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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. She's one of the best "Hot For Teacher" teachers we've seen so far.
  2. Which is why you trade up to make sure you aren't in that situation.
  3. I hope Pegula has given him some kind of assurance that he won't be judged solely by the success or failure of this QB selection. Frees him up to take his best shot...and critically...not be tied to a sinking ship if it doesn't go well. If the selection doesn't pan out, we can't have another Whaley type scenario where the GM lives in denial and does his best to pound a square QB peg into a round hole b/c his hide is on the line.
  4. Pretty sure CTE is caused by, or can be caused by, many small blows to the head adding up over time. The type that occur on every play and have nothing to do with kickoffs in particular. An OL, for example, who slams into an opponent on every single play, can be at greater risk for CTE than a skill position guy who gets lit up every now and again, despite the OL never getting lit up during his career. So, as to how banning kickoffs improves player safety is unclear.
  5. He commented on that a few months ago during the season. Now if I could only remember what he said. It was that Gilbert could do some type of "trick" that Kelso couldn't believe. Like in practice one day Gilbert sat in a chair on the 50 yard line and threw the ball through the uprights from a seated position, or something like that. Anyone remember what that was?
  6. "My source for Sabres information tells me something about the Bills" Jeremy White is a certified moron.
  7. Jump on the Lamar Jackson train!? I'd sooner throw myself under it in protest of his signing! That dude is a derailment waiting to happen.
  8. Selling the farm for a legitimate QB talent, and then watching the QB get slammed around for a few years while the team is built back up around him, is kind of how it's done. No?
  9. To hell with Lamar Jackson I say! I thought you were talking about the fact that MLB starts today!
  10. Thank goodness we have Pete's position duly noted and made of record!
  11. The Rosen/Anti-Semitism thing is just stupid. The knock on him is not that he is Jewish, it is that he is a selfish individualist in a team game who is perceived as soft and not tough. Have you ever noticed that the sport of football attracts and is run by, for the most part, jock meathead types? I have no idea if these labels are accurate or not. He is definitely slightly built and looks like he could be snapped in half on an unlucky play.
  12. About 93% of the South, for a start.
  13. Nice exercise in crude special effects. I wonder if the guy associated with these ghost videos is also starting up the "Haunted fields of Gettysburg" tour company or some such. I smell a fish.
  14. You can argue this woman is both extremely lucky and unlucky; depends on your viewpoint. Listen to Marilyn Whirlwind, she'll explain.
  15. This poll is like being asked to pick your favorite sexually transmitted disease. At the moment, syphilis has a slight lead on gonorrhea, with hepatitis B a more distant third.
  16. Yep, it is a drop back league. Has been for quite a long time. Like, forever.
  17. If I was Beane, a lot of these options might not even exist, or if they did, they would be much simpler propositions, because I would know who I like, who I don't like, what trade partners might exist, which definitely don't, etc. For example, your second option asks if we move to pick 6 if Mayfield or Allen drop to that position. What if Beane thinks Allen is horrible (as I do) and has no interest in him at any position, and Mayfield goes in the first few picks? This "option" no longer exists. I.E., if I'm Beane, I know what I want to do and it's kind of straight forward. I'm not Beane, so it all seems wide open. I don't think it is in reality though.
  18. She is 6 feet tall. Too tall for a woman, or not? What say ye?
  19. Were you in Lebanon on business or pleasure? Changes the context of the story considerably.
  20. The only weird phenomenon going on here is inside the OP's head. I.E., he is describing a human psychological phenomenon. There are many examples of this. "Alien abductions" and "ghost sightings" are 2 examples of common "mysterious phenomena" that are really just human psychological issues.
  21. Pick really high, get the guy they want and really think is going to be "the guy". If they are wrong, so be it. We tend to throw our draft picks away as it is. If they get it right, we are a playoff team for the next decade.
  22. Yes, that rule almost seems wrongly worded. It should say an off-field official can tell an on-field official to eject a player even if no penalty was called; i.e., if someone watching replays of the whole field sees something really bad that the live officiating crew missed, they can phone in an ejection from the review booth. Well, that is at least the rule that would have penalized Gronk for his wicked cheap shot intent to kill play.
  23. Thanks for posting the "MIC'D UP" feature on Bosa. That is what I had remembered. Though in fairness, Mills appeared to TRY to block Bosa on the preceding play. He just looks like a fat lard ass who can't move laterally quickly enough to get in the way of an athletic guy like Bosa, and in a situation like that, if you are going to get beat, you're going to beat really fast and the defender is going to be past you very quickly. 90% of pass blocking at that level is the ability to be agile, quick, and move laterally fast, keeping your weight over your feet and balanced, even though you are a giant mountain of a man. A lot of guys that size just can't do it.
  24. I wish you would call in to Schopp/Bulldog and discuss this type of thing. The thing about taking a QB really high in the draft is this: Yes, selecting really high doesn't guarantee success. I.E., you can pick high on a great prospect and still lose. BUT....if you are going to win, it is probably going to come form a top rated guy. Sure there are statistical deviants out there like Rodgers or Brady, but as you point out, if you are going to use a high pick on a top rated QB prospect, you actually have a pretty decent shot (like 50/50 or better) of hitting. That is worth the move up, given the importance of the position.
  25. Disagree with the philosophy that says we can't trade up and "Show our hand" prior to the actual draft, or that we somehow gain leverage by making the move while someone is on the clock with time working as a factor in the analysis. The relative value of all the draft positions is a known commodity to all teams. If we contact team X and are willing to give appropriate value for the position, no reason why they wouldn't necessarily accept the deal prior to the draft. In fact, I would think both parties (not just the Bills) would prefer to have the deal wrapped up ahead of time so as to better cement their selection plans. I am not saying we WILL make the deal prior to the draft; I am saying we well could, or that there is no reason why we wouldn't make the deal prior to the draft.
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