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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. No sex parties in my neighborhood, at least that I am aware of. Need to work on that.
  2. AJ's mom is dressed like a whore, but that's what I love about her. Lovely knobs too. On the whole, Allen's mom is prettier/classier.
  3. Regarding the part about who Josh is a person: when, exactly, did the racism and white supremacist feelings start to develop?
  4. Just stop. He struggled to take advantage of weak college defenses, filled with players who will never get a sniff of the NFL. Every team he plays going forward will have defensive talent the likes of which he has never come close to dealing with. We can only hope this situation is improved upon with a better, more specifically chosen guy brought in solely to be the "Josh whisperer". If we do NOT do something like that, someone should be fired.
  5. I personally love the big tall guys who don't even need to be open to catch the ball. That's the future of the NFL. But if you are going to draft Josh Allen and actually expect him to play, you need huge speed burners who can take advantage of his arm and range. We need a Marquise Goodwin type back again...in terms of speed, not durability.
  6. His name reminds me of our old coach, the incommodious St. Doug.
  7. You can say the same thing, to a lesser extent, about Sam Darnold. I still like Rudolph and think he has at least as much of a shot in the NFL as Josh Allen.
  8. We are one of the top regression candidates in the league. I expect the 2018 results to be worse than 2017, but that isn't necessarily a problem. The OP's comments about Rosen and character are bunk.
  9. Word is he has a great, witty sense of humor, so there may be hope for him yet.
  10. Yeah, I'm not ready to criticize Cleveland for their picks at 1 and 4. We have to see how it plays out.
  11. He's a Bills fan. Name is a play on famous Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa. Read, and learn: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pancho_Villa
  12. They are exercising professional courtesy and treating their colleagues with some respect. I don't think you can blame them for that. Should they perhaps stick up for their own opinions more than they do? Perhaps. Sal C. is more or less an idiot. He says a lot of dumb things and often comes across like a glorified fan, which he fully admits he is. It's not very professional for someone with his job. Schopp could hang him out to dry in a debate but he chooses to refrain from that for obvious reasons. I don't think you can blame them for choosing to operate in this manner. BTW: WGR-550 is no worse than a lot of local sports talk radio in this country. Much of it is crap.
  13. Just stop. You have no idea who Beane wanted and he may have had to settle for Plan C.
  14. Edit your post and replace "retractor" with "detractor" and things will make more sense.
  15. Let's assume the theory is correct and the Bills coach Allen into a clone of Cam Newton. Is that good enough? Could we have done better in this draft?
  16. I don't think we know who "their" guy was. "Their" meaning McBeane and Co. I think we know who Pegula's guy was, and they drafted him.
  17. I don't think Darnold looks like a meathead so much as the sort to live alone in the woods and then one day go postal with an AR-15 before turning it on himself. Depending on how well AJ can throw a football at the NFL level, studying the women of the players this year may be a hell of a lot more interesting than studying the team itself. Wonder what other beauties are out there. Most of these guys must have pretty hot women.
  18. Word is slowly working its way around that Pegula fell in love with Allen's arm when the team worked with him. We now know (at least to my satisfaction) that Pegula is the lowest information sports fan in the history of sports fans. I smell a rat here. I just wonder how much influence Pegula had in this decision. He may have had 100% influence, or none, or something in the middle. We may never know.
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