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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Can we wait to actually see which (if any) QB we draft this year before starting to argue over whether or not his progress is sufficient?
  2. Funny choice of words there. I would put forth we made the playoffs despite Taylor's play, not because of it.
  3. What I notice these days is the cost of a large pizza from a local pizza place. It's like $18 or something?! It's funny, but when I think of ordering a pizza from my youth, I think of it costing like $5.95.
  4. Yes, Tiger is finished. Can we close this thread now!? I can't believe the staying power of this thing! Every time I come to "off the wall" this stupid thing is here.
  5. Totally! All stupid driver behavior to blame. There is only one lane with some traction, visibility is really poor, and yet people are not leaving big enough braking gaps between vehicles and they are driving fast.... You have to know driving like that that you cannot change lanes and expect not to spin, so that is not an escape option...and yet they are buzzing along too fast for conditions and with tight gaps between vehicles, relatively speaking. Well, your average person is an idiot. We already knew that.
  6. I love Coffee Crisps, but that isn't Canadian. Like most candy WNYers associate with Canada, it is British. How about Mr. Big bars? (Love 'em!) Or Mackintosh's toffee! My favorite!
  7. If you were wondering what dumb as dirt sounds like, listen to Lamar Jackson talk for a while. Holy ****.
  8. What's with that look on his face? Seems like he's staring and some guy's ass and getting excited.
  9. Always suspected his IQ was lower than room temperature. Now it's confirmed.
  10. Has anyone ever noticed that when your standard NHL hockey game these days (regular season) finally goes to OT and it turns into 3 on 3, the game is about 10,000 times more entertaining, fun, exciting, and unpredictable than the actual game played in regulation time? Or how the ice suddenly opens up, the talented guys can easily show their talent, and there is just not enough traffic on the ice to clog the talent up? There also aren't enough defenders on the ice, really, so playing competent, sound hockey is absolutely critical. There's no safety net in 3 on 3. You screw up and it means someone is wide open or there is a break away. It makes me wonder why the regular rules call for 5 on 5. Even 4 on 4 would be more fun, as much as it would make the heads of hockey traditionalists explode. NHL hockey has become really boring most of the time.
  11. She's got some nice moves, but it's mostly just "juggling tricks" sort of. The Japanese dude is on a whole different level.
  12. At "adult" ages (30s, 40s, older) 10 years is no big deal. When 10 years difference means you are 26 and the girl is 16, that's kind of weird!
  13. I laugh at the 4K and beyond sets, as the world has still not fully graduated to HD yet! I have NHL center ice to watch the Sabres; the games are only available in low definition, which, on a 46" LED flat screen is like watching an old VHS recording that has been over-recorded 100 times. The picture quality almost makes it impossible to watch the games. Most of my TV channels (I have about 10 million) (Comcast cable) are still regular def and not HD too. When is everything going to be HD?
  14. I highly doubt they lost viewership due to protests. I wish people would stop bringing this myth up.
  15. Based on your own requirements, you would never have traded up for Jim Kelly. STUPID!
  16. Austrian snowboarder and gold medalist Anna Gasser.
  17. Russ is that you? Only a marketing wonk would identify a pro sports franchise as a "product." By the way, I have seen little evidence to suggest the Pegulas are astute business people, at least in terms of their ownership of the Bills and Sabres. Most of it has been a train wreck to date that transcends a simple lack of experience for a first time owner. It's straight up weird how many Bills fans don't understand that Ralph Wilson was a horrible owner and by far the biggest cause of decades of failure.
  18. The SEAL guys that killed Bin Laden were not all killed in a helo crash. I'm not sure where you get your info. In this 60 Minutes piece you can see/listen to one of the SEALS in the house when Bin Laden was killed tell you all the juicy details. Unless you are asserting this is fake or he was paid to lie or God know what else. You're such a !@#$ing freak! If I had posted earlier than they proved Boorman died, you would assert he escaped and it was never proven. You're a really odd person and the internet facilitates your weirdness unfortunately. You need to interact with human in a face to face manner more often. Back on ignore you go, you freak!
  19. Plenty of guys got out and by the way, no one ever found Bormann's remains. That's all conjecture and theory. Himmler was in Berlin meeting Hitler for the last time on his b-day, 4/20/45. Göring was there too at the same time. He also escaped...to be captured later in the west, of course. How late does one have to be there to "escape" the advancing Soviet army in your book?
  20. I thought more people would have seen it and chimed in. 87% fresh at R.T. isn't bad. Maybe tomorrow night.
  21. Who has seen this film? Is it worth $5.95 of my money to order tonight on Comcast On Demand? I thought it looked horrible based on the trailers on TV. I am a huge fan of the original movie and own the Director's Cut on DVD and all that, so I'm thinking I need to see it. Comments?
  22. What an ass that guy is. He looks freaking horrible. I live down here in Palm Beach County; I see tons of wealthy women with plastic surgery all the time. It looks horrible and you can spot it immediately. They all look "man made" and like robots or something which are somewhat human-like, but not really convincing replicas.
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