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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Just did a search for this and couldn't find a thread on it, so I started this. Anyone else watching this? I read "The Money Pit" many years ago and found the story fascinating. I catch the show now and again, usually by mistake, and will usually watch. They pull up a piece of bone or wood or cloth but nothing ever leads to anything of substance. These guys must be sinking a fortune into that little island! I don't think they'll find anything. What do others think?
  2. Amy Matthews from Homeadvisor. Remember her? She used to be on home improvement shows on DIY Network. She's starting to slightly show her age, but she used to be so freaking hot. I have a soft spot for a hottie wearing a tool belt with a cordless drill in her hand.
  3. It's one of those things in life that makes you think "There must be a God." You know?
  4. Assuming that's true, that's quite an upgrade around these parts. Let's not forget whose arm broke the drought for us after 17 years.
  5. Don't be an !@#$. Plenty of members here believe the Bills will not draft a QB and will instead use our picks to build up team depth of quality, and many posters here want this to happen. Information saying the Bills are working the phones to get into the top 10 is interesting and just another sign that they really are going to try and get one of the bigger named QBs in the draft. Work on being not an !@#$. I go back to Beane's comments in the post-season PC when he said something like "we are definitely prepared (and/or willing) to do what it takes to get our guy" or something like that. He had conviction in his voice and it just sounded like that is clearly their plan...give a lot away if necessary, move up, and get one of the named QBs. Will be surprised if that does not pan out.
  6. Evgenia Tarasova. Here's a couple of thong shots for ya.
  7. The USA vs. Canada women's hockey game was absolutely fantastic. At the final horn, a pretty good scrum erupted in the Canada goal crease with quite a bit of pushing and shoving and roughing it up! The women! I loved it! Yesterday Rob Ray commented on the "compete" of both women's teams asking "Can you imagine if the guys in the NHL played with that level of passion and commitment? It'd be pretty good!" Couldn't agree more with Rob.
  8. I thought the Sabres lost that game last night with tremendous flash and style! The whole thing couldn't have been more f-ed up.
  9. Yes. His professional technique for disruption aversion seemed lacking. Does this mean you would be OK with a janitor tossing your salad in some environment other than a cruise ship?
  10. Ah, the good old UNLV days! What a team they had! I think they were all like 26 years old playing in college and they were bought with cash, hookers, and Mercedes S-Classes...but what a team! Greg Anthony, Larry Johnson, Stacey Augmon...that crew.
  11. Oh my hand's been up for a long time now.
  12. The point remains that all the NFL teams had confidence in their ability to evaluate talent in 1983, just as they do now. And in fact, they don't. I am not getting caught up in which ranked QB we get, as long as we get one.
  13. A lot of emphasis is being placed on which QB is going to go in which spot in the upcoming draft. Much of the talk presupposes that the guy who goes first will be the best, the guy who goes second will be second best, and so on. It is interesting to look back to 1983, a year in which the QB pool coming out of college was also very deep with talent. And now we have the benefit of hindsight to assess the quality of the picks. The QBs taken in that draft went as follows: 1) John Ellway to Baltimore Colts (later traded to Denver) 7) Todd Blackledge to KC 14) Jim Kelly to Buffalo Bills 15) Tony Eason to New England 24) Ken O'Brien to NY Jets 27) Dan Marino to Dolphins Note that the best of all of them (IMO) went dead last. Note that the Bills in their wisdom took TE Tony Hunter 2 spots ahead of Jimbo with the Number 12 pick, later taking Kelly at 14! Note that KC analyzed all the QB prospects and figured Todd Blackledge would be better than Kelly, Eason, O'Brien, and Marino. He was worse than all of them. Note that Marino, on the very short list for best pure passers of all time, was taken with the penultimate pick in the first round, ignored by almost the entire NFL. As a fun aside, note that Darrell Green, one of he best CBs of all time, was taken dead last in the first round with the 28th pick by the Redskins. There were a ton of busted picks ahead of him on the draft board; any of those could have been Darrell Green instead. For example, I bet Detroit wishes they took Green instead of Florida FB James Jones with the 13th overall pick. It's a bit of a crapshoot and we won't know if we got the best, second best, or fourth best QB on draft day. We might get the best of all of them, even if he goes 5th. Remember this!
  14. The thing about Cousins is this: if you watch a few Redskins games and really focus on his individual play and talent set, it's just not that great or impressive. He is not "bad" and a definite upgrade over Tyrod, but he is nothing particularly special.
  15. That's a pair of really bright young girls. Not. Where the hell are their parents?
  16. I guess it's better than having a river of fecal matter flow through the hallways. Or no working water for a few days. Or the ship hitting a rock and capsizing while the drunk Captain shows off for a girl. Or....
  17. Bill Tobin says: "Who the hell is Mel Kiper anyway? Has he ever worked in the league?"
  18. Listening to Schopp & Bulldog on delay, hour 3. Schopp and Sal are at the Roast. Eric Wood just walked by their broadcast location and they grabbed him to talk to him. Eric was up front saying "No talk about the injury tonight" and they talked about the Superbowl. There is definitely some bad blood there and I think it will be an interesting story when it comes out. Might be a while before we know the details though.
  19. I always get organic brown eggs which are more expensive, but they are better too. A giveaway is the color of the yolk.
  20. I agree; I think a WNY sports fan would have a hell of a good time at these things and get some one-on-one time with all kinds of WNY sports stars, if you are into that type of thing. If I was still living in WNY I'd try to make it an annual thing. PS: Eric Wood looks light in that photo. He comes across as a guy who has to work to keep his weight up during the season. He has mentioned before that he wants to get down to like 260 in retirement. Just interesting to see the weight come off a little the moment he stops working 24/7 to keep it up.
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