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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. But only those with gay erotic love letter subject matter. I can fly for short distances up to 1/2 mile.
  2. The truck definitely whacked the guy on the bike, but it certainly could have been a lot worse.
  3. It was in low 80s today and we had our first thunderstorm of the year. Rainy day all day long.
  4. After so many years of winning the offseason, I guess we are due to lose.
  5. Just listening to a Progressive Insurance commercial on the radio that is so annoying (I can't take that woman's voice) I had to hit the mute button on my laptop. It occurred to me that between Progressive and Geico, these two companies comprise about 84% of the advertising in America. How much of your premium is flushed down the toilet on their f-ing advertising? It's incredible how heavily they advertise.
  6. Would love to have been there to see how the whole thing went down. The idiot here is the f-ing airline people not handling a joke in the appropriate manner. You give idiots a little power and they love to abuse it. Of course this was poor judgment on the meathead football player's part, but arresting the guy? Jesus Christ. This country...
  7. If Kent Hull aint in the Hall, Richie ain't in the Hall either.
  8. One of the consistent hallmarks in all Star Wars movies to date, IMO, is horrible casting combined with pretty bad acting. A few good actors have been sprinkled in here and there, but it hasn't been enough to right the ship. E.g., who saw the kid who played 8 year old Darth Vader (who did the pod race scene) and thought "this is the one"? There were probably 10 trillion kids trying out for that part--and they picked THAT kid? But then the actual pod race scene (and the pod racers) were pretty cool! You have to take the good with the bad with Star Wars. The Millennium Falcon, for some reason, is every Star Wars geek's favorite Star Wars vehicle. So did everyone catch the new design (old design?) to the ship in this trailer? The gap between the two large triangular "pincers" at the front of the ship is not there. It's filled in with ship. Very clever move. This will require every Star Wars geek on the planet to get the new M.F. collectible stuff/model kits/Lego sets and this alone may well be good for $1 billion in global merchandising sales. Smart!
  9. Maybe it's just me, but there's nothing hotter than a cute woman with a tight butt hurling a rock along the ice with a broom in her hand. There was one from Sweden last night who I was digging big time.
  10. Compared to some of them, she's not so bad. We've seen far hotter though for sure.
  11. So in a nutshell, Galko is suggesting we will trade with the Browns to get their Pick #4, and with that pick either Josh Rosen or Sam Darnold will be available to take, although the expectation is Cleveland takes Darnold with the #1 pick and therefore our choice would be between Josh Allen and Josh Rosen. Do you think he's joshing us? So true.
  12. Not sure if this means you are a woman, or just a guy who enjoys wearing women's undergarments.
  13. Right, b/c everyone knows the magic ingredient that makes any football go is the left guard.
  14. I second this! The OL can be filled in on short notice hopefully in some kind of acceptable manner, and then improved upon over time. The key, as always, is the QB.
  15. This cowboy is definitely a few French fries short of a happy meal.
  16. I don't know when it happened, but some time recently, I discovered I now have a new TV channel called the Olympic channel. They seem to televise a lot of curling, including women's curling, which I'm watching right now. We have a Canada vs. Sweden tilt going at the moment. I just thought I'd alert others to this development, as the world of women's curling seemingly has no shortage of hotties in it.
  17. But only enough to repel 2-3 meatheads per week. My superpower is tremendous strength. I can life a car off the ground with one arm.
  18. Nothing sucks more than your crank whore girlfriend cutting your head off. You know?
  19. Not much interested in discussing the football/Bills/draft stuff, but thanks for posting the clip! Never saw Braveheart but this looks like the beginning of a good battle scene.
  20. Can we just wait for the f-ing draft and see what the teams actually do? Focus on something else for a few weeks; it won't kill you.
  21. Is this a piece of creative writing/fiction or is she talking about her own personal life? Do we know? If she is talking about her personal life, WTF did she post it on her website for the world to read?
  22. Mike Schoop has dedicated most of his show to this story so far today. His thesis in a nutshell: It is likely that you will need to pick 1 or 2 to get Sam Darnold. The Bills would not go out there if they did not think they at least had a shot at getting him. Therefore, the Bills are scheming to get to #1 or #2.
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