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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Tom realized he could take Gisele's penis harness and work it into his training regimen.
  2. Dunkirk Dan is Dunkirk Don's body double for when the Federales start to close in.
  3. The early January P.C. a few years ago when he announced the upcoming "robust" analytics department. He was really on a roll throughout that entire PC. Just riffing BS like a maniac out his ass, nonstop. Brandon in his finest hour.
  4. First, are you suggesting that EJ does completely suck dangling donkey balls? Second, are you sure you are not getting him confused with Tyrod? Couldn't disagree more, only b/c I do not believe Allen has any "potential" at all. That pick was terrible and that will be obvious as time rolls forward. Ask EJ Manuel how that all works.
  5. So your data sample size was what? 5? It must be true. On behalf of Schopp, I'm hanging up on you now!
  6. Yes, I am sure there is a direct correlation between the geographic location of training camp and the team's success as a whole.
  7. You would have loved living in the USSR or Germany from 1933 to early 1945.
  8. It's not a hot take. He's not talking about the traditional stuff that has made fans hate Brandon in the past. He's referring to widespread knowledge/allegations of Brandon's sexual misconduct or whatever it is that got him fired.
  9. This was mentioned in the Brandon Resignation thread, but I thought it deserved its own thread. Around 29 minutes into Hour 4 of Schopp & Bulldog today, Bulldog indicated that he was getting a lot of contact from (presumably) sports/media contacts in the WNY area and they were not "Twitter bots". They were indicating that this story is not going to be a surprise to lots of people. Bulldog predicted lots of info. is going to be known in the next 24 hours about what happened. There is going to be a lot out there about this as time unfolds. Bulldog said "I think he's (Brandon) gonna deserve a lot of criticism." Popcorn at the ready. Can't wait. Hour 4 of Schopp & Bulldog: http://www.wgr550.com/media/audio-channel/05-01-schopp-and-bulldog-hour-4
  10. This was mentioned up-thread, but it deserves repeating. Around 29 minutes into Hour 4 of Schopp & Bulldog today, Bulldog indicated that he was getting a lot of contact from (presumably) sports/media contacts in the WNY area and they were not "Twitter bots". They were indicating that this story is not going to be a surprise to lots of people. Bulldog predicted lots of info. is going to be known in the next 24 hours about what happened. There is going to be a lot out there about this as time unfolds. Bulldog said "I think he's (Brandon) gonna deserve a lot of criticism." Popcorn at the ready. Can't wait. Hour 4 of Schopp & Bulldog: http://www.wgr550.com/media/audio-channel/05-01-schopp-and-bulldog-hour-4
  11. Just beginning to figure me out after 8,500+ posts huh? Keep up the good work.
  12. No. It's a stupid comparison. We still don't know what Brandon was doing exactly, whereas Kim Pegula met Terry when she was a waitress working at a restaurant that Pegula visited. I guess he asked her out and the rest is history.
  13. No way Kim is the real president for very long. Either it will be a figurehead type position, or she'll give way to someone who knows what they are doing. She just has no credentials for doing something like that whatsoever. I know she's the boss/pays the bills (or at least her husband does) but the point stands.
  14. They changed the name in 2016. Nowadays they call it the "Billuminati." CONFIRMED.
  15. Don't necessarily disagree with you, but who knows what is attributable directly to Brandon pushing/fighting for it, or not. Some things might change.
  16. PS: Please find a new President(s) for each or both teams ASAP. Kim Pegula can't keep this gig for anything longer than an emergency, interim period.
  17. "I won't dignify that with a comment" says Brandon. Sounds like the dude is in denial. At least Charlie Rose came clean the night he got canned...saying he made some sexual advances he thought would be well received but he realized he was wrong.
  18. SWEET MOTHER OF GOD! First the Sabres win the draft lottery, now OBD is finally removed of the foul stench of Russ Brandon. I would write more, but I'm off to buy lottery tickets!
  19. I love local TV/radio ads for small local businesses. You just know the owner is insisting on being in the ad, probably to the protest of the ad agency, b/c the owner is fat and ugly or has an annoying voice or looks creepy/dishonest or whatever...but he's the one paying the bill so on he goes. Many local car dealer TV commercials feature this sort of thing.
  20. Well so much for Hippocratic oath or the idea that doctors must help others and not harm them. Our society is so f-ing violent.
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