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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Last week, Schopp & Bulldog had yet another "draft expert" on and he went through all the QBs. His take on Allen was that he is too easily and consistently confused, can't make reads at the line of scrimmage, stares down #1 receiver, has trouble looking around to find an open target, etc. etc. All the usual stuff that makes a QB bad at the NFL level. For me, the job is mostly (like 80%) things not involving physical athleticism. Of course, when the time comes, you have to be able to throw the football and with fairly good accuracy.
  2. The mental aspect of the game is where his detractors argue he struggles. That is the most important part of a QB's game these days, and why I am not an Allen fan. You don't really need perfect size, huge hands, and a rifle to be highly effective in today's NFL. You need to be able to read a defense, understand football tactics, and know where the ball should go. You then need to be able to get it there accurately, but most throws are fairly short these days. Pick apart the D, hit the open man for a 7 yard gain. If you can do that all day long, you'll move the ball and score a ton. Ask Tom Brady!
  3. I don't really see anything new here to discuss. What the Bills do will ultimately involve a series of complex choices/events made by multiple organizations and we do not have nearly enough knowledge to make any kind of accurate prediction now. Save your energy for 5 minutes after we make our pick Thursday night. There will be a lot of educated discussion to be had then.
  4. I thought Brandy was a female given name. PS: Get rid of the "SCENE" and "END SCENE". This is not a scene, it's a story, with multiple episodes separated by time and space.
  5. Honest guy, and one of the few good journalists working these days covering football.
  6. That's not really true. He was probably not as great as his supporters suggest, nor nearly as bad as people like you claim. He entered the NFL too late, and he may be one of the very few players, ever, who was genuinely hampered by a measurable such as height. He truly was too short/small a guy. If you took everything else he had and put it into a 6'4" 225 lb. body, the dude would have been one of the greats.
  7. For some reason, that one really made me laugh. I might vote for that one. Going by general user reaction, I would say Dunkirk Don's original threads were regarded as the most funny by the average user. I would have read through more of that stuff than I did if DD had written in intelligible English.
  8. Wonderlic score for a QB certainly does not tell the whole picture, but it tells some of the picture, and never more than now. You can't go by Kelly and Marino; their horrid scores are from a different era where defenses were nowhere near as complex as now. Back then, the QB position did not place nearly the mental demand on the player as it does now.
  9. Tyrod's problem was not that he couldn't perform when the game was on the line. He just couldn't perform. "Clutch" is a BS thing sports fans talk about. What matters in real games is talent.
  10. I believe Nate Geary is something like a 24 year old kid fresh out of Buff State. I wouldn't take too much of what he says about anything too seriously.
  11. If we got good value for him, I wouldn't mind moving him at all. By the time the QB we are about to draft is good and surrounded by a winning team, Shady won't be part of the picture here anyway.
  12. I have no idea, but that seems highly plausible. Dude was seriously messed up. He was on some horrible reality tv show some years ago and he had some issues.
  13. I hadn't even thought to do something unusual around the draft, other than watch it when it starts. I will have the radio on during the day, though, as usual, listening for any news that may come around.
  14. Donald Jones was beyond awful on that show. I said I would give it a try with Tasker, but I still haven't. LOL. It's like listening to Bills-spin press releases coming from the PR department. I don't really have an interest in that.
  15. I don't know that he will bust, but I know he is dumber than dirt, and you need to be smart in certain ways to be a good QB in today's NFL.
  16. Our offensive line doesn't even exist yet. At least not in full. Let's see who the guys are before we declare them the worst in the NFL.
  17. Darnold. Rosen is the most polished right NOW, but he scares me. Not sure he's a slam dunk at all
  18. I would consider it in in principle. By the time we are good and the QB we draft has matured into The Man, Shady isn't going to be around anyway. Don't think you can get much for him, though, so it's all kind of moot. Or in TSW parlance, mute.
  19. So someone named Mike Clay says, as of 4/20/2018 that the Bills will be the worst team in the league next season with a record of 2-14. Who gives a flying F?
  20. Oh right. The pot reference. I was thinking this was some sort of Nazi code...Hitler's birthday is 4/20/1889.
  21. Well then why not just come out and say it.
  22. Chip really went from hero to zero in record time. He was supposed to be the hottest thing everyone wanted...then it all went to hell pretty fast.
  23. They can surround him with 10 future HOFers and psychically channel Bill Walsh to draw up the game plans... ...and Tyrod will still be afraid to throw the G.D. ball.
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