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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. This is why responsible domestic mortar bomb storage is one of the most important issues of our time.
  2. The player I wouldn't touch with a 100 foot pole in ANY round of the draft is Lamar Jackson. This dude's middle name is "bust".
  3. He is a perfect example of the type of NFL bust that NFL teams love. Lousy accuracy and can't process the mental part of the position at the NFL level...but his size and arm make NFL teams foam at the mouth. Keep him away from the Bills!
  4. He's an improvement over Tolbert but this is kind of a "meh" signing to be honest at this point in his career.
  5. Prospective new student pops into class: "I'm looking to reconnect joyfully with my natural arising feminine wisdom. I think I want something simple, but it has to be delightful too. Do you have anything for me?" Owner: "Oh, I think we can offer you just what you're looking for. We offer sacred movement classes for women." Student: "Great! Sign me up!"
  6. There were a lot of stories floating around in those days even without social media! They moved through traditional word of mouth/eyewitness channels. Bruce Smith, for example, was a real punk very early on in his career. He really matured/developed over his time with the Bills, though, and seeing him now is like seeing a different person entirely. Anyway, the Superbowl Bills teams were running around, having fun, and getting into trouble constantly!
  7. There are a few things a "combine" type event would be useful for, beyond viewing game tape. A sit-down, face-to-face interview would be a very helpful tool in player selection. I can also see the value in getting definitive measurements on height, weight, hand size for skill position players, etc. Beyond that, the combine is kind of a waste of time, which is why most of the people there "watching it" seem to be yawning, looking away, and doing other things (if you watched any of it on NFL network!). No one seems to be paying attention.
  8. If I was worth $3 billion and change, I would not be walking around at the NFL combine in Indianapolis! But to each their own. We all have our own idea of "living the dream."
  9. You have shown more reasoning here than Doug Whaley did when he was actually the GM of the Bills. It's not about quality of pick, it's about number of picks. Increase your odds of hitting. The good teams understand this and trade down all the time.
  10. I have a friend in Chicago who has a very good job working in the corporate world; he's VP of marketing for large international company; makes decent cash. And he's an Uber driver! He does it only during his commute in the morning and at night (somehow; not sure how that works) as it's a long drive and he said the Uber money pays for his gasoline bill. He does it solely for that reason.
  11. Conceptually he's a big improvement over Tyrod at the NFL level. The question is how well he can manage the mental component of being a QB; that wasn't tested in college and the meatheads running the combine don't test for it either. Can he process several channels of information quickly? I have no idea. But measuring his standing broad jump isn't going to give you the answer.
  12. Jesus, man. Temper your expectations. You're setting yourself up for disappointment.
  13. No kidding. That's almost like going full Samurai. People will stop killing people when there are no people left to kill or do the killing. Until then...
  14. It looks like 3 have recently sold on Ebay. One went for $475 (looks incomplete but had 4 passenger cars and 2 locomotives) One went for something less than $2,250 (seller accepted best offer) One went for $4,700. Keep doing searches at Ebay. Click "advanced" and enter your search terms, then be sure to click the "sold "box. What is relevant is seeing what people actually got for something comparable to what you have. Asking prices for anything on Ebay are meaningless. There are people asking insane prices for all kinds of things, but they aren't selling at those prices.
  15. What gauge is your train? Not sure if this is like your train; it sold for $280 in "appears like it was never used" condition. https://www.ebay.com/itm/AMERICAN-FLYER-MISSOURI-PACIFIC-MODEL-TRAIN-SET-6-49601-STILL-IN-ORIGINAL-BOX-/292388262793?hash=item4413b2d389%3Ag%3AnQkAAOSwuhFaRj-6&nma=true&si=pVcxSBBbOIaFDKW3tX2stFrJGZs%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  16. Alive, Canadian. Christina Aguilera...
  17. Ozzie is not Canadian, not dead. Nelly Furtado
  18. +1. Also, Dana Carvey's Comedy Hour or whatever his show was called. It was on NBC for like 6 episodes before NBC pulled it b/c Dana was too "out there" with his sense of humor. I loved that stuff. This was from that show:
  19. Little chunky in photo 2 but overall, I'd shag her rotten.
  20. Don't confuse what anyone in an official capacity at One Bills Drives says, on the record, about anyone or anything at any time ever. What they say publicly and what they think privately are two different things. Anyway, yes, Tyrod is done here.
  21. That was half of it. The other half was when he looked into EJ's eyes and saw a winner, then proceeded to double down on him as the next franchise QB of the Bills. Those 2 mistakes should cost anyone their job; I said so for a long time back when Whaley was still the GM. It eventually caught up to him. Whaley is straight up too dumb to be a GM in football; he was over his head.
  22. This is impossible! 26Cornerblitz has been telling this board for months that Cleveland's #1 pick is not available and it will be used on a QB! Surely he knows more than the Browns' GM, right?!
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