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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Anyone been following Evgenia Tarasova in the Olympics? I want to think outside her box. And other places as well.
  2. This has been proven time and again to be massively more important than height, hand size, and all that sort of thing. What these guys forget is that if you can do it, you can do it, even if you're 5'11" or have small hands or are a little slow. By the same token, if you can't do it, you can't do it, even if you are a great physical specimen like EJ Manuel for example.
  3. "Effort falls short." Yeah, I guess that sums up a lot. Not just this game.
  4. The complete lack of a comprehensive diet/fitness/nutrition program for NFL players is kind of shocking in my opinion. They are decades behind other sports in this area.
  5. I thought it was cool and enjoyed it at the time, but in all honesty, it's not worth watching again. At least that's my take on it.
  6. Please thank your son on my behalf for trying to get some info. out of Beane regarding the QB draft situation! PS: regarding the under-utilized Joe Webb package. See! Our friend from Dunkirk was right. We mock what we don't understand. Well you know how that goes. Sometimes the best ideas can whimper out and go limp.
  7. I would, but it assumes: 1) We have exhausted all options for moving way up to get a QB and we just couldn't make it happen 2) We have our eye on specific guys to get with those picks and think we can get them 3) Our scouting department knows what the hell it is doing
  8. And yet you felt the need to read it and contribute. I see your time is extremely valuable.
  9. My grandmother smoked liked a chimney...Kent cigarettes...maybe 3 or 3.5 packs a day forever. She died at age of 93 having succumbed to Alzheimer's several years earlier and in that regard actually lived too long; her quality of life towards the end in a nursing home was very poor. One of my colleagues at work right now is maybe 50 years old; has been fighting lung cancer for about 1.5 years now; he never smoked. You never know what the roll of the dice is going to give you. Drinking in moderation (1 or 2 glasses a night) can be an enormous relaxant and stress eliminator for a lot of people. That is not going to hurt you long term. The stress, however, if left unattended, will absolutely kill you.
  10. What's with the obsession with Tiger? He's entitled to live a private life of alcoholism, debauchery, and anal sex with prostitutes, isn't he? Give the dude some space!
  11. I'm not sure that anything of value has already been removed, unless you mean going way back to the origins of the discovery of the money pit in the 1700s. The couple of guys who made the island their life's work throughout the 20th century certainly never found the big reward. Also, a number of discoveries have been claimed lately, like finding parchment paper 160 feet (I think) below the earth, bone fragments, and this mysterious lead "cross" which may or may not be a cross. The guy with the Aussie accent finds more interesting stuff in swampy areas with his metal detector than the drillers find in these deep pits. How do we know these objects are actually found? They could totally be props meant to steer the show along a path of "entertainment" and I'm not sure why that would be any less legitimate than an episode of fiction meant as entertainment as well. Like the lead cross thing. Really? They found that on an island in Nova Scotia? And it really dates to the 12th or 13th century? And may have a connection to the Knights Templar? Or did they get someone to cast it by hand a month ago? Who would know, and what would the penalty be for discovering this? I'm guessing not much, other than maybe losing their audience. I don't see any legal sanctions.
  12. One of the women removed from the flight, Nora Jacob, states: "Do they sometimes think that all Moroccans cause problems? That's why we do not let this sit." If only her boyfriend serving the air biscuits could have "let this sit." The power of a well placed barking spider can be truly amazing.
  13. She has a very unusually wholesome California surfer girl look about her, considering she is a Norwegian. I smell a big fat commie rat! Is there anything those cheaters won't do to get an edge? Anyway, like you say, maybe she's going to go on the market. Gentlemen, now is the time for action.
  14. Yeah but what does that have to do with this discussion? The studio didn't dislike Pacino because he was a bad actor; they disliked him b/c he looked too ethnic and they wanted more of a mainstream "male lead". The history of Hollywood business types is filled with **** decisions. Thank God Francis was a strong enough character to steer that whole situation in the right direction
  15. Pacino was fantastic in the first two Godfathers and those performances are the foundation his career and reputation were built upon as a preeminent actor. His performances in those two films predate his odd transformation into a caricature of himself in later roles, which often makes his performances unwatchable. Scent of a Woman is a good example of this and anything done after. In many films after the Godfather, Pacino plays "Pacino", not the character.
  16. Miami would be insane to downgrade the QB position by replacing Tannehill with Tyrod. We also know better than anyone how to stop Tyrod; you know, the whole "make him be a QB" thing. As long as Tyrod plays at Miami, that's 2 wins a year for us. Don't see that happening at all from Miami's perspective. I'm not a huge fan of Josh Rosen overall, but he is probably the most talented pure passer in the draft, which compared to Tyrod makes him a passing god.
  17. Mistakes associated with inexperience are forgivable. Avoidable mistakes attributable to a fundamentally wrong approach to the game are not forgivable. McD has too much gym teacher and prayer group organizer in him and not enough mathematician.
  18. In theory these aspects of all players are considered before making a selection. Sometimes you wonder what they are thinking when they draft a player with obvious flaws outside the actual game of football. Look at Dareus. The "psychology" of that guy was obviously sufficient to warrant going in another direction with our #3 overall draft pick.
  19. Don't like any of your scenarios or draft choices within the various options. I voted "B" however. People need to tune into the fact that Cousins just isn't that good. This forum grossly overrates his abilities, probably b/c most Bills fans aren't watching a lot of Skins games.
  20. Godfather I and II have to be #1 (taken together as a whole, which is how I view those movies) Followed by Glengarry Glen Ross which is an amazing film with unbelievable writing and acting and Pacino's character in it is great. I used to love Scarface but it doesn't stand the test of time in my opinion. Brian De Palma is way over-rated.
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