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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I thought Star Trek The Motion Picture (the first one) was pretty cool and had a dark flavor to it that was not like the TV series. It stands out among all the S.T. movies to date in terms of its style and feel. Pretty good movie. I'm not really a star trek enthusiast though.
  2. You got me excited about nothing. I thought this was "the big one" that was going to send California off into the Pacific. Damn!
  3. Most posters here consume sports news 24 hours a day and seem to enjoy it...but then are surprised when media outlets have to produce "content" 24 hours a day as a result. Here's an idea: stop going to these websites, turn off your Twitter, and wait for the F-ing draft! Then you'll know all about everything, and none of it will be fake or manufactured! What an idea!
  4. No, that was Reggie White, but Bruce was a hell of a football player and probably the best Buffalo Bill of all time not named OJ simpson.
  5. One of the myriad "draft experts" floating around was on with Schopp and Bulldog the other day. He insisted that he liked last year's QB class a lot better than this year's. Also of note: just about every "expert" agrees that each of the top QB candidates this year has at least 1 flaw to their game. As to whether or not any of them are spectacular, only time will tell. I'd rather swing and miss than hide.
  6. 2 thumbs down. The overall design language they speak is more appropriate to corporate logo graphic design, not an athletic uniform.
  7. Bob: "Hi, welcome to Bob's Tattoo Parlor. How can I help you?" Customer: "I want you to put a black checkerboard pattern over my entire face. Eye lids, lips, nostrils, eye brows, everything." Bob: "Uh, OK, we can do that for you, but uh, are you sure you really want to do that?" Customer: "Yeah, I've pretty much given up on life, so why not." Bob: "I can see that. Please have a seat over there."
  8. Who among us wasn't involved in a running, out of control gun battle/car chase in our 20s?! You get winged a couple of times, heal up in the hospital, and it's all good. Kids!
  9. Sorry to hear he died. He was considered some type of TV genius in his day. If you watch his work now, you will see it does not hold up in about 5 minutes. His work was grossly overrated, but it came at a time when legitimate TV shows for the most part did not exist, and the new crop of "super TV" on cable also did not exist. A typical Bochco episode shouts out "I'm a TV Show" whereas the new breed of outstanding cable TV shows are miniature movies. I remember watching this TV show live; it's an old Bill Maher show featuring a pretty good little dice between Chevy Chase and Stevin Bochco with each calling the other's work "crap" or words to that effect. I remember siding with Chevy Chase at the time; interesting to see how Bochco held himself out as some type of sophisticated artist.
  10. The movie with Michael J. Fox's father from Family Ties about a giant worm monster thing that lives underground. What was that one? So cheesy it was fantastic.
  11. I quickly scanned down the OP and saw it was novella length, stopped reading, and posted this comment.
  12. Disagree. Without someone to deliver the ball to those weapons, they were always going to be underachievers. But never mind all that; it's all water under the bridge now! Time to move forward.
  13. I have always had the feeling that Beane was going to move up to get a big name QB. I think that has always been the plan and it has been kind of obvious. Now to see if we can actually do it.
  14. Ryan Leaf has clearly had a lot of counseling/therapy and it has obviously worked quite well.
  15. Unfortunately there wasn't a "Couldn't give a rat's ass one way or the other" voting option.
  16. Surprised Lamar Jackson's score was as high as 13. The guy is dumber than dirt.
  17. The two women photographed in the piece don't appear to be what I'd call high priced call girls.
  18. Notice the universal disdain for Rex present in this thread, and rightly so. Yet when the Bills first signed Rex, Mike Francesa crucified Rex on his radio show, pointing out in detail why the hire was foolish on the part of the Bills, and why Rex would be a dismal failure. Everything he said on his show was spot on...but when people pointed it out here, or dared to agreed with Francessa, the mob descended on them and all we heard was attacks on Francesa. Rex was going to bring us into relevancy, things would be different, don't be negative, blah blah blah. Funny how the passage of time changes opinion.
  19. A while ago someone posted a thread here asking what SINGLE move would you make if you could go back in time and make the move, so as to improve the team over the last 20 years or whatever. A lot of people were saying things like "Draft Tom Brady" or "Hire Bill Belichick as the coach" etc. I said "Have the team sold and bought by a better owner." That would have been by far the single most beneficial/impactful event in this franchise's history, at least in the last 20 years. I said for years and years that the mediocrity would continue until ownership changed, and so did lots of other Bills fans.
  20. His height is only a factor if it is a factor. I.E., if he can get the job done, it doesn't matter how short he is. By the same token, he can be 6'6" and if he still can't get the job done, his height doesn't matter then either.
  21. I agree with this. There is no reason why we couldn't, theoretically, make the playoffs again in 2018, but my gut says it won't happen. As long as the big picture remains an upward trend, a temporary setback is OK.
  22. It remains shocking to see Jim Kelly at this age. He looks at least 15 years older than he actually is. The scary part is I don't think it is a function of his cancer battle. I think it is a result of playing NFL football for many years. That **** just ages you.
  23. The OP is making this way too complicated. We all know a real QB when we see one. It's the guy who can lead a team down the field when he has to in order to win games, is accurate, plays with confidence, can read a defense, stays calm under pressure, etc. Anyone remember Drew Brees *losing* playoff performance this year? The guy was incredible. You want your QB to look like THAT.
  24. The notion that it is all 100% unpredictable and up to the football gods to decide is absurd. The knuckle heads running NFL teams need to improve their QB selection criteria.
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