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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. It was a different woman with a terrible hair coloring job. The older woman on the conference call was hilarious. "This is the gaaaaawddess Tawneeet. They would have reveeee-awwww-ed huh and pwayed to huh." Poor woman can't say "R"s. It's that New England thing. I love how they find something that calls for an expert to be called in, and instead of getting a Ph.D. in archeology or whatever who could show them how to properly run a grid pattern, or a Ph.D in history to explain what they have found, they bring in "crazy lady" who appears to be a psychic or some such. They are doing that b/c any respected member of the academic community would slam everything they are doing and offer insight/guidance as to how to do things properly, which would likely cast doubt on the integrity of their finds. And yet I still watch! If you DVR it and zip through the commercials it's not that bad.
  2. Does this mean you suffer from premature ejaculation?
  3. Going back in time and revisiting this stuff has me shaken to my core! What a freaking tire fire this place was and for quite a long time.
  4. The average NFL player is nowhere near intelligent enough to play this type of mind game. Some could do it for sure, and who knows, maybe they do "throw the interview" so they don't end up in Cleveland or Buffalo! But the player is not interviewing the team, the team is interviewing the player. I honestly think the teams just want 10 minutes of face to face time with these guys so they can talk to them one-on-one and see if the player is dumb as dirt, beyond dumb as dirt, or surprisingly intelligent enough to be able to work with. You don't have to talk to someone very long or ask many questions to realize he is beyond being coachable, or surprisingly sharp for a pro athlete. Look at the IQ level of Brady, Rogers, or Romo. You wouldn't have to talk to those guys very long to see what they are about. On the flip side, how long do you need to talk to Gronk to realize the guy's head is made of concrete? And then you make your decisions accordingly.
  5. You must be some sort of Trump voter. What a shame.
  6. I will guarantee she is an impossible dream come true for some dude out there with a hairy chick fetish. She needs to find that guy.
  7. Interviewer: "So, Travis. What are some of your hobbies? What do you enjoy doing in your free time?" Travis: "I like to kill living things for pleasure." Interviewer: "OK, I think that wraps this up."
  8. Yes and no. The concept of such a show sounds fascinating to me, and a lot of the "filler" the show will include will be interesting stuff if you are into history, treasure hunts, the Civil War, etc... BUT...the show will probably look and smell much like the Oak Island show. I.E., slowly paced, filled with repetitive shots before and after breaks to stretch out a lack of material long enough to fill an hour slot, etc. I watched the new Oak Island show last night. They now have this crazy redheaded woman on instead of doing testing on the lead cross or talking to real experts at, say, the University of Nova Scotia. The big "new lead" is her observation that the town next to Domme in France where they saw the image of the cross on the wall in the castle is Sarlat la Canéda. There must be a connection! Nevermind the different spelling of the different root meaning of the words "Caneda" and "Canada" stemming from two different cultures and completely different linguistic trees. The show insults the intelligence of the viewer, but this is common on these sorts of crappy mainstream American cable TV shows.
  9. The more I read about QB mechanics and "arm talent" flaws these days, the more I admire Dan Marino. (I hated him when he played possibly more than I hate Brady now!) The guy's arm motion was so tight, compact, efficient, and he still has the fastest release of anyone I've seen. No wasted motion; no foot dancing; no nervous tapping the ball with his non-throwing hand. It was like one second he is calmly holding the ball and looking downfield, the next .2 second the ball is gone. How were scouts not huge on the guy at Pitt?
  10. My choice is anyone not named Tyrod. Why? B/C they are better.
  11. Watch this video; this guy must be the best bartender on the planet. He oozes style and panache. This is like bartending porn.
  12. She was posted earlier on Page 2, but I'm posting her again for emphasis! Just saw an interview with her on TV and my God she looks much better on video than in still shots! Dorothea Wierer. Italian biathlete. She's my favorite of the games so far. This photo doesn't do her justice.
  13. Brady is going to send over one of his custom jungle juice shakes. Luck will be back to normal in no time!
  14. Does anyone know if he can even walk right now? What is the state of his recovery? Even if he were to recover to the point where he is capable of performing on an NFL field (I doubt that's possible) he would be insane to step foot out there.
  15. Have a look at how he has been gradually restructuring the roster so as to eliminate or at least moderate the damage caused by a lot of bad Whaley Ks. Pay attention.
  16. I was high on Rudolph a while ago, but have been watching as much film of him as I can find. I'm backing off this guy. He has many of the flaws of Tyrod but with a body like Big Ben in Pittsburgh. His field vision and anticipation aren't that good and his arm is not as strong as it should be for a dude his size. He is not good at the things you need to do to be good in the NFL, but work just fine in many college games. I'm downgrading him to a "pass".
  17. A lot of us knew Whaley was crap at the time, but now that we can all see just how much heavy lifting Beane has had to do in order to clean up Whaley's mess, I realize just how inept the guy was. Funny thing is many here were big Whaley supporters throughout his tenure.
  18. Hitler never went anywhere and died in his bunker in Berlin. However, there most certainly were a number of top Nazis who were evacuated out of Berlin in the dying moments of the Third Reich. I wish the show would focus on some of their stories, as those escapes would be interesting to analyze. Very late in the game, in April 1945, the Germans chopped down all the trees lining the sides of the street that is now called Strasse des 17. Juni. This is a huge, wide, straight thoroughfare that runs east/west and leads directly into the Brandenburg Gate. It runs through the Tiergarten, a giant wooded parkland and site of the Berlin zoo. Hitler's architect, Albert Speer, went apeshit b/c when they moved back the tree line, they also chopped down his beloved, custom-designed street lights! You can still see some of them in Berlin now. They were making a runway. On this runway many Fieseler Storchs landed. These are funny little parasol winged single piston engined aircraft that can only carry a few people. They have enormous lift and are very light; they were like the helicopters of their day and could almost hover in a strong head wind. They needed very little distance to take off and land, so they were ideal for the operation. There are many documented accounts of these planes landing on the street and flying out various big shots. Martin Bormann, for example, was never captured. Himmler got out of Berlin initially, only to be captured a short time later, and so on. There most certainly were real "escapes" from Berlin as the 1.5 million man Soviet army closed the noose on Berlin....but Hitler wasn't one of the men fleeing. Fieseler Storch: The road at the top of this photo leading into the Brandenburger Tor (with vehicle traffic on it) was the runway.
  19. Completely disagree; the show is stupid, but I enjoy it because they go to a lot of historically interesting places and talk to people about that era of history, which I read about all the time and am fascinated with. I've been to a lot of the places on the show including the spot of the Führer bunker in Berlin and so on. Read up on this period of history. There were many witnesses to the joint suicides of Hitler and Eva Braun. Hitler got cyanide capsules from his doctor. He gave one to his German Shepard "Blondie", sadly killing her, to make sure the stuff still had its potency. He was deathly afraid the cyanide would not work. In the end, he bit down on an ampule while simultaneously shooting himself in the side of his head with a pistol. Eva just bit an ampule; no gunshot for her. Guards and a few others outside the little room where this took place in the bunker waited a few seconds after they heard the gunshot and then opened the door and went in. They were both dead. There are multiple corroborating accounts of how this whole episode played out. It's interesting that Hitler only had the guts to finally do this when the Russian army was about 100 meters from the bunker. His great fear was being capture alive and being paraded through Moscow like Vercingetorix in Rome, to be spat upon by the masses or God knows what. He wasn't going to give that pleasure to Stalin. They were both taken outside the bunker via the "secret" back door into a yard of sorts, placed in a shallow, open trench, doused with gasoline, and set alight. That's how Hitler died. The show is still fun to watch for other reasons previously mentioned.
  20. As a slight aside... Kind of half seriously, half goofing around, I have often pondered the following. Let's say there are 10 seconds left in regulation and a team is ahead by 1 goal. There is a lot on the line like a playoff berth, a playoff win, a playoff series win, or maybe even a Cup win. The team that is behind calls timeout to rest their big guns and draw up a play to try and score the tying goal to get it to OT. The draw is coming up in the ahead team's defensive zone/losing team's offensive zone. Rather than roll the dice and play a traditional defense (which most certainly can allow for a goal against if something goes wrong), why doesn't the ahead team literally stack players in the goal mouth forming a wall like in soccer on a direct free kick, with the goalie in front of them, and then maybe leaving 1 player as a "rover" to skate around and try to disrupt passes or block a shot. I.E., there are enough players on a hockey team to literally seal the goal mouth if they do it correctly. At a minimum, you could assign 2 of your biggest players to the job of literally positioning themselves on the ice in such a way that the bottom 2 feet of the net, from post to post, is literally blocked. Like nothing is going to go through their wall. The goalie is in front and at if nothing else, you have completely eliminated the chance of allowing a goal along or near the ice, which is where most goals are scored from. Option 2: one player gets the left post, one player gets the right post. They are on their knees or in any position that is best to literally seal off the post by a good margin. Let's say you reduce the net mouth from 6' to 3'. The net the goalie has to protect has just been reduced by 50%, at the expense of only 2 skaters out of 5. It's the same as 2 defenders taking the goal posts in soccer on a corner kick. Why hasn't anyone ever done this sort of thing? I don't think it is illegal, per se. Thoughts?
  21. Mason Rudolph will be measured with a 127.3" standing broad jump and this will cause teams to move him up their boards because how far a QB can jump from a standstill is often the difference between victory and defeat in the NFL.
  22. The absolute sandblasting and fumigation this organization should have received on Day 1 of Pegula's ownership is finally taking place. There has been a lot of cleanup going on for a while now, including shoving Russ Brandon into a tightly defined business/marketing box where he belongs. As I've been saying for about a year now, it hasn't looked this good at 1 Bills Drive for a generation.
  23. I'm pretty sure the Bills already looked outside the box regarding Tyrod and then realized it was best to go back inside.
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