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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I have noticed her a few times. She is not particularly pretty, but she has a smoking hot, tight, petite little body if you are into that sort of thing. It looks like I could wrap my hands around her waist and touch fingers from one hand to the other. She's tiny. Might well not weigh 100 lbs.
  2. You're not seeing it right. It utilized a truss type construction. Look at photos before the collapse; you'll notice huge diagonal members connecting the floor of the bridge to the roof of the bridge; those were there to provide the vertical load strength you are asserting the bridge didn't have.
  3. After the GOT reference, you have to love Murphy, plus the late night drive to Buffalo. The only way fans are going to like him more is if they find out he packs his own lunch and carries it to the stadium in a lunchbox!
  4. I totally agree with you. This is sort of a sports myth, along with "momentum" and "chemistry" between QB and WR.
  5. I enjoyed the read; I had forgotten the incident with 'Bama's center during the Notre Dame N.C. game! People were kind of on AJ at the time, but I got it then and I get it now! Dude is fired up and wants everyone around him working on a high level. That attitude has to be welcome in the Bills locker room!
  6. My concern is Rosen's frame/body. It's not "heavy duty" sized or made for the NFL. He looks like he could be injured every 4th time he hits the turf.
  7. There was much similar reaction to Tim Murray during his early days as Sabres' GM. He was widely applauded and met with much enthusiasm from the fan base for his brutally matter of fact directness, cold blooded demeanor, and willingness to be a wild gambler. That was before he was fired and everyone began to realize he set the franchise back 3-5 years, mind you.
  8. I would prefer him to sit out the season at this point. No reason whatsoever for him to play.
  9. Right? If this chick will marry her own mother, what else might she do?
  10. Surprised they don't have some spinal injuries. That's a pretty big belly flop they did there, similar to the types of crashes helicopters can suffer. Some newer helicopter designs have energy absorbing seats which are designed to crumple on impact so as to take some of that energy out of the pilot's back.
  11. Not the best photo but she looks like she might be reasonably hot. I think the cop involved just had a fetish for a blonde in a wedding dress. It's a shame her big day had to be ruined in this manner.
  12. Anyone see the documentary where some sort of idiot savant was reciting the numbers for pi from his head? He kept going for hours and hours and was seemingly calculating the numbers more than reciting a memorized list. They had some mathematicians staying sharp and keeping him honest, and after like 5 or 6 hours (as I remember it) he did not have a single digit wrong. One of the guys involved said he did not think the kid was cheating in any way or pulling some type of fast one. The kid said he kind of sees flashes of light or shapes of light in his mind and they represent numbers to him...and so he waits to see the next shape, identifies the number, and then says it...and this went on and on for hours. I wish I could remember what the hell that was from or where I saw this. As an aside, anyone see the film "PI" ??? Could have been cool but ultimately not very good.
  13. I hope you are 12 years old, b/c this is something a 12 year old would ask.
  14. Pete Prisco says the Bills like Josh Allen b/c: "He's big, he's strong, and he can make all the throws in bad weather up in Buffalo." That statement is out of the 1980s and hopefully has no basis in reality in 2018. Regarding AJ: So we got a body to function as a place holder for cheap while we now go and bag the big prize in the draft. Good enough. I like the money more than the player; this may suggest their guy will be expected to step in as a Year 1 starter.
  15. If we draft a top rookie name, I don't care who plays interim QB for this team or for how long.
  16. This guy will be a legend, forever, in that school. No one around there is going to forget this incident, ever.
  17. Hawking has enjoyed a reputation in recent years that has been inflated relative to his actual contributions to theoretical physics. I think that will be adjusted down a bit as time goes on. Still a big loss. We're all going at some point. Just a question of when.
  18. In all fairness, multiple ongoing redundant threads has always been a hallmark of this forum. That's nothing new.
  19. So let's review: Dude at DMV is from Buffalo; he has a cousin living in Buffalo who owns a bar there. And based on that, they somehow are privy to insider knowledge of the trade today after 4pm? Makes sense.
  20. What if the project has an "it" factor that you can't put a numerical value on? You know, "presence" when he walks into the room. Doug Whaley saw all that in spades in....EJ Manuel. Your point was to his athleticism. He doesn't look that athletic. He looks huge and lumbering.
  21. Did you watch his 40 time at the combine? He runs like a constipated Neanderthal.
  22. It sure as hell didn't take 32 starts to know EJ was a complete and total bust.
  23. Buffalo Bills fans are extremely loyal. Most seem willing to give every last mediocre QB we have ever had another shot or five.
  24. It's sad that this antiquated "dealership" model still exists for automotive sales in America. That industry is mostly run by complete scum and they should all be made to work for a living doing something legitimate. I applaud people like Tesla who find new/better ways to sell a car and pretty much cut the dealer middle man out of the equation entirely, right where he belongs.
  25. He watches film and takes pride in doing his own scouting so to speak. By his own admission, where his analysis suffers is in not meeting most/all of the players that he is assessing. He only has the tape to work from. He has mentioned before that all of the top QB prospects this year have a hole or 2 in their game; no one is perfect and he has also mentioned Josh Allen's accuracy being a problem that he may not be able to overcome at the NFL level.
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