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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I have noticed for a long time that I say "Take care" despite not consciously choosing to do so. It's just habit now, but I'm not totally sure when I started saying it.
  2. Further assistance for OP Mileena: This is Jim Kelly: This is Andre Reed: This is Bruce Smith: And this is Cornelius Bennett:
  3. I enjoyed some of the Frank Lewis clips; he was an excellent WR in those days. I see his is still alive and kicking, aged 70.
  4. True. I'm not suggesting he was abusing drugs again, just that serious trouble follows this guy around and his life is very much out of balance. Has been for a long time.
  5. Good luck with your travels and enjoy the game. I personally LOVE prime time games for the Bills, maybe perhaps because we get so few of them. I know most around here prefer 1pm Sunday starts, but the night game against New England has the potential for a ton of atmosphere and it could become something special if we find a way to win the game.
  6. McCarron's film from his rookie season in Cincy makes a fairly compelling case for Josh Allen to start in Week 1.
  7. It may not be long before his life is over. I'm not making light of that.
  8. Tom quietly reveled in the knowledge that he had finally found the perfect opportunity to brandish his new Espada Del Matador jacket from Balenciaga.
  9. This explains why Kansas City leads the USA in Vaseline sales every year.
  10. What if they were directed to take Allen by Pegula? And granted immunity even if he fails? I'm not saying this was the case, or even that it is probable. But it is definitely possible.
  11. That's an interesting angle I honestly hadn't considered. I assume Peterman figures into no plans whatsoever and is a sure #3. Unless Allen has a very strong camp and really impresses, I think McCarron will start the season. I also think McCarron will be terrible, leading to a QB switch at some point into the season, unless Allen looks horrid during the summer.
  12. I remember the 4 guys in the thread title! The Bills history is long and deep with tire fires at QB but outstanding RBs!
  13. No, that's not just your EJ Hangover nerves. Allen is a 3rd/4th round project who likely will never come good. EJ was the same. The fact that we took both guys way higher than that doesn't change who they are.
  14. My immediate reaction is that there is not enough there for a 30 for 30 type documentary. Also not enough national interest.
  15. You can't blame the kids who run around in public spaces and generally don't know how to behave. Their parents, however, should be slowly tortured.
  16. "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die." -Roy Batty
  17. Not that surprising really. Gainesville/northern FL in general is some scary ****.
  18. Don't think these 2 were who ZZ Top was singing about in "La Grange".
  19. I definitely watch. Don't see us being a breakout team in 2018 however.
  20. Seeing the names all spelled out like that in black and white is not encouraging. Have a look at who the QB is, the WR corps, and the OL, in particular. We are going to be praying for the return of Tyrod by Week 4.
  21. With all due respect, F the Pegula kids and anything they have to tweet about pretty much anything. Not really interested. They're all owned by the same 5 or 6 parent entities anyway, and all have exactly the same agenda, regardless of so-called "left" or "right" leanings. I'll leave it there as we aren't supposed to discuss politics!
  22. That sacking is a really interesting episode of history and I highly recommend anyone interested in history read about it. You have to love a bunch of Europeans marching off to the Holy Land in the name of God trying to reclaim Jerusalem for all of Christendom....getting a little distracted...deciding to ditch the plan....stopping in Constantinople, and then running around raping, looting, and destroying stuff. LOL. Ever been to Venice? Ever go to Piazza San Marco? Ever notice the horses up on the facade of the church? Those were stolen off the entrance of the hippodrome (Roman chariot racetrack) in Constantinople during that sacking in 1204.
  23. Rule #3 of football: Never watch AJ McCarron video when you can watch Katherine Webb video instead. (PS Matt Lauer was probably trying every move in the book off camera. LOL)
  24. Rule #1 of NFL football: Never take a QB from Alabama not named Namath, Stabler, or Starr. Rule #2: Never forget Rule #1.
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