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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. In this clip, he actually reminds me of Tom Brady. He reminds me of Brady in many ways, now that I think about it. That's not exactly a bad thing. Get it done MCBEANE! Not really true. I believe Darnold is probably more consistently rated #1 by NFL teams and he has been and remains the betting odds-on favorite to go #1. Further, I believe he will go #1 to Cleveland. We'll find out.
  2. I have believed (feared) for a while that Cleveland will take Darnold #1 overall. Has nothing to do with this tweet, but I think that's going to happen. Question is what happens next. I hope I am wrong and the Browns take Allen; don't think we will be that lucky.
  3. Not sure why everyone needs to pour on the poor OP, unless you think he's just making this stuff up. Dude is just passing along what he knows. What value it may offer is a different matter entirely, but you don't have to pile on the OP!
  4. He is one of these modern day pro athletes who is going to retire a multi-millionaire, despite not really having done anything during his career. The NHL is mostly filled with these guys now.
  5. Joe Ferguson. I was a boy when he played for the Bills, but my lingering image of him is something like him failing to convert a 3rd down pass, and walking off the field, undoing his chin strap, and hanging his head. I know the "head hanging" thing is a label frequently slapped on him, but it truly is an image I have of him.
  6. Well said. He is not without certain talents. He has an incredible mind/memory for names/schools/details and can accurately ramble off information on the fly about whatever and whomever is draft related. Most people can't do that. He is very dedicated and hard working, clearly, and passionate about what he does. He is also very good at coming across like he really knows what he is talking about. Lastly, his approach is really helpful in the 24/7 news cycle we now have, where content of any kind is constantly in demand. Kiper's approach of being able to fill infinite time slots with rambling factoids and details is just what media outlets need these days. I actually fully understand why is he famous and gets a lot of attention, but none of it has anything to do with him accurately predicting NFL talent.
  7. Confucius Say: "The sports reporter who reports everything, reports nothing."
  8. Well, that's why I gave 2 different scenarios. The word around Cleveland from Day 1 was that they would not trade the first pick and that they were going to use it on a QB. Lots of rumors say they will take Allen, others say Darnold. I think one of those 2 outcomes is likely.
  9. Don't think the Giants are going QB under any circumstance, but who knows for sure.
  10. I think the Bills want Sam Darnold as their QB. I think they are prepared to try like hell to get to #2 to get him, if they can. I am hoping Cleveland takes Allen #1 overall as some have suggested; I fear they will lake Darnold however. I'll be holding my breath when whoever goes to the podium to announce the Browns' pick, assuming we don't know what it is already before the draft.
  11. I enjoy watching the draft, certainly at least for the first round and probably the second too. It's interesting to see who takes which player. This year seems to be more exciting than usual. I don't think it can be overhyped this year.
  12. Let's say we do a 3-way deal and find a way, somehow, to get to pick #2 overall. Cleveland takes Allen #1. Who do we take at 2? Cleveland takes Darnold #1. Who do we take at 2?
  13. Tasker was as terrible as ever as a color analyst in last year's pre-season games. He is better as a limited comment guy down on the sideline. He also speaks much better in a more relaxed setting like a radio show interview. I can see him being good on this show.
  14. I said we will move up to Pick #2. Why? B/C none of us knows what's going to happen, but I like the idea of dreaming big and hoping for the best. I'd love for us to find a way to get to 2 and select Sam Darnold, after the Browns take Allen #1 overall. If the Browns take Darnold, it will be damned interesting to see who we take instead, if we do pick at 2. Not a chance in hell this happens. Well, there is a chance. Only if all our potential trade partners and contingency plans fall through in a worst case scenario. I don't feel that happening though. I'm trying to stay positive.
  15. Bingo! Not getting one of the big QBs is failure, and there is no way around that.
  16. Didn't you hear? We were surprised and delighted to take him so low! Should have gone much higher. Speaking of "gone": so is the brain trust calling those shots. Thank God.
  17. There has been absolutely nothing out of OBD suggesting anything other than the Bills wanting a top QB prospect as a high priority and getting him in the lineup as fast as possible. This is a nothing tweet, like most of them.
  18. OH yes, one of the all time greats. Not sure if this is related to '70s actors, per se, but can I work a plug in here for Sophia Loren? She must have still had some big roles in the '70s.
  19. According to this, we can get an Andrew Luck-esque quarterback in Mike White in the 3rd or 4th round. Maybe we should do that and keep all those picks!
  20. Lamar Jackson equates to RGIII and Tim Tebow. Seems about right, i.e., out of the league shortly after being drafted.
  21. This points out that Josh Rosen is very comparable, stats wise, to JAY CUTLER and DAUNTE CULPEPPER. Good grief.
  22. Knowing what we know now about Jim Kelly? I would say he would easily be worth an entire draft worth of picks or something like that. I do not think there is any QB in this year's class that is expected to be or is going to be close to Jim Kelly, however.
  23. It is does seem like that, which means the rumor is either legit or just a very effective smoke screen! We still know nothing. An analytical metric which scores Carson Palmer and Donovan McNabb substantially higher than Peyton Manning, Aaron Rodgers, and Big Ben doesn't seem all that useful to me.
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