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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Baker Mayfield measuring 6 feet 5/8 inch. Not bad. Consensus seemed to be he was 5'11".
  2. If Vita Vea falls through we should go veni, vidi, vici.
  3. Burn two first round picks to move way up inside the top 10 and take a stud WR with the plan to retain Tyrod at QB. Oh wait! We already tried that! Probably won't happen again.
  4. So dude has ongoing relationship with this chick who is wild enough to be sending him nude photos and what not. She comes to his door and picks him up at 11pm for a sex call, and she drops him back off home at like 1 or 2am....buys him steady supply of weed....kid is 14. This kid is a f-ing rock star.
  5. The Leftovers from HBO; music is better than the show was.
  6. Undocumented immigrant. I guess America got what it asked for. She does look tired and poor and would seem to be wretched refuse. "Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
  7. Three things in this post that made me say "Jesus Christ!" 1) Look at the size of JJ's legs. Jesus Christ. 2) Look at the size of that bruise/abrasion or whatever that is. Jesus Christ. 3) Look at Freddy's block that caused this damage! What a hit! Jesus Christ!
  8. Taken from Buffalobills.com: Everyone remembers Dolphins LB Bryan Cox’s famous double barrel salute to Bills fans in Orchard Park before a Bills-Dolphins game in 1995 as well as his spitting in the direction of fans who were heckling him. What many don’t remember is after Cox and Bills’ FB Carwell Gardner were both ejected for fighting during the game, there was almost a round two in the tunnel between the two locker rooms. Gardner tried repeatedly to get in the Dolphins locker room to fight Cox again and even hung around long enough after the game trying to bait Cox to come off the Miami team bus to fight him a second time. Cox did not oblige. Cox was fined a total of $17,500 by the league, the largest NFL fine of the 1995 season. Gardner incurred a total of $15,000 in fines. The Bills won the game 23-20.
  9. Needs to be a double foul type thing like with roughing the kicker/running into the kicker. If blatant, it's a spot foul. If more 50/50 play, 15 yard penalty.
  10. In the civilized world? The USA, by far. I see no difference in driver behavior among US localities. Our poor road quality, artificial speed limits, lack of driver education, and total lack of lane discipline combined with cell phone usage make driving on American highways a scary, chaotic adventure. It's every man for himself and you don't know what anyone is going to do at any moment in time. Zipping along on proper roads in an orderly fashion at 115mph on the Autobahn in Germany is massively safer, more predictable, and more relaxing. I also give high marks to the Italian Autostradas as well; great lane discipline, great roads, high avg. vehicle speed and attentive drivers.
  11. I'm sick of hearing about Darnold's strange delivery. What is the cost of that at the NFL level, if we keep it real? What is far more important are all the other things he does well. The fact that his delivery is strange is not that important IMO. Have a look at all the MLB players who have a batting stance that is "all wrong" according to what you teach little kids. And then they go ahead and hit >.300 off MLB pitching! If you can do it, you can do it. No style points in the NFL.
  12. Agreed. Decent RBs almost grow on trees. One can and will be found; it's not a top priority.
  13. Lamar Jackson is so wrong for the NFL, he is the bust of the draft before the draft happens.
  14. I realize we have a need at DT now, but doesn't it suck? We just paid someone to take away our all-pro DT that cost us a 3rd overall draft pick....for the privilege of turning around and burning a high draft pick on someone else in an attempt to replace him. See Dog chasing tail.
  15. For a while there was a line of British Airways commercials that were cool. This is one of them: One of the best commercials I've ever seen:
  16. Woman shopping at Menards unpackages camcorder and puts it in her bag. Security guard sees her and approaches her as she is on her way to the exit. She reaches behind her and puts her hand in her pants and pulls out a handful of her own feces, throws it at security guard, hits him in chest, and proceeds to leave the store with camcorder. This woman reminds me of an ape, with the exception that an ape would have some value, at least to a zoo.
  17. Haven't you noticed? A lot of Bills fans around here love the idea of using mediocre to below-mediocre QBs. Every second thread is about giving some retread washout QB a second chance. Lots of supporters for giving Manziel a second chance, but suggest swinging for the fence with a top prospect and "the price is too high!"
  18. This isn't a surprise; we've been terrible at retaining drafted talent. This is why I don't mind giving away the farm for a top QB prospect. We give away all our draft picks anyway, while never getting the QB in return for them!
  19. Did a video circulate on youtube showing him snorting blow or something? Seems like a dismissal not related purely to job performance.
  20. Not interested in Jackson at any spot; that's an EJ type pick (a waste before it's even made). Rudolph OK but we need more of a QB plan than "build up the OL". We can build the Berlin Wall in front of the QB, but if it is still going to be Tyrod or someone about that good, we still won't do a ton of winning. I think the Bills are going to wheel and deal and get us a QB. Can't wait to see if that is true or not.
  21. When I was a kid I joined one of those "music clubs" or whatever where you got like 10 albums up front for 10 cents or something crazy, but then had to buy an album a month for year or something like that? I joined just to get the albums and then quit the thing after. I don't remember exactly how old I was but I think I was still single digits, like 9 at the oldest. One of the albums I ordered was Led Zeppelin IV and I will always remember listening to the music while checking out the unusual album design, and the photos of the wallpaper peeling off an old house or whatever that stuff is on IV! Good memories! Vinyl is the best.
  22. Don't get all hot and bothered about 26Cornerblitz. His takes are consistently among the worst on this board.
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