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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. His footwork is really bad. I can see why people talk about that so much and how he relies on pure arm strength to bail himself out of trouble. He loves to throw off the wrong foot.
  2. From earlier today on GR-55. On Allen: "I had him as a third round pick, my 90th player on the board, so I was very much a Josh Allen skeptic and nothing's changed. Two major concerns: processing skills/reading coverage and footwork skills impacting his accuracy. Those are 2 areas of concern that not a lot of quarterbacks have had success overcoming." http://www.wgr550.com/media/audio-channel/5-3-joe-marino-discusses-bills-and-nfl-draft-schopp-and-bulldog
  3. Well, given that most experts had Allen as a 3rd round iffy project type of pick, if he ever makes it in the NFL it will be a triple-super-duper-anomaly.
  4. Holy cow, who put this show together? "Mr. Lawrence's" agent? It's the same actor, is it not? I guess if you are type cast into a single role and haven't worked in 30 years (?) you might as well just form a new TV show around that role. Good for him.
  5. Have to remember to record the DVR. I enjoy watching the actual race each year. It's the 5 hours of nothingness beforehand I can do without.
  6. This is the sort of thing that makes the rest of the world assume all Americans are total idiots. And you really can't blame them.
  7. Meh, move him if you like. Clay has been a disappointing underachiever for his time in Buffalo. He doesn't really impact games one way or the other, and in a word, is replaceable.
  8. You would think the NFLPA would try to alter this trend. It's great for the QBs, but soon, the pay disbursal of an NFL team is going to be all the money to 3-5 guys, and everyone else in the league making nothing. They predicted that as the end outcome of the cap back when it was instituted.
  9. Interesting. Sounds like he will move in a different direction and not retire. He's one of the few really solid guys covering the NFL. He'll be missed!
  10. Love all the rationalization going on in this thread. Everyone playing the "Let's find ways to attack the validity of the tweets" not b/c it is misguided or wrong, but because posters don't like the outcome. Vintage TSW.
  11. This is a perfectly acceptable approach no doubt adopted by many Bills fans. But in the context of the "Was Allen a good pick?" discussion, it's a copout. "Do we want Allen to succeed?" is a topic for one thread, "Will Allen succeed?" is a different topic for a different thread.
  12. Galko: "It’d be an anomaly based off of his scouting report, advanced analytics, simple completion %, historical records, it’d be an anomaly if Josh Allen is successful in the NFL."
  13. Brandon's departure from the organization is already being felt.
  14. No, that's just you hoping he is successful and wanting him to be successful. Actually, he has a really good chance of busting out of the NFL in a few years.
  15. I just started a thread on this topic; listen to Eric Galko from yesterday on WGR-550. Maybe that was what you were thinking of. For example, since 1999, no college QB with fewer than 30 starts and a completion % in college below 60% has ever amounted to jack at the NFL level. Allen had 27 starts. Completion percentage was 56.2% for his career. There are mathematical models for predicting college QB success in the NFL. The people who actually study that stuff/compute that stuff/know of that stuff almost universally do not think Allen will amount to anything in the NFL. The people who are prone to ignoring it are the people who are ignorant of it to begin with, or place little value in it, i.e., ex football players. Allen COULD be a success, of course, but the data/historical record predicts he will not be successful. He's an unbelievably high risk/reward pick. 6th rounder and one of the greatest statistical anomalies in sports history. You basing your draft strategy off crazy 1 in 10 million lighting strikes? Let me know how that works out for you. Much smarter, more predictable, and more reliable to go where the data leads you.
  16. Doesn't make me feel better at all! If this information is true, it means their selection criteria is almost exclusively rooted in traditional meathead "football guy" type stuff, and not in analytics at all. Allen's stats at College combined with a large pool of historical data tells you he should certainly NOT ever become a good NFL player. The only reason you could take such a player is if you are blind to analytics and have a football coach mentality. "Look at that arm strength!" etc. Remember, this is the coach who didn't know a tie late in the season can't happen. Being unaware of fundamental data points like that, form a HC, is not acceptable. We all know McDermott loves to pray to Jesus. Let's hope he does a lot of it and has a special relationship with the Big Man upstairs...we are all going to need it if Allen is going to mature into anything other than a bust.
  17. Eliminating drunken idiots from a Bills game day experience in Orchard Park, NY is like trying to rid the earth of water. Not happening.
  18. Timing. McBeane entered the organization at a time when Pegula, having learned from past mistakes, was ready to allow change to be made.
  19. In fairness there are "sports guys" who function as presidents around the NHL and others are "business guys". No need to be a hockey player to run an organization like the Sabres business side. In fact, I would suggest you are much better off deliberately NOT using an ex-hockey player to run the business side of a hockey team. My beef is that Kim has no business credentials to speak of to be taking this on. As long as she delegates authority and remains president in name only, no harm, no foul.
  20. Another mediocre QB now on the market. Won't be long before a TSW contingent cries for the Bills to sign him.
  21. I have a great idea for getting the most out of Allen: trade him now for a better QB before teams catch on that he sucks.
  22. Eliminating or changing kickoffs might reduce concussions, per se, but it wouldn't do anything about CTE. As far as I recall, CTE research suggests the most at-risk players are linemen, not because they are getting lit up with the big head shot, but b/c they are banging into other bodies on every single play. I.E., many small contacts to the head are at least as bad, if not worse, than a huge head shot and concussion. Joe DeLamielleure was discussing this a few years ago on WGR-550.
  23. The fact is the team as a whole would have moved forward more quickly had Marrone stuck around. He was a bit of a dick, however.
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