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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Brace yourself: we are going to be hearing how great AJ is for a while until it is clear he is not going to be the starting QB of this team. Bills fans absolutely thrive on placing false hope in middling quarterbacks!!!!
  2. To the OP: You are far from the first person to suggest we are not targeting a QB and that we may try to get elite LB talent in the draft with the move up the draft board. I think that view is wrong. I think AJ was selected as a stop gap measure in case the plan doesn't play out, or in case the guy we end up drafting isn't ready or is injured. I.E., AJ is a backup/support type signing.
  3. Was there not video/audio circulated of Bosa on the sideline? Like a "Mic'd Up" feature or whatever? He was laughing on the sideline talking to a teammate, and he said something like "He didn't even try to block me." I saw this here, at TBD. I'm sure others remember this too.
  4. My name is Annie, but I'm big and both my parents are still living.
  5. I want to see a big name/highly drafted rookie out there. Anything that happens until that guy is the starting QB is just filler anyway.
  6. Electricity, water, and even nuclear reactors can all mix together, if you know how to do it.
  7. It's a simple question. Is it accepted culture/practice for major league sports coaches to formally submit a written resume/CV when seeking a coaching position, or isn't it? I think it probably is, actually, but I don't know for sure. I was clerking in the Sabres' legal department when Darcy Regier was hired as GM, and then shortly after when Lindy Ruff was hired as HC. I don't recall formal resumes moving around the office, but I wouldn't necessarily have seen them for sure if they had existed.
  8. Way too many to name but if you had to really boil it down the 2 I couldn't do without are Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. Or to put it another way, I come back to the music of those 2 bands all the time, constantly, and need to do so every now and again to remain healthy. I will also continue to listen to their music over and over until I'm dead.
  9. LIVE? No. I DVR all games and watch every minute of all of them, but "tape delayed" so I can fast forward through commercials, intermissions, and even slow spots during the game when they are not at commercial, such as a long review or any type of delay. LOL. I can knock off a game in an hour. So, is this the worst season ever? Yes, it might be, b/c this season is no different or better than the Tank years, but we are not Tanking! My approach to all regular season games for a few years now is identical to my approach to say, pre-season games. They are meaningless, I am not emotionally invested, and I don't really care who wins or loses. It doesn't get much lower than that. It's almost, kind of, like we no longer have a meaningful NHL team that plays meaningful NHL hockey games.
  10. Good or bad isn't the right distinction. I would have suggested "relevant" or "irrelevant." Overall, he was an irrelevant signing though it appeased the fans for a while. Luckily, that style of management is now gone at OBD.
  11. I don't see the big deal. I mean, it's not like the QB position is very important to the game of football.
  12. Resolving this potential dilemma is item 14,375 on my list of things to do right now. Let's cross that bridge if and when we come to it.
  13. Wilson's approach to the ownership of this team is long, consistent, and well documented. I can't believe there are still Bills fans around who are wondering if Ralph didn't really want to win, or if he favored keeping his money over winning. Here's a news flash! Many, maybe most, major league sports owners prefer making money to winning. A lot of them go through the motions but winning is not really a high priority. For some reason, a lot of sports fans always assume every owner is trying his hardest to win all the time. It's not true.
  14. They can host him, draft him, sign him, and keep him. Just keep him out of Orchard Park, NY.
  15. This is Zay Jones we are talking about! Of course the charges were dropped!
  16. Height is like age in athletics; it's irrelevant if you can get the job done.
  17. The women of Brazil say "Thank you!"
  18. Have a look around the NFL at all the elite QBs. I think you'll agree most of them are actually pretty sharp by pro athlete standards. You have to have the athleticism to go with the intelligence, but without the intelligence all the athleticism in the world doesn't get the job done. Ask Tyrod or EJ.
  19. You forgot the part about Zay being buck naked at the time. Or the part when he exclaimed: "I'm going to fight for Jesus." Or the physical altercation Zay had with his brother prior to kicking out the window.
  20. He doesn't play on the team anymore! Let it go! Let it go!
  21. 63% of Americans can not pay for a $500 emergency with funds from a savings account. Then you have other Americans who give their 17 year old a BMW to drive to high school. The wealth inequality in this country is one of our biggest problems, and it's getting worse every day.
  22. I would proclaim her a hard no, except it isn't hard. More of a limp no.
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