for it.
  8. Interesting development, but if it's true that McDaniels was told he's heir apparent when BB retires, I can't blame the guy one bit...especially when you consider he has a family and is rooted in the Boston area and prefers New England to Indianapolis. I do too!
  9. All kidding aside, I think if you spent 10 minutes quietly chatting with Rob Gronkowski in a focused, one-on-one manner about anything...you would conclude he is possibly the dumbest adult you have ever talked to. Ever. Not joking.
  10. Yes, I think Kane will be moved for sure. How much we get in return remains to be seen.
  11. Agreed. Nothing kills an entire day like a 1pm football game on a Sunday.
  12. This is precisely why one of them is bound to be a franchise HOF player. If the experts were calling the top QBs "can't miss superstars" I'd be worried!
  13. Thanks for posting this! I really enjoyed that! Anyone got a harpoon? You need a harpoon. Just one. "What's your favorite shape?" "Not the square. Not the square. Good old triangle." LOL...I thought that was one of the best in the whole video; it really looks like that is what he's saying.
  14. I heard Dunkirk Don was in attendance along with his agent, a few lawyers, his press girl, and a few other handlers. Possibly related to the new stadium.
  15. The victory parade in Philly will be aired at 11am on Thursday morning on the NFL Network. I guess they are expecting something like 2.5 million people to turn out for the event.
  16. We always set viewing records for NHL games on NBC Sports Network too, which is part of the reason why the Sabres usually get more than their fair share of those games. NBC knows their best ratings come from WNYers watching the Sabres.
  17. I know what you mean, but when you consider the circumstances surrounding him joining the team last second and what not, he did a pretty solid job for us.
  18. The old Chicago Stadium goal horn was great, but honestly, I like the one from the Aud as much as any of them! How I miss that old building!
  19. Yes, this Superbowl was sort of a landmark event in showing the way for the future with NFL franchises. Analytics played a big role in the game and anyone who ignores it going forward is doing so to their own detriment. It can't be over-stated how conservative and slow to embrace change NFL culture is.
  20. They are finally getting smart, pumping out some sort of Star Wars related film as often as possible. It's like a license to print money. I saw the trailer during the game; I guess this is the back-story of how Han Solo came to be the guy we first met in the first Star Wars movie. Well, that could be interesting.
  21. "No taxation without avian fecal eradication." Doesn't really roll off the tongue as far as revolutionary slogans go. PS: F--- Golisano.
  22. Yes, Brady is the GOAT. He also gets a technical difficulty multiplier Montana does not enjoy, as Montana played at a time when defenses were absolutely primitive by today's standards.
  23. In Gronk's world, string theory means playing around with a loose thread on your game jersey while not knowing how you can get rid of it. Thus creating multiple theories on how to solve the problem, like: 1) Burn it with fire 2) Smash it with a big rock 3) Hide the jersey and say it was lost
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