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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I have never liked anyone with the surname "Bush" as much as this!
  2. I watched Season 1 and greatly enjoyed it. Also caught the @ 1973 (?) movie the show is based on a few weeks ago. Am watching Season 2 with interest but have found it a big disappointment so far. The show has acquired an overly artistic, moody look and feel. Too much dramatic music softly playing during dialogue scenes, with characters speaking slowly and dramatically in a way people don't speak. The whole thing feels detached. I'm afraid the base concept of the show worked for a single season, but not more. The old west motif was interesting and the character arc the robots went through as they gained sentience was interesting to see develop. But now the narrative tension has been resolved, the robots know who they are what the deal is, and they have rebelled and killed everyone. Not sure where you can go from there. Also, the old west thing is apparently running thin, hence the "British colonial India" theme being briefly introduced and now we are moving into Feudal Japan Land based on the last scene of the last episode! I'll enjoy that aspect of the show if it sticks around as I have an interest in that period of history. I will keep watching but I hope the show improves.
  3. Many, if not most, "expert draft analysts" had him as a 3rd round type project.
  4. Ledyard on Allen: He had 3rd round grade on him. Talent/athleticism is awesome, but at end of day decision making/accuracy are issues. Is it possible to develop the talent? Yes, but difficult.
  5. The prof is hotter than the student.
  6. I think you're over analyzing what the other poster meant by being another "Leaf." For most fans, Ryan Leaf simply means "colossal bust" and he also happened to be a QB. I agree he's not the best comp though for the reasons you state. A better comp would be EJ Manuel. He had a lot of physical attributes too, was mega high risk, but hard working and a good guy. I still say trying to turn Allen into a great QB is banging a square peg into a round hole, as the EJ project was, but time will tell.
  7. If he were a Bill, he'd be a living legend and promoted to demigod status, despite his unlikeable character and soft style of play.
  8. Yep, 1990. We should have beaten the Giants. I have always contended had we played 5 times, we would have won the other 4 games. They put together the perfect game plan to beat us and executed well, whereas we did not play close to our full potential. The next year the Redskins were a substantially better team. The 2 Cowboys games? Maybe we could have won one of them and things gone differently. I never felt like we put our best foot forward in any of the 4 Superbowls.
  9. Mother abused a wide variety of drugs during her pregnancy with Foxx, causing more than a few problems, none of which are curable.
  10. Fact about Brady: He prefers neither boxers or briefs, but custom made palm lace V-string panties from Victoria's Secret, typically in Joy Pink, Black Pearl Shine, or Nude.
  11. I think we need a new game to play. How about this: Post that little piece of information that is generally widely known about the preceding poster, but is too awkward/uncomfortable for people to speak about.
  12. Kodacolor=1942. So no, that photo has to be from the early '60s I'd guess.
  13. This "no hockey" for 2 straight nights is killing me. Should be a good game tomorrow, at least I hope so. Would love to see Vegas keep winning.
  14. Time spares no one! Say what you want about her, but Jane Fonda was hot as hell when she was younger.
  15. So much for the pinned and locked "Multiple Threads Guidance" post.
  16. It makes sense to adjust or implement adjustment onto the field as quickly as you can! I think the label "halftime adjustments" developed over time in an era when technology was less available and maybe a coach actually needed to get the guys around him in the locker room in order to implement the change he wanted. How many times have we seen Belichick scribbling notes with a little pencil (!) on a notecard right from the beginning of a game? You know he is noting what is working and not working and/or how he wants to correct things, and he is not wasting any time. Something to remember in this is that there is a big difference between what the 2 coaches thought would work during the week leading up to the game, and what the game itself shows them actually works. And the game may well not need more than a few possessions to show you.
  17. We already knew that. Show me meaningful data that indicates throwing velocity translates to success in the NFL at the QB position. Keep in mind 80% of all passes are 20 yards or less. I note that past "velocity champions" include such great Quarterbacks as Logan Thomas, Tyler Bray, Brandon Weeden, Levi Brown, and everyone's favorite passer: Colin Kaepernick. I think he was so conscious of his power that it screwed with his head and he held off deliberately when he threw. Kind of like the weird mental glitch some pitchers have when they field a ball and throw to first base. They are so aware that they have the power to throw the ball through the glove of the first baseman, it screws with their head, they hold off on their natural throwing motion/velocity, and end up throwing inaccurately to the bag.
  18. Congratulations withheld until we see what happens with Josh Allen. When Josh goes south, so will Beane. That is, unless the pick was ordered by Pegula with a promise of immunity to Beane. That is possible, if not entirely probable.
  19. "Aside from the fact that he likes to smack women around from time to time, his character is what drew us to him."
  20. Homer analysis. The QB position is likely much worse, until Allen (if ever) comes up to speed.
  21. If Allen is ever going to be good, it would benefit the Bills to find out as quickly as possible and to start him as quickly as possible. You want to get as much playing mileage as possible out of his first contract.
  22. Is it not possible that the main issues impacting the team, at any moment in time, are fairly well known? And that wherever Bills football is discussed the same issues will therefore be discussed?
  23. Urination calibration abomination.
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