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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Reminds me of the chain saw scene from American Psycho with Christian Bale running down the hallway of his apartment building.
  2. I think the OP is asking if Edwards was physically changed in some way by the hit. I think that is unlikely, but I think the hit had a psychological impact on his game for sure.
  3. Don't fall into the trap of assuming that it is automatic that we could covert all those assets into quality football players, if we do not make the move. A high pick doesn't always equal a good football player. We'd probably be lucky to hit on half of those picks.
  4. Neither here or there really, but Foles' performance in the Superbowl was several orders of magnitude greater than anything Tyrod ever did for the Bills. Don't undervalue just how good he was for them. Regarding the Bills: don't settle so easily. This is the year to go get a QB and that is what we are going to do. Not doing so has to be considered a failure.
  5. Perhaps we can skip the 3 way trade ideas and just go straight to some cool 3-way ideas. Here's one idea: Me, Taylor Swift, and Jennifer Lawrence.
  6. Your new-found philosophy kind of defeats the point of having an online discussion forum. No?
  7. Don't see it. Don't see the value in taking a RB way up that high in the draft. Look at the Bills acquisition of McCoy...we bought him for $1.99 in the discount aisle....despite the guy being one of the few elite runners in the game IMO.
  8. Staring down primary receivers, getting all scrambly when the pocket breaks down, and benefitting tremendously from poor DB play that likes of which doesn't exist in the NFL... These "highlights" show an athletic QB doing lots of crap you can get away with at the college level. No thanks.
  9. If you are suggesting trading up to get a franchise QB for the first time since Jim Kelly in a quality QB rich draft is an "imprudent risk" you are out of your f-ing mind. No offense.
  10. The quality of new posts around here plummets by the minute.
  11. I have no idea why people can't understand that on one hand, OJ was a tremendous sports hero in his day and one of the best few Bills of all time...and on the other, a scumbag who brutally murdered two people. Humans are complex creatures and most are filled with contradictions. I don't recall anyone ever saying that "The Wall" exists to honor well-rounded human beings in all aspects of their lives. I'm pretty sure it exists to stand witness to the greatest Buffalo Bill football players of all time. You can't change history; OJ belongs on the Wall.
  12. Yeah....no. I'll see your generational talent MLB and raise you a QB who can put the ball where he wants it go, consistently. My guy beats your guy in today's NFL almost always. Look at the Superbowl! A great MLB has no impact on that game whatsoever. It's like bringing a huge, really sharp survival knife to a gun fight. You're going to be dead meat.
  13. I want neither! We only need 1 good QB. So get one! Why discuss the bad ones?
  14. If Hughes can be converted into an asset that is valuable to us, long term, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Hughes' playing window is going to close before we are going to emerge from this as a strong team, assuming we ever do. It's like that 3 year (?) or so run-up to the Bills going to their first Superbowl in January 1991. We could all see we were good and going to be better, but it just took some time. I'm thinking of the Cleveland game in particular and the Ronny Harmon drop... By the time we could really benefit from a good Hughes, he won't be good anymore or even on the team. So use him as a piece to get a future asset now!
  15. Yeah, there's absolutely no reason to pay close attention to anything he says at this point. Watch what he does, not what he says. I'll be stunned if we don't further move up and take a top name QB.
  16. I don't watch much college b-ball but I will be watching this one. I wish I had tuned into the Arizona game too, obviously. I was watching the Sabres game and fell asleep while doing so.
  17. No. He is fundamentally saying: "I hate myself and have a massive inferiority complex/low self esteem problem that I am not able to control."
  18. So, Saturday, 5:15pm. CBS. UB vs. Kentucky. Correct? I am recording the game and won't miss it!
  19. Although I would like to make a joke about this guy, you know damned good and well that the chicken in that smoker/grill thing is going to taste f-ing amazing! I can practically taste it through my computer monitor.
  20. I'm all in favor of promoting this whole G.O.T./winter/Bills/wall connection. I hope the Bills marketing department latches onto this!
  21. I've seen this video and a few others from the same incident. Interesting stuff. I wish I knew what they were looking at.
  22. I have an assortment of porn photos set up in a slide show format so the photos keep changing every 30 seconds or so. I try to turn it off when I use my laptop in class though.
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