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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Just saw the headline for this thread and had an idea. Maybe Elizabeth Hurley could somehow use her jugs to ridicule me.
  2. Just the thought of snowstorms in April make me depressed.
  3. He was also in a lot of Discovery Channel type military documentaries in recent years, focusing on various types of military hardware and what not. I always liked him and thought he was fantastic in FMJ. Ironically, I think he wasn't acting in that movie; he was just doing his own thing from the Corps! I'm sure some of those lines were not written in any script; they were too good.
  4. Sean Peyton's ability to accurately judge QB talent is no better than anyone else's. Assuming he's actually telling the truth. I would disregard this crap and just wait for the draft. See what happens.
  5. Just checked through the thread looking specifically to see if anyone posted this yet, and you did! Would have posted it if you hadn't. It's the definitive, must-see, Freddy moment in my opinion! How about this one!?
  6. I'm not locked in but would be happy with any of Darnold, Rosen, Mayfield, and even Rudolph under the right circumstances. I'd be flexible on any of those. The only guy who won't sway me is Lamar Jackson. He's poison to me! (Sorry to answer basically with the opposite of what the OP asked for).
  7. Meh...he's not good enough of a player to get too excited about one way or the other.
  8. "If anyone is wearing a cheesy black plastic quartz watch, please show it now."
  9. One of my favorite bits of Ed's work: the solo from Hot For Teacher. Love that! Definitely not into his style of music, but the man could play a freaking guitar! Huge talent.
  10. 79 degrees F here at 9:51 pm. Ice trouble in WNY on April 14th? That's tough to take. I commend you and award you five bonus points for your choice of entertainment during the ice storm. I have the DVD myself and have watched it quite a few times.
  11. The Miami cap says "GO FINS" and my immediate reaction was "No one calls them that but their enemies." Is that true? Miami fans don't call the team "the Fins" do they? These caps are stupid and rather ugly. The Bills cap says "BILLIEVE".
  12. People say, "My God! His arm is so strong! It's like Matt Stafford's!" Yeah, well what has f-ing Matt Stafford ever done for anyone? You wanna draft Matt Stafford? Me neither.
  13. She's no looker, but waking up next to this has to be better than waking up next to a decapitated horse's head. No?
  14. My position on Thurman has always been that he remains one of the greatest "offensive weapons" the league has ever seen. I think "offensive weapon" is the right term for him, as he transcended merely being a runner in a way Barry Sanders, for example, did not. Put it this way: if you were going to construct an all-time offensive team and trying to find a guy who could help you move the ball downfield and score points (which is pretty much what the offense in football is all about) Thurman would easily be an all-time, Top-5 selection for that job. His only flaw was not having break-away speed, and he would get caught from behind without too much trouble, which is why he probably doesn't have as many TDs or super long runs as he should have, even if he still has a ton! Kenneth Davis was always a good bit faster, but of course not the total package Thurman was, despite the fact that I love Kenneth Davis and he seems like one of the better backup HBs in NFL history. If you are trying to move the ball and score points, Thurman is your man!
  15. Who knows what Richie is thinking. If he is willing to come back, I'll have him. If he isn't, we'll move on to the next guy.
  16. I'm afraid the Skins kind of own us going back to 1992 when they made us their little B word in the Superbowl. But glad your son got the better of these NOVA punks this time!
  17. (Large font for emphasis ) Message to Sal Capaccio: You like to play the role of insider embedded within the team and in the know with trusted sources. How about actually doing some reporting, getting in front of this story, and telling us what is going on, instead of functioning as a mouthpiece for the PR department of OBD for a change?
  18. I guess I would vote Peterman seeing as D.D. struggled with spelling, grammar, diction, or trying not to come across as ****-faced drunk. Reading his writing was annoying.
  19. Better thread title would have just been "Dick".
  20. "His character is what drew us to him. Mind you, now and again he beats up his girlfriend and seems to have a habit of getting on the bad side of the law, but he's fundamentally a good kid." Only in the NFL!
  21. Maybe someone is selling him oregano on the sly. The first photo next to the clock looks like what I assume gay porn would look like.
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