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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Agree Gronk is the best TE of all time. He has basically invented his own position that previously didn't exist in the sport. He combines huge size and strength with fast enough speed and great hands/athleticism. He's a slow, really good WR in a huge body. Almost all other Tight Ends are just Tight Ends.
  2. The NFL game is now completely and totally offensively focused and driven. It is insane to try and swim against that current and build a Defense that is so dominating it can consistently stop any QB/offense, while neglecting your own offense. It just doesn't make any sense at all.
  3. Tannehill is not a bad QB. I think he gets a bad wrap around here b/c he has played poorly against the Bills, and a lot of Bills fans only watch Bills football games.
  4. He is listed as 6'1" but the consensus is that this is totally distorted. The popular guess is that he is 5'11" maximum. People are anxious to measure his real height at the combine. I think some people DO consider him the #1 prospect in the draft. Darnold did not progress this last college season the way he should have and I think his stock has fallen as a result. Still others may regard him as #1. It will be interesting to see how the pecking order plays out on draft day. The Bills need to do what it takes to get up there and grab one of the good guys. Stop screwing around!
  5. I couldn't agree more. It amazes me that the Bills coaches seemingly have not figured this out yet, no matter who they are. We always approach the Patriots the same, cautious way, in awe of their majesty, and it almost never works. You need to hit them hard, be aggressive, and take chances if you are going to win...and have luck/success with those chances as the Eagles did. The cautious route is a guaranteed loss.
  6. A lot of your interests are in line with mine; I've done some of these myself. I have been to Rome many times and Istanbul once. Both are 1000% worthy of being on your list, especially if you are interested in ancient Roman history. Istanbul is Ancient Rome Part II and there are still something like 13 KMs of Roman walls on the western side of the old city, if you are into that sort of thing. Then of course you have the Hagia Sophia which is a Roman construction, etc. Food is phenomenal as well in both places. Cairo and Athens/Greece are also on my list, though everyone I know who has been to Cairo has negative comments about the situation over there these days. Basically a really slummy 3rd world type experience with everyone trying to rip off wealthy Americans and the pyramids being neglected/whored out to make some money for a country in desperate need of it. It's sad. Well, that is the Giza Plateau experience on the edge of Cairo I am talking about. Some other aspects of ancient Egypt sightseeing may be better, like Luxor and what not. Not sure. I have never come close to slipping into a threesome with 2 girls. You've been there 3 times. Please provide details on how this happens and what the scenario was. I'd like to learn from your expertise and apply the knowledge as soon as possible. LOL. Also, how the hell did you chicken out? I can't believe that.
  7. A couple comments on this point: 1) If you can, listen an hour late each day to the programming of your choice. You can listen pre-recorded that way, reduce an hour show to 40 minutes, and all commercials are automatically edited out. I like to listen to Schopp & Bulldog each day, but try to listen all of it "tape delayed" as it goes faster and there are no commercials. 2) I couldn't agree more with the "time warp" comment. Some of the custom made songs for local WNY businesses, presumably made by WNY advertisers, are out of the 1950s. They are just so outdated and not hip/current in their sound, you wonder who the hell is creating the stuff. 3) There are some commercials made for radio that are just instant headache manufacturers, where you have a lot of harsh voices talking really fast in an annoying cacophony of sound, in a hammer-over-the head staccato fashion. That is usually followed up by even worse speed reading of the legal disclaimer at the end. I usually rush to hit "mute" on my laptop as fast as I hear these, so as to avoid said headache. I often wonder what company would sign off on such an ad, as it casts the company in the worst possible light. 4) WNY is a small market and you can clearly hear the same few voices doing all of the singing in these weirdo 1950s songs on GR-55. 5) Remember how freaking bad John Gurtler was as the voice of the Sabres for a while? Listen for him doing voiceovers on GR-55 ads; he is on there quite a bit. You'll recognize his voice right away if you remember him from his Sabres days. Spot on! She has cornered the WNY market on this type of thing! "Brotherly care, brotherly love...brotherly love, Brothers of Mercy." This haunts me! "1-888-Kars4Kids, 1-888 Kars4 Kids. 1-888-Kars4Kids, donate your car today." I would love to find the kid singing that song and torture him slowly in front of his parents.
  8. Why not? I'm on board with drafting a QB or 2 every year until you find one that is good!
  9. I wouldn't have a problem with Bradford as bridge so long as he is the bridge and only the bridge, we draft "the real guy at QB" as well, and don't pay Bradford a lot of money. If we draft "the guy" at QB, what happens between now and when "the guy" can play is meaningless to me. Might as well throw Bradford in there; he'll work as well as other options.
  10. You can have her; I call the brunette behind the Asian with her hands on her head as the announcer says "and time runs out" Some cute girls in that crowd.
  11. Screw the positional needs; we made the playoffs with Tyrod Taylor as the QB. Can you imagine what me might achieve if we had a real QB who can throw the ball!? I'm all in favor of doing whatever it takes to get the "top" QB prospect on our board, if at all feasible. It all begins with the QB, and ends with the QB. Everything else is not as important.
  12. We have no need for these services; we have had a robust analytics department for years. Russ Brandon saw to it himself.
  13. That crap wouldn't help her much in a side impact of that nature. Getting the hell out of the way is a much better plan. She had plenty of time to go and she went. Smart woman.
  14. When most of your throws are 3 yard check downs to the HB, it's easy to be accurate. Can't wait for this guy to be gone so we don't have to read any more Tyrod threads again. He's like Rasputin. You can't get rid of him.
  15. She is the only possible reason I can think of to watch golf on TV.
  16. Tough chick! I like her! She's a survivor.
  17. Who in the NFL isn't? They're all giving the glory to God and praising Jesus every chance they get. You see these post-game prayer circles with players taking a knee and there are like 30 of them in there.
  18. He goes through stretches of time like that. He very rarely plays consistently at the peak of his ability. When he does, he is a force on the ice and it's impossible to miss his talent.
  19. Nothing worse than being "slut shamed." I'm glad to see she is taking back her inner slut and posing nude. I think she should do porn too.
  20. One thing to consider is what your face will look like once the mole is removed. If it is deep, it might leave a "scar crater" in your face. Also, you may well end up with a dark (the color of the mole) spot on your skin where the mole was. The 3 dimensional component or the mole will be gone, but you'll still have that blotch on your face--possibly... Your doctor will know all this and may have an idea of what you are up against given your particular situation.
  21. I thought "International Clash" day meant countries all over the world invade their neighbors, or something like that.
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