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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Couldn't agree more. The guy should have a human shadow who does everything with him all day long and doesn't limit his mentoring to just mechanics and reading defenses. Someone to teach Allen to keep calm, try to keep his confidence up, teach him a strong worth ethic and the importance of staying an hour extra to look at a bit more film or whatever, and so on. This is an example where Pegula's money and interest in spending it can really help the team. Not every team is going to go out and pay a guy to fill a slot totally dedicated to a single player who is not even a starter.
  2. I love it. This guy is smart, a naturally accurate passer, and he seems driven for total success, but he is kind of irritable by nature. Remind you of anyone? I'll give you a hint: he plays QB for the Patriots and owns the Buffalo Bills.
  3. Right, b/c our DC of a head coach has shown real acumen at the offensive side of the ball to date.
  4. They might reconsider when their asses are shown the door right about the time Allen is revealed to be a total bust.
  5. No Bill. It's because Allen has huge deficiencies to his game that are highly unlikely to be fixed at the NFL level. Further, the most polished/ready QB in the draft was still available when we picked and we passed on him. That's where the contention lies. EJ was a big/powerful/athletic guy with a really strong arm too. That's not really that important at the NFL level these days. Do Brees/Rodgers/Brady strike you as big tough guys?
  6. I would say it is possible that Allen starts, despite everyone saying he is a 1 or 2 year project. It is quite possible AJ #$*& the bed in pre-season and Allen impresses and we go with Allen for Game 1. I've seen crazier things.
  7. I would like to package it with Allen and other assets in a trade for a QB.
  8. You're entitled to your opinion. I'm not into slavish devotion. My general support of the team is not in question, but if we can't criticize/discuss decisions made by the organization, why the hell participate here? You sound like one of these "Fan club" guys who just views this board as a place to say "rah rah rah!" That's really f-ing boring.
  9. I am not sure we should trust them on offense. McDermott has already proved on several occasions that he is kind of a DC masquerading as a HC, at least in terms of x and o stuff. You can say that about every talking point on this board. The idea here is to discuss various topics affecting the team, not say "Well, what can you do!" If that was the objective, there wouldn't be a need for this board to exist.
  10. May we please have that again in English? I guess we paid high pick 5 money for pick 7. We gave Tampa (according to reports) what we offered to Denver at 5. We way overpaid relative to the Johnson value chart, for what that's worth.
  11. There were some here in the "many holes" camp. I think the overwhelming consensus was that it made more sense, in this year in particular, to trade up and go get our guy at QB. The plan was right, the player taken is the problem. We could have had Josh Rosen. Remember that! This is 1983 over again, and we just passed on Kelly and Marino and took Todd Blackledge! JESUS CHRIST #*&#*$&$#
  12. Mayock is an ex-football player. He is admittedly seemingly more accurate and articulate than your average NFL player, but as to whoever declared him some type of draft guru is nuts. You can arrive at your own accurate draft pecking order simply by averaging out the ratings among 4 or 5 major draft prediction outlets. It's not that complicated.
  13. Right, b/c QBs with chronic accuracy issues in college are frequently "coached up" into good NFL quarterbacks.
  14. That's how I feel about it. Honeymoon is over. No more benefit of doubt given.
  15. I bet they'll work him in there somehow. Maybe a joint announcement with Andre or he'll make a later announcement than originally planned. That's my hope at least.
  16. In the interest of trying to find something positive about our QB situation, let me just point out that there have been a few scouts/draft expert types to suggest that, had he been in this year's draft, AJM would have been the odds-on #1 draft prospect. I.E., pretend AJ finished his college career last season and came out in this draft with Darnold, Rosen, Mayfield, Allen, etc... He would be the guy taken first. And we have him! Plus, we don't really know what he can do at the NFL level. If he turns into something special, who cares about the Allen pick anyway!
  17. Not to mention regularly missing really easy throws that you can't miss at the NFL level, or being totally confused by simplistic defensive schemes employed by less than NFL caliber players.
  18. We will be very lucky to have that debate in the years to come. We are far more likely to have drafted the next EJ Manuel than the next Newton or Rodgers.
  19. Wyoming fans in a Laramie bar, cheering on Josh Allen:
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