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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Interesting post-game commentary tonight from Mike Milbury and Keith Jones. After the Pens/Flyers snooze fest. Keith Jones basically saying that the Flyers played in awe of the Penguins and for some reason are not approaching them in a physical manner like a fierce rivalry with some good old fashioned hatred. His point being that if you are going to leave Crosby alone and not hammer him to death he will "eat you alive". M.M. followed up by saying really tough, physical play is frowned upon now, you are going to get into trouble for going that route, and we just aren't going to see it anymore as in years past in his opinion. I.E., both guys are basically saying the Flyers only shot at beating Pitt was to goon it up and really turn the series into a war, but for whatever reason they just didn't go there and the result is an easy series win (most likely) for the Penguins. As someone who really misses physical hockey with fighting, their comments are really depressing. But the game has changed, it's nothing new, and man, it has never been more boring.
  2. I remember this as an event, not a date. In fairness, this just didn't get the coverage or have the sense of national tragedy as the Challenger explosion, for whatever reason. Maybe b/c we had already gone through one of these by the time Columbia happened. The image I have from this event is the astronaut helmet found in some farmer's field. Here...thought I could find it and I did.
  3. Anyone watch this? There are multiple episodes out, I believe 4, focusing on iconic toys from the '80s. I saw Part 1 last night, focusing on the early Star Wars toys from Kenner. Really interesting and well done.
  4. Exactly. Most things in life come down to very simple, basic human instincts. The false promise of hot chicks and sex in advertising/media pretty much single-handedly keeps commerce moving along.
  5. Lots of one-sided series so far, where you can pretty much tell who is going to win. Playoffs have been disappointing in that regard.
  6. The "War on Drugs" and illegal prostitution are two (of many) ridiculously stupid policies in this country. It took a long time for gay marriage to get sorted out. Legal marijuana everywhere is next, then maybe prostitution. This country is so f-ing puritanical.
  7. I'm thinking of the SNL skit where the joke was that Barbara Bush was the President's (G.H.W. Bush) mother, not wife, b/c she looked so much older than him at the time.
  8. June 1, 2000. My last (partial) year living in Buffalo. I was living in a flat in the city along the Elmwood strip. It got so cold at night I had to break down, after initial resistance, and turn on the furnace. I will always remember that date, b/c I was saying over and over to my girlfriend at the time "My God. It's June! And I'm turning on the furnace! When is it going to warm up!?"
  9. Hmmm. Wonder if she is related to ex-Montreal Canadiens Tough Guy Mario Roberge.
  10. It's football. People's bodies are going to get destroyed and people are going to have brain trauma. Either deal with it, or stop playing the game. A hybrid "safe" football is no solution.
  11. Football in domes absolutely sucks. So does baseball or soccer. Thank God most MLB teams have had the presence of mind to play outdoors on real grass. It would be unthinkable in Europe for a soccer stadium not to at least have a giant hole in the roof (or no roof) with real grass on the field.
  12. I think Brady will be the type to hang on as absolutely long as he can, perhaps ultimately leading to him being pushed out b/c he can't do it himself. He may hit the wall very suddenly (it's happened before) but he is showing no signs of it so far. I say he plays another 2-3 years.
  13. I have had a blast watching Boston completely own the Laughs. In particular, every time there is a puck in the corner up for grabs and a Bruin and Leaf are going for it, I have enjoyed immensely watching the Leaf player bail out so as to avoid physical contact. They will win nothing with players like that.
  14. My only advice would be to play something loud and aggressive as peaceful/quiet/pretty music could lure you into a nap, and that's not good while driving! Lay off the Enya.
  15. Sorry to hear he has died, but I never liked him as an actor/personality. Never got into Night Court either.
  16. Helmet technology doesn't stop inertia from existing; as long as that is around, there will be brain trauma in the NFL.
  17. "Arm Talent" is one of these B.S. sports terms that has magically been invented in the last few years that is religiously parroted by every moron trying to sound intelligent. I rank it right up there with "time and space" in hockey talk. Another good one, though not reserved to the sporting realm, is "optics". I want to kill every person I hear talking about "optics" as in "the appearance of something". A couple other terms that are now strangely routinely used, usually in a wrong context, in sports talk: "narrative" and "hyperbole". FACT CHECK: No one living in Tonawanda is actually named "Biff": TRUE.
  18. To the OP: Let's hope lots of NFL teams not located in Buffalo, NY agree with you! Would love for someone like Josh Rosen to slip into our hands! Sigmund Bloom was on today with Schopp & Bulldog; he said Cleveland may well take Allen #1 overall.
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