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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Allen lacked NFL talent around him on offense, but he sure as hell wasn't facing NFL talent on defense either. It washes out. I don't like to focus on team stats like win/loss record or TPPG and what not. Focus on what you bought: Allen himself. Watch his traits as an individual and focus on that parts of the game that he has 100% control over. Be careful! You may not like what you find!
  2. Sadly, you are missing precisely NOTHING. The real gut punch here is not going to be the failure of Allen, but the success of Rosen. We could have had him!
  3. The same can absolutely be said of the "pros" making the picks. It's a crap shoot.
  4. Hey you never know. Riley Ferguson and the Bills may meet up down the line. We're going to be in the market in a few years.
  5. Auto-correct errors don't count as true errors. The stuff I like is what comes out of the minds of some posters. "For all intensive purposes, its mute because their not going to draft him any way." And that sort of thing.
  6. I'm a huge watch enthusiast and have owned many different models. Currently have about 6 or 7 in the lineup.
  7. Allen's has a great sense of humor. It's the best thing I can say about the guy. If only he could play QB.
  8. What are you doing with your EJ jersey these days?
  9. Your rah rah speech is great. You left out the part about drafting a crap QB which results in the FO being fired and the franchise being set back 3 years.
  10. Perhaps Jesus told them to draft Allen in a vision? Makes as much sense as any theory. Rosen can actually throw a football accurately and has been successful against top college talent, is way smart for a football player, and knows how to read defenses.
  11. Allen is EJ 2.0. He has all the physical attributes you dream of. Problem is he can't play QB. Over time it will become obvious he doesn't have it and everyone here will start to clamor for a new QB. Christ, Rex Ryan enjoyed a lot of support around here too when the hire was first announced.
  12. I agree with this. I have zero faith in AJ's competence at the NFL level. If Allen is every going to be worth a crap, he probably should be able to beat AJ in his first training camp and win the starting job. If he can't at least compete for that but "needs time to watch and learn" start scouting more QBs.
  13. No offense, but the highlighted text is just fictional garbage. You're living in your own dream world. Know what my belief is as to why Allen's stats were so poor? He's not very good. It's simple. Don't make it hard.
  14. Yes, bingo! Lots of people enjoy the hype and want to participate any way they can. If you are not like that yourself, you could do what millions of people do: pretend the NFL doesn't exist and go about your life doing other things.
  15. Dahlin's going to be a beauty, and he's going to be able to step into the NHL right away and excel. Generational talent on the blue line.
  16. Still can't believe we won the draft lottery. Dahlin is going to be one hell of a hockey player.
  17. It looked like the defender fell into a river with a fast moving current. He was getting pushed back while flailing around, totally unable to help himself, or go anywhere that the river didn't want to take him. Completely 100% removed from the play, then deposited on his ass 10 yards behind the LOS for good measure. LOL!
  18. You sure you aren't taking his opinion simply b/c he likes the guy your team just drafted?
  19. The guy will need to transform into a new person if he is to be successful in the NFL. He does so many things wrong. He could get away with that at Wyoming where you have huge talent mismatches all over the field. It's not like that in the NFL, where everyone around you is a super talent. That's when the Allen way of doing things will kill his career.
  20. Sal can talk for 10 minutes while saying nothing. He's utterly unremarkable to listen to. What sort of scoops do you recall him ever getting? He has provided no inside information ever, as far as I can recall. His opinions relying on judgment are frequently wrong too. He does fill time slots on the radio though, which is basically his job.
  21. Agreed; that chick is really weird looking and not attractive at all. I believe that is part of why she was cast for those commercials, seeing as she plays the role of the personification of an upset stomach, or something like that.
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