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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Given their tremendous record of success with both teams since taking ownership, I have every confidence in Kim's ability to now function as president of three major organizations at the same time. How hard can it be? What could go wrong?
  2. A lot of men hate women, the world over.
  3. He makes it look easy, which I guess it is, when you remove 20 players from the field and just play catch with a receiver. Is it possible that we could play some of our games in this manner this year?
  4. So to review: the write-up is so dumb, you thought you'd dedicate a thread to it and write a few hundred words on the topic.
  5. Ah yes, the old myth that anyone who is wealthy is a genius. To answer the OP's question, Kim Pegula doesn't know squat about what she is about to do. Let's hope she wisely keeps it a figurehead position and the real work is done by pros who surround her. I assume that is how it will play out, hence it's not a big deal.
  6. They must have a certain look in their eyes that makes you say "Here is a leader of men."
  7. Ronald the rabbit routed a rabbet, but rooted for the Redskins. Silly wabbit!
  8. Yep. The exception is: "In an effort to effect change within the organization, Kim Pegula started hiring more women than was traditionally the case."
  9. The other side of the coin, though, is that a lot of women are passionate about cheerleading and love to do it. There was a documentary piece about this on HBO (Real Sports maybe?) a while ago. The male interviewer was asking a cheerleader "Why do you do it?" basically saying "Who would you do this?" given the fact that the cheerleaders are screwed over, make no pay, it's viewed as condescending to women by a lot of people, etc... The cheerleader's response was sobering! She had this serious, sad look in her eyes and said "I do it for the love of cheering." You could tell this was a really important part of her life, in a way I would not have expected. Like wow, some people take being a cheerleader really seriously? Overall, not sure anyone really needs cheerleader or that they add very much to the entertainment product.
  10. RIP. "Fire Walk With Me" was a big disappointment for me. I was a huge Twin Peaks fan and have both seasons on DVD, but the movie never lived up to expectations. I rank the TV show (at least the first season) in my Top 3 best TV shows of all time, at least on normal network TV before this new generation of "super TV" on cable.
  11. No, not from a business perspective, not from a football or hockey perspective. Of course, being married to the billionaire who owns both teams changes a few things, however.
  12. No first round QB drafted since 1998 that had started less than 30 games at the collegiate level and completed less than 60% of their passes has been successful in the NFL. Allen started 27 games and has a career completion percentage of 56.2%. His stats and the data suggest he'll be something like a Ryan Leaf type.
  13. Could be September 2018. I think the organization is open to him beating out AJ for the starting job, if he actually does that this summer.
  14. Of course it's a sham of a program. But we already knew that, didn't we?
  15. You may not give a rat's ass about any of it, but I assure you this is a major news story in the WNY area in general.
  16. Of course they can talk about it. They aren't going to get into the merits or substance of the situation, but they can acknowledge it happened in an objective, clinical way, reading each side's public comments and then mention that they have decided to leave it there. The fact that they did not do that is awkward, unprofessional, and very "Buffalo." I believe that is the OP's point.
  17. Schopp & Bulldog's take on this breaking story today is a bit off as well. They are basically saying "we don't need to really get into the details of why he was let go; I don't need to know that...the main talking point is that he is gone and how this might impact the 2 organizations going forward." I'm paraphrasing there. Of course, they also conceded that the info. Bulldog thought was going to come out today has not, so there is not a lot of new stuff to talk about anyway. Of course, that does not stop them talking about other nonsense as it is! Schopp has now given more air time to what he watched on TV last night with his wife and the fact that the hockey uniforms of both teams in the playoffs should feature "color" with no one wearing a white sweater, if there is not a color conflict. Like Nashville should be wearing yellow and Winnipeg should be wearing blue. Makes a prettier picture against the white ice.
  18. He said he didn't want to talk about it b/c he can't prove it. I guess he figures it would amount to rumor or might be incorrect, so he wouldn't go into details. His basic point was that McDermott wanted nothing to do with Brandon and "didn't want to be in the same with him." You don't have to be a genius or have a ton of corporate experience to see that Russ is a classic BS-er who will never tell you what he is really thinking. Further, he's the type to be caught up in power, titles, the big corner office with the best view, and all related BS as well. Guys like that (and women) are into themselves and always looking out for #1, and full of #*#*. Insofar as McD appears to be a straight shooter, I'm not surprised he caught whiff of the foul stench surrounding Brandon and quickly walled him off.
  19. Starts at @ 32:20 http://www.wgr550.com/media/audio-channel/5-2-schopp-and-bulldog-hour-1
  20. I play the guitar. I love the Les Paul for its historical value and it can produce a great tone in the right hands going through the right amp. Having said that, it was a poor seller in its day, it's too heavy/awkward, and it has the weird scale length. The Stratocaster and its many clones is more popular and nicer to play in my opinion, even if it has a bolt on neck instead of a set-neck. Then you have the Telecaster guys, another popular guitar. I don't know, seems like Gibson never developed a more modern "classic" guitar that was highly in demand. The SG was always a fringe thing too, as was the Explorer. Some of their acoustic guitars are lovely, but most are going to spend $$$ on a Martin, not a Gibson. On top of that, Gibson has been poorly run for a long time and perception was that quality was poor relative to high price point. All recipes for failure!
  21. The problem was his position within the organization grew to much more than that, despite still just being a marketer. Don't forget, this dude was de facto OWNER at one point as well as GM. He influenced the hiring of the team's HC, weighed in on draft selections (almost certainly) and whispered in Ralph's ear saying God knows what for a long time. He has his detractors for a reason.
  22. I will concede that your opinion here is widely held among Sabres fans and the old uniforms are generally loved. But man, I hate those things! The royal blue is cheesy and the color scheme in general is not very good. I was too little to remember the French Connection era. Other than that, I have never associated anything with the old uniforms other than losing and being a really mediocre sports franchise. I would like to start a new era too, but one where we go BACK to the black/white/red era....but where we replace the goat head with something good. I liked those uniforms and we did a lot of winning in them.
  23. Really? Propaganda for what? Most folks around here are ready to kill Schopp and Bulldog on grounds of being critical of the Bills/Sabres. Or perhaps are you referring to the actual propaganda programing in the lineup---John Murphy's show.
  24. UPDATED INFO (?) Some time between when this story first broke and now, apparently Russ Brandon came out with his own statement. He is saying he wanted to hit 20 years with the organization and then "transition" out of the organization. Has been planning this for a while. He hit 20 last November, the draft is now over, and the timing is right to step away now. So we have 2 competing stories as to why he left, at least for now. Brandon isn't going to come out of this thing looking very good, I guarantee.
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